01-31-2018 09:46 AM
Does eBay have any comment about USPS now not scanning more than 5 packages? There will of course be exceptions on this, but it's said that this is word from corporate. They want to force everyone to use bulk shipping with scan forms.
01-31-2018 10:24 AM
wrote:At mine, when they are busy they will not scan them. They are not going to spend all that time on one person.
Yeah, all seven seconds per package; that really adds up.
The reality is that Pre-Paid Acceptance is the shortest front counter transaction by far, because there's no payment to be made. Just hand over the box... *click* *beep* "Next, please!"
If the lines are out the door, it's because they're having to deal with some doofus who's got a flimsy, half-taped box and wants help with everything including sticking the label on... after, of course, first staring off into space as he ponders the mystery of whether to get Priority Mail or Express Mail, how much each costs, when it will get there, etc.
Meanwhile, in a competently-run PO, they'll have someone designated to work the line and seek out people who are just dropping off stuff. They will have the scanner with them, and possibly also its matching wireless receipt printer for those folks who would like a receipt. (It's for the package, not for the payment, which already occurred on-line...)
Pre-paid Acceptance scans are not a valid excuse for having lines going out the door; the customers who did their homework are not the ones holding up the line.
And from what I am hearing in their response and that of the supervisor's, they are not mandated to do so.
They are, but you as a member of the general public are not really in a position to convince them of that, unless you have a printout of the USPS directive from... 2014?... that addressed it.
The main Post Office I go to has a guard on the premise. The last thing you want to do is get into a B fest with the counter people.
Seven seconds per. That can add up when one person walks in with 50 or more packages. And then multiply that by 50 people. You do it for one you have to do it for everyone.
And at my post office if your package is not wrapped correctly or the forms filled out, they give you tape or other forms and tell you to go fix them and get back in line.
And they hurry you along. If you are not sure what you want - priority, express - they tell you to step out of line until you make up your mind.
The Post Office I go to is in our Capital city and feeds all the surrounding areas. They have to be efficient or they could not function.
I am sure it is a different story for those who live in small towns.
01-31-2018 10:25 AM
Well Put, Imagine if you brought in 50 packages to ship and had to pay for every label and transaction at the counter? What are they going to tell you "SORRY you are shipping to many packages we can't do it, take them to UPS"? like you said it is THE QUICKEST job a clerk has to do, end of story!
01-31-2018 10:27 AM
wrote:They don't have the time to scan the 12 large flat rate boxes I'm shipping and paid over $200 to ship, but the guy who comes in carrying a sweater and wants to ship it - they have the time to get him a box, tape it up and put the sweater in there for him?
Good to know.
If you read my response to Green, my Post Office does not cater. They do not have the time to do so.
All boxes are out in the open and you get them yourself. Tape is there as well. Whe you step up to the counter if you are not ready to go, they tell you to get out of line, and scream next.
01-31-2018 10:28 AM
wrote:I hear this over and over when I am at the Post Office and the lines are out the door.
At mine, when they are busy they will not scan them. They are not going to spend all that time on one person.
And from what I am hearing in their response and that of the supervisor's, they are not mandated to do so.
They will as a courtesy when they are slow but there is a limit as to how many they will do.
Yes they are.
Every item accepted at the retail counter at a local Post Office that has a USPS Tracking number must be scanned, whether the customer requests it or not. By the time the items reach the first processing facility, they will have had two scan events.
Then you stand there in line trying to convince the supervisor that you are right, as the guard is starting to walk towards you.
01-31-2018 10:30 AM
I think Griff is the liason between us and the PO..........maybe he knows something about it.
01-31-2018 10:36 AM
The post on the Shipping board is titled "how to print a scan sheet" seeking info on how to print a scan sheet without launching bulk shipping if anyone wants to read Trinton's reply.
01-31-2018 10:39 AM
I use bulk shipping for some, stamps and a 400 barcode label for some, often have 20 or more packages and I get them all scanned at the counter. Takes all of about one minute with the hand-held scanner, and the clerks never complain about the number of packages. Au contraire, they thank me for using USPS.
01-31-2018 10:42 AM
I have never been thanked for using the Post Office. Scowled at, yes. Thanked, no.
That is why for my packages on ebay, I use Fed Ex.
01-31-2018 11:53 AM
wrote:I think Griff is the liason between us and the PO..........maybe he knows something about it.
No - it's @ship_like_a_pro I believe.
01-31-2018 11:55 AM - edited 01-31-2018 11:56 AM
@dktoss wrote:
wrote:I think Griff is the liason between us and the PO..........maybe he knows something about it.
No - it's @ship_like_a_pro I believe.
@Now I see why the quote doesn't display the poster - they seemed to have changed it to @thepostersname
@I just removed the @ from in front of my quote.
01-31-2018 12:15 PM
wrote:Unless something has changed USPS is supposed to scan all packages at acceptance. If you have more than two or three at a time, you really should use a SCAN form, but to my knowledge it's not required. If your Post Office is dropping the ball, you need to speak to your Postmaster. If s/he is of no help, go further up the ladder.
When using on-line labels there is no requirement for them to be scanned at the counter --- "acceptance" happens in the back --- or if it is a small office at the distribution center
Retail customers do get a automatic scan at the counter --- it is part of the "face to face retail experience" ...
01-31-2018 12:33 PM
When using on-line labels there is no requirement for them to be scanned at the counter
Yes, there is.
Retail customers do get a automatic scan at the counter --- it is part of the "face to face retail experience" ...
As is the Acceptance scan for pre-paid labels that were printed at home. The POS terminal menu item for it is "Pre-paid Acceptance." It's on the second row of icons on the first screen of the terminal session.
01-31-2018 12:49 PM
Maybe it's somewhere in the union agreement that five packages may be well beyond the attention span of the average postal clerk.
There also may be something that the union that runs the post office suggests employees must at least try to squeeze in around, approximately, in the area of and if not otherwise engaged, 10 minutes of effort towards customers for most of the hours they are there, if it isn't stressful dealing with the people, evern if they smell bad who pay the generous salaries, golden benefits and platinum pensions.
01-31-2018 02:34 PM
A couple of years ago some senior drongo in our area of NC told all the postmasters in a conference call that people with pre-paid packages were to be charged the same fee for an acceptance scan receipt as for a Certificate of Mailing - i.e. $1.35 I think it was at the time. Not only that, but if the person brought in a SCANSHEET, they were still to be charged the Certificate of Mailing fee but not 1 fee for 1 scan sheet but 1 fee for each item listed on the scan sheet.
A call to USPS put that one to bed pretty fast as a no-go.
Sounds like another regional officer has come up with another bright idea.
Much like the idea that Flat Rate means physically flat.
01-31-2018 02:42 PM
wrote:Does eBay have any comment about USPS now not scanning more than 5 packages? There will of course be exceptions on this, but it's said that this is word from corporate. They want to force everyone to use bulk shipping with scan forms.
HA! My PO doesnt scan ANYTHING! It doent even track until it gets to the sort center and sometimes not even then.