09-13-2023 05:44 PM
09-14-2023 02:23 PM
@gwens*4saleitems* wrote:Cream of Wheat is fine to list as long as it's not expired.
*They* already took "Uncle" off of Uncle Ben's products.
*They* removed the Indian maiden off of the Land-O-Lakes carton.
*They've* also rewrote the jingle for Rice-A-Roni, it's no longer referred to as the San Francisco treat.
I'm surprised that Betty Crocker is still a household name.
Strange, isn't it?
The man on the Cream of Wheat box was Frank L. White (1867-1938), a U.S. citizen who had immigrated here from Barbados, and was a master chef when he posed for the photo and became the "public face" of the cereal.
The man on Uncle Ben's Rice was Frank Brown, a Chicago maître d'hôtel in the 1940s.
They were real people. Maybe now, in this day and age, we think there are better images to use. Maybe those two men would even agree with that. But I hate to see them dismissed as mere cartoons when they surely did not see themselves that way.
The Land O'Lakes "Indian Maiden" -- Mia -- was redesigned in 1954 by Ojibwe artist Patrick DesJarlait, who fought hard to be recognized as a commercial and animation artist in a filed dominated by Whites. According to his daughter: "With the redesign, my father made Mia’s Native American connections more specific. He changed the beadwork designs on her dress by adding floral motifs that are common in Ojibwe art. He added two points of wooded shoreline to the lake that had often been depicted in the image’s background. It was a place any Red Lake [Minnesota] tribal citizen would recognize as the Narrows, where Lower Red Lake and Upper Red Lake meet." She compared removing the Indian Maiden to other theft of things meaningful to her people: "Mia, the stereotype that wasn’t, leaves behind a landscape voided of identity and history. For those of us who are American Indian, it’s a history that is all too familiar."
Evidently Betty Crocker is safe because she is White. After all, it is only images of non-Whites that are removed from commerce in the name of diversity.
As for Rice-a-Roni, it has always been manufactured in San Leandro, anyhow! (I think the company does not want the association with San Francisco, although there was official denial that such is the case.)
09-14-2023 02:43 PM
"After all, it is only images of non-Whites that are removed from commerce in the name of diversity."
Yeah, they are making things so much more diverse with this strategy. 🙃
09-14-2023 02:52 PM
Oh goodie, I haven't seen this argument in awhile. Bonus points for whoever first says "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
09-14-2023 03:06 PM
@inhawaii wrote:It's not "Uncle Bens" anymore.
It's "Ben's Original". 😉
That's right. Must soothe the White consumers by removing any suggestion that Ben is not a White guy. After all, how can White people feel safe if there's even a hint that a non-White person might, even several generations ago, have been involved in food processing, preparation, or presentation?
Thank goodness I can eat my raisins without worry, since the Sun Maid model (Lorraine Collett Peterson) was a White woman, and add them to my Quaker Oats, since the guy on the box is an imaginary White man.
09-14-2023 03:42 PM
Because someone decided it was racists'. Welcome to the new world order.
09-14-2023 03:50 PM
The way I handle a product that is removed for being against violation in eBay world I just comply to their policy & move on. I just had a Mississippi Souvenir Shot Glass remove today under a policy violation due to the prior state flag. I would rather avoid a violation and I sell it on another platform. I have also had Dr. Suess Books removed as well.
09-15-2023 09:34 AM
@gwens*4saleitems* wrote:@stephenmorgan I do not know the answer to that. All I know is this happened at around the same time as "aunt", "uncle" and "Indian maiden" were cancelled. I still sing the jingle with the treat part. 😉
09-15-2023 09:44 AM
Sort of ironic considering the amount of food we get here imported from China and other places.
09-15-2023 05:03 PM
it is sad to see some of the same tactics that took in Germany between 1933 and 1945.