09-25-2021 12:56 PM
I just made an account and am limited to list or sell $500. What if I list an item for bid and the amount goes over $500?
09-25-2021 12:59 PM
The Auction will be allowed to run to the end regardless of your listing limit.
09-25-2021 01:10 PM
@josjoh_4933 wrote:I just made an account and am limited to list or sell $500. What if I list an item for bid and the amount goes over $500?
See reply above. Also, if you're planning to list such a big-ticket item from the account you're using here, your zero feedback will probably be an absolute magnet for scammers, who will try both purchase scams and shipping scams on you. Definitely start out small with items that you can afford to lose completely if things go seriously sideways. If you start your eBay adventure by listing a smartphone or game console, there is a strong chance that it will not end well. Feel free to ask any and all questions here. Good luck.
09-25-2021 01:12 PM
To add to what's been posted... your Listing Limits don't have anything to do with your Selling Price. Good luck.
09-25-2021 01:17 PM
ebay is very interested in making sure you ship that item
delivering the goods is very important to ebay
way to go and keep on ebayin !
09-25-2021 01:36 PM
Thank you those who answered. What about setting a reserve price? I imagine that would not be able to be set higher than the selling limit am I right in assuming that?
09-25-2021 01:49 PM
Let's hope you don't think that setting a Reserve price would change things here.
You would still be a new seller listing a high dollar item and you'd still be prey for scammers.
In addition to that, a Reserve will cost you money whether or not your item sells.
And legitimate buyers don't like to play guessing games.
Furthermore, it would really be a good idea if you'd do some buying before starting to sell here.
Buying has the advantage of showing you how eBay works and also of getting you some feedback.
09-25-2021 01:59 PM
@josjoh_4933 wrote:Thank you those who answered. What about setting a reserve price? I imagine that would not be able to be set higher than the selling limit am I right in assuming that?
Don't mess around with a Reserve price. It will also cost a lot. Just start your auction at the minimum price that you would accept to sell it if you only ever got one bid.
Realistically, though, if your item has a known average retail price (i.e. it's not an antique, rare collectible or one-of-a-kind), it's best to list it as Fixed Price only, no Make Offer option, and with the Immediate Payment Required option set (see the full listing form for that), so that no one can snatch your item off the market without actually paying you for it first.
What is the item you are thinking of listing here?
09-25-2021 02:18 PM
Reserves are just a way to make more money for eBay and throw it away for you. Even though you are new you must realize no one can bid less than the starting bid. That is effectively the same as a reserve. And savvy buyers hate having to play guessing games. Nibble bidding is a PITA.
09-25-2021 03:21 PM
No one will bid if you set a reserve price. Bidders hate auctions with reserves. I always pass them by.
09-25-2021 04:02 PM
Buyers hate Auctions in general.
Not only are less than 15% of transactions Auctions, but most get only one bid and sell for the opening price. And Auctions have ten times more Unpaid Item Disputes than Fixed Price.
About scammers.
If someone asks you to text them, Block them and report them to eBay.
That's a scam.
If someone asks many questions, especially if they are already in the Description, Block them. They are at best a time-waster and at worst a scammer.
If someone asks good questions, put your answers in the listing and thank the member when referring her to those answers.
If someone wants to change the mailing address, that's a scam.
If someone wants to send you a shipping label, that's a scam.
Freight forwarders are very safe addresses, but the overseas buyer who is using a forwarder will cost you more in fees- 4.4% rather than 2.9% domestically.
09-25-2021 04:28 PM
@reallynicestamps wrote:Not only are less than 15% of transactions Auctions, but most get only one bid and sell for the opening price. And Auctions have ten times more Unpaid Item Disputes than Fixed Price.
What is your source for these statistics?
09-25-2021 04:51 PM
Reserve fees are charged whether the item sells or not, and they are high. Don't mess with reserves.
I know you want to get around the $500 limit, but eBay sets those limits for a reason. There's too much scamming going on with both buyers and sellers on the newbie side so eBay is attempting to limit the fraud.
Your two best options as far as I see them:
Obviously I think option A is better than option B for most new sellers. What is it that you want to sell, @josjoh_4933? It's not a smartphone, a laptop or a gaming console, is it?
09-26-2021 12:48 PM
Just clicked on this persons stats...no longer a registered user.
09-26-2021 04:14 PM
@reallynicestamps wrote:Buyers hate Auctions in general.
Not only are less than 15% of transactions Auctions, but most get only one bid and sell for the opening price. And Auctions have ten times more Unpaid Item Disputes than Fixed Price.
Hi! Still waiting for your source(s) for these claims above.