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What In The World Is eBay Waiting For??

This is my "proprietary" idea and as such would be glad to sell it to eBay for .5 of 1 % of all revenue generated:
The ALL NEW  "eBay Ad Blocker"!!!
For a monthly subscription rate you can apply Ebay's new "Ad Blocker" to your store or individual sales. It stops all the promoted listings garbage and also removes any other annoying "similar sponsored" " Visually similar" etc neverending crap you see smothering your listings.
When potential buyers click on YOUR listing, all they see is your item. Your specifics.
Never work, you say?
Ebay makes too much with promoted extortion, you say?
If just 5 million sellers signed up with a monthly subscription rate of say..29.99...( I KNOW I would!) eBay collects a cool 1.8 BILLION a year in revenue.
That's 450 Million a quarter.
Do you have any idea how much revenue was generated last quarter by Promoted Listings.
Of course you don't.
341 Million.
For the math challenged? 450 Million>341 Million.
Sure....PL's would slowly drop as more and more sellers were able to block them. But for a while they would stay strong as sellers RAISED their PL percentages to maintain their sales. And really...who cares about sellers that willingly participate in eBay's promoted listings death spiral anyways?
I know I don't.
And don't tell me the they can't do it.
They've already managed to create the algorithms that allow you to assign different PL rates to each and every one of your individual listings!! Along with algos that track EVERY individual's sellers metrics on eBAY! And kick you off if you fall below a certain level. Every Single Seller On eBay!
A blanket "Ad Blocker" wouldn't be all that hard. 
As for me?
I'm just gonna sit here and wait for one of eBay's cash grabbing execs to contact me about acquiring  my "proprietary" idea.
And I'll be rich.
The rest of you?
Comment away.....

Message 1 of 19
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Re: What In The World Is eBay Waiting For??

This sounds good and all, but you realize that having a bunch of other listings on your listing actually doesn't hurt you that much. If a potential buyer clicks on your listing, they are there to check out your listing, not the others that randomly pop up. Keep in mind that many buyers dislike the "similar" and "recently viewed" listings as well, as they only want to look at the listing they clicked on. Once they look at your listing, and if they decide that they don't want it, then, and only then, will they maybe look at the suggested listings.


With that in mind, I know I would never pay $30 a month for no adds.  Of course, it may be a very good idea. But from where I am standing, it doesn't seem necessary. But that is just my opinion, and you are entitled to yours. Good luck with your selling!

Message 2 of 19
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Re: What In The World Is eBay Waiting For??

I don't think that will float with ebay!, Don't really think you will get rich, & If ebay really wanted to do it, they certainly don't need you!, Sorry to Burst your Bubble!, All In All not a bad idea,But

Message 3 of 19
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Re: What In The World Is eBay Waiting For??

Good points! 
But as we've seen over the years, eBay doesn't really care about what sellers think. 
They only care about how much profit they can generate from them.
That's it.
That's WHY promoted listings was a concept that became reality.
Their "rob Peter to make more cash off Paul" was brilliant in lining eBay's pockets with more cash.
But it's shredding the platform as millions of sellers have fled, and even more stumble along with poor sales wondering if it's all worth it.
Most of those sellers would click on a 29.99 subscription link in a heartbeat.

But because you posted first with a well thought out rebuttal?
When my eBay ship comes in. I'll share some of my riches with you! 🙂

Message 4 of 19
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Re: What In The World Is eBay Waiting For??

Fine! Be that way! 
But when they adopt my idea and I'm floating in new found wealth?
I'm gonna Venmo you a couple hundred thousand in cash.
Just to make you "miserable".
And to gloat! 🙂

Message 5 of 19
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Re: What In The World Is eBay Waiting For??

And for a cool $250K, one time deal, I'll sell eBay the Maxine-Ad-Blocker-Blocker that blocks your blocker that blocks the ads, which said blocker they can also flog, or use, as they see fit.   We'll both get rich!!!



Message 6 of 19
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Re: What In The World Is eBay Waiting For??

Call me Debbie downer but, I doubt eBay will even consider your idea since they have a policy against accepting them. 
Unsolicited Idea Submission Policy  

So thinking that “I'm just gonna sit here and wait for one of eBay's cash grabbing execs to contact me about acquiring  my "proprietary" idea.
And I'll be rich.” 
Sorry but it just isn’t going to happen. 

Message 7 of 19
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Re: What In The World Is eBay Waiting For??

LOL!! Good One!!

Message 8 of 19
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Re: What In The World Is eBay Waiting For??

@joliztoyco wrote:

This is my "proprietary" idea and as such would be glad to sell it to eBay for .5 of 1 % of all revenue generated:
The ALL NEW  "eBay Ad Blocker"!!!
For a monthly subscription rate you can apply Ebay's new "Ad Blocker" to your store or individual sales. It stops all the promoted listings garbage and also removes any other annoying "similar sponsored" " Visually similar" etc neverending crap you see smothering your listings.
When potential buyers click on YOUR listing, all they see is your item. Your specifics.
Never work, you say?
Ebay makes too much with promoted extortion, you say?
If just 5 million sellers signed up with a monthly subscription rate of say..29.99...( I KNOW I would!) eBay collects a cool 1.8 BILLION a year in revenue.
That's 450 Million a quarter.
Do you have any idea how much revenue was generated last quarter by Promoted Listings.
Of course you don't.
341 Million.
For the math challenged? 450 Million>341 Million.
Sure....PL's would slowly drop as more and more sellers were able to block them. But for a while they would stay strong as sellers RAISED their PL percentages to maintain their sales. And really...who cares about sellers that willingly participate in eBay's promoted listings death spiral anyways?
I know I don't.
And don't tell me the they can't do it.
They've already managed to create the algorithms that allow you to assign different PL rates to each and every one of your individual listings!! Along with algos that track EVERY individual's sellers metrics on eBAY! And kick you off if you fall below a certain level. Every Single Seller On eBay!
A blanket "Ad Blocker" wouldn't be all that hard. 
As for me?
I'm just gonna sit here and wait for one of eBay's cash grabbing execs to contact me about acquiring  my "proprietary" idea.
And I'll be rich.
The rest of you?
Comment away.....

Sorry @joliztoyco but you're going to have to pay me royalties on that one.  😉

This one may be more of a suggestion than a question but - since sellers can buy their way in to Promoted Listings, why not let them buy their way out of PL too? Maybe eBay could offer an "ad free subscription" where sellers could pay a fee to opt out of having competitor listings cross promoted on their listing pages?

Message 9 of 19
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Re: What In The World Is eBay Waiting For??

Are you taking pleasure in destroying my "Yacht filled dreams"!!!!
You are NOT invited on the cruise!!
Stay on the beach, landlubber! 😁

Message 10 of 19
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Re: What In The World Is eBay Waiting For??

Too funny 😁😂🤣

Message 11 of 19
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Re: What In The World Is eBay Waiting For??

Dang you!!! I was looking to find a way to send this to you.
I thought you'd get a kick out of it.
And now I find I'm late to the party?
The keg is empty?
Everybody is passed out?
No overwhelming riches for me?
Curses. Foiled again! 😁

Message 12 of 19
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Re: What In The World Is eBay Waiting For??

That's an idea pay to block all the ads that other sellers are paying for you to see.

If they thought they could make more money, I could see them doing something like that and screw the sellers that are paying to have their ads shown.

Have a great day.
Message 13 of 19
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Re: What In The World Is eBay Waiting For??

I think that's a great idea!

(I'm just saying that so you'll take care of me if/when you get rich.)   😉

Papa Was A Rolling Stone - The Temptations
Message 14 of 19
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Re: What In The World Is eBay Waiting For??

I think it's a sure bet!  eBay will gain revenue peddling this tool (at $29.99/month) to block the ads that people pay eBay to promote.


Who says you can't get two bites from the apple?!

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 15 of 19
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