Just had to opt out of the "New" international Shipping program.Because
I just sold something I had listed a few days ago, and I looked over the
ad and noticed the list of countries I now ship to that I have never
shipped to and won't. I'm tired of t...
You spend all the money you make on Ebay, through spendable funds on
Ebay? Or if no money ever hits my bank account from here, am I making
any income or just breaking even?
Cheerleaders also clot together in posts to joke with each other and
prove their coolness.inside jokes with each other at the posters
expense, classic sellers forum activity.this girl is on number two.Rah
rah rah
You must be second string, cause now you are proving my point.Somebody
sez something the cheerleaders don't like and it goes from help to get,