02-07-2025 08:02 PM
So I came here looking for help. What I received instead, was a bunch of indirect insults and low stabs from a group of self entitled, narcissistic Karens that somehow believe they are above everyone else and **bleep** me for bothering you with a question because all mighty Ebay can do no wrong. And it was almost all the same from each respondent. Like a flock of sheep quoting Ebay policy as their falling off the cliff they just got herded off. Does it maybe, just maybe, stand to reason that some of their policies may be flawed? Or have you created another god? Because, thats how some of you, not all, but some of you are acting. Sorry I bothered you. So you guys just keep looking for Kyle. He's this tall...right?
02-08-2025 09:27 AM
"So I came here looking for help. What I received instead, was a bunch of indirect insults and low stabs from a group of self entitled, narcissistic Karens that somehow believe they are above everyone else and **bleep** me for bothering you with a question because all mighty Ebay can do no wrong"
Exaggerate much?
02-08-2025 09:32 AM
Any one can sell something when the good times are rocking & rolling, when time get tough a sales person knows how "to git er dun". and ain't afraid of a little BST (hint a name of pop rock group) from yesteryear. (1967 and still hanging around).
02-08-2025 09:55 AM - edited 02-08-2025 09:56 AM
I sort of understand what the original poster means.
I don't think it is ever a valid response to quote ebay policy.
The reason: it's been proven over and over that ebay uses loopholes and
doesn't even follow it's own policies and has customer service people that will
give you bad information and if you follow it, you are screwed.
Anyone that believes that ebay doesn't have areas to work on and be better, then they are delusional.
I have sold on here for over 20 years and although I have had relatively little problems on here,
I have monitored the various changes in policy over the last 2 decades and I pretty much predicted the negative ripple effect of many of those poor decisions they made.
It's no surprise to me that some of the problems ebay has today are a direct result of ill-thought out changes in policy they made a decade ago. Overall it's still worth it to me to sell here as I like auctions and no one else does that.
Etsy has no traffic and stuff just sits there. Amazon is not user friendly. and Facebook marketplace is a hassle. So, I keep weaving my way thru the chaos to survive here on ebay by adjusting to some
of the stupid decisions they are making.
02-08-2025 10:03 AM
"Oh, my. I've said it before... I'd not want to be a new/returning seller here for anything anymore."
I replied that ^^^ in response to your previous "How does this happen?" post. You missed that it was conveying empathy.
Agreed that some of the policies are flawed. We were only trying to explain "How does this happen?" Lesson learned, no?
02-08-2025 10:03 AM
I know what you mean. You take the time to explain your issue and all of that is wasted as some karen formulates a judgement which is off base, btw, and drives their own agenda as to what you are doing wrong. Its like they're members or the "Party" and their only wish is to drive any and all cries for help into dust be obfuscation. There cant be any problems to solve. Because you are the problem. Its awful sometimes dealing with elements of this cadre of true believers.
02-08-2025 10:11 AM - edited 02-08-2025 10:14 AM
luckily for me when I do ebaying it goes well but I also don't have a weird view of reality were everything works to my favor. such as selling a 200 dollar item and refunding half and then shipping out a 1000 dollar item that gets lost so ebay covers their expenses even though the sellers 1000 dollar item is in the twighlight zone. Wouldn't ebay be sooooooo much better for sellers if they didn't hold the thousand dollar transacation that has disappeared? that sure would be good for sellers and I am totally sure no one would ever abuse the free 1000 dollar hack. at some point you have got to take responsibility on why it keeps going bad for you and others are looking at you like you're a complete fool that has no clue what is happening around them and just plays the victim of your own circumstance. to me it's pretty simple concept if someone pays me 1000 dollars and the item never goes to them it would seem completely fair that I am not getting 1000 dollars after all. I think you may want to adjust your views on how things work or you will continue to feel like you're getting rolled over by things that are simple to others. ops problem is actually crazy. losing a thousand dollar item get real.
There is only so much dancing around the issues some of you have that yeah it probably comes off as snarky but refer back to the playing a victim.
02-08-2025 04:38 PM - edited 02-08-2025 04:39 PM
@hachumi wrote:Welcome to one of the most toxic places on the internet!
It's been this way for years, people come here with problems, and the regulars will look through your profile and tell you why it's your problem, and not Ebay (it's never Ebay, it's always you!).These people are called the cheerleaders (Rah, rah, rah) and they are the people that are mostly posting the snide comments on this thread here.
I come here to for fun sometimes, just to watch the train wreck.
What's wrong with cheerleaders?
Also Steve Martin, Jimmy Stewart, and Samuel L. Jackson.
02-08-2025 04:49 PM
@hachumi wrote:Welcome to one of the most toxic places on the internet!
It's been this way for years, people come here with problems, and the regulars will look through your profile and tell you why it's your problem, and not Ebay (it's never Ebay, it's always you!).These people are called the cheerleaders (Rah, rah, rah) and they are the people that are mostly posting the snide comments on this thread here.
I come here to for fun sometimes, just to watch the train wreck.
That says a lot about you.
02-08-2025 08:19 PM
Here they come running onto the field....
02-08-2025 08:24 PM
"Welcome to one of the most toxic places on the internet!"
I'm going to guess you don't spend much time on the internet.
02-08-2025 08:25 PM
Ahh the squad leader. Got tired of answering the questions and now posts condescending things about people complaining about things like slow sales, paying taxes and the like.
Phrases it in a joke, so it seems like just playing.
I'm surprised it took you a page to show up.
But see my point, shows up to say my post is a bad reflection on me.
RAh Rah RAh!
Such entertainment! that's why I come and watch...
02-08-2025 08:27 PM
yes it's unhinged here one of the last true gems left on the internet. Thanks ebay for the great forum. Go EBAY!
02-08-2025 08:32 PM
02-08-2025 08:33 PM
Funny thing is, I heard that from somebody else, not my quote.
But hey, drinking bleach isn't as toxic as drinking cyanide either
02-08-2025 08:34 PM
And who said Ebay can't do anything right?