02-07-2025 08:02 PM
So I came here looking for help. What I received instead, was a bunch of indirect insults and low stabs from a group of self entitled, narcissistic Karens that somehow believe they are above everyone else and **bleep** me for bothering you with a question because all mighty Ebay can do no wrong. And it was almost all the same from each respondent. Like a flock of sheep quoting Ebay policy as their falling off the cliff they just got herded off. Does it maybe, just maybe, stand to reason that some of their policies may be flawed? Or have you created another god? Because, thats how some of you, not all, but some of you are acting. Sorry I bothered you. So you guys just keep looking for Kyle. He's this tall...right?
02-08-2025 08:35 PM
Funny thing is, I've heard drinking bleach cures Covid. Not my quote, I forget who said that.
02-08-2025 08:37 PM - edited 02-08-2025 08:38 PM
That says a lot about him.
02-08-2025 08:39 PM - edited 02-08-2025 08:46 PM
@hachumi wrote:Ahh the squad leader. Got tired of answering the questions and now posts condescending things about people complaining about things like slow sales, paying taxes and the like.
Phrases it in a joke, so it seems like just playing.
I'm surprised it took you a page to show up.
But see my point, shows up to say my post is a bad reflection on me.
RAh Rah RAh!
Such entertainment! that's why I come and watch...
First. I wasn't evan part of the original thread that the op was complaining about.
Second. YOU are the one complaining about what other people say rather than trying to help the op. You seem to enjoy complaining more than helping.
Third. Smart people, when they encounter something "toxic", they stay away.
Rah rah rah.
Squad leader out.
02-08-2025 08:39 PM
It says even more about the guy who came up with that one.
02-08-2025 08:40 PM
give it a try.
02-08-2025 08:40 PM
that sez alot about you.
02-08-2025 08:41 PM
@hartungcards wrote:"I'm surprised it took you a page to show up."
@inhawaiiwould have been here much sooner if you'd also complained about slow sales and paying taxes.
THIS made me expel lemon water through my nose. Do you have any idea how much that burns? DO YOU?
02-08-2025 08:43 PM
You must be second string, cause now you are proving my point.
Somebody sez something the cheerleaders don't like and it goes from help to get, em.
02-08-2025 08:43 PM
I've heard that expelling lemon water through your nose also cures Covid.
02-08-2025 08:46 PM
I gave you this helpful because that's what cheerleaders do. All about the positivity!!! You ROCK hachumi!
02-08-2025 08:50 PM
Cheerleaders also clot together in posts to joke with each other and prove their coolness.
inside jokes with each other at the posters expense, classic sellers forum activity.
this girl is on number two.
Rah rah rah
02-08-2025 08:51 PM
"You must be second string, cause now you are proving my point."
Sadly, now I'm not a cheerleader at all anymore thanks to that new Executive Order - I was scaring all the other girls. Or something.
02-08-2025 08:57 PM
I could see that, So I guess you're just an athletic supporter now.
yea I can see that...
02-08-2025 08:59 PM
02-08-2025 09:00 PM
As squad leader, you are terminated from the ebay cheerleading squad. Why don't you instead come here and complain about what others say and not even commemt on the topic at hand?