12-02-2024 09:29 PM
12-23-2024 02:55 PM
I am open to anything so we can post the photos after and still chat in the zoom... and we can also chat here on the thread
12-23-2024 02:58 PM
12-23-2024 04:09 PM
Thanks for the gifts. An awesome and challenging puzzle with all that white. My kids and I will probably be done with it by next year's gift exchange 😋
And the book is great as my son is learning to read and is always interested in new books. Thanks again and happy holidays!
12-23-2024 04:11 PM
Lots of wonderful goodies with Asian and Latin influence from @iamalwaysright . Plus Coca-Cola socks 😄 Thank you so much!
12-23-2024 04:28 PM
Totally yummy out of this world goodies!! Thank you! Happy Holidays! @museumsrock
12-23-2024 04:31 PM
It arrived at 4:45!
12-23-2024 04:39 PM
Hi everyone!! Thank you for coming to the zoom meeting for those of you that could not make it to the zoom , you can still post pictures here and show off your goodies!!1 we love to see what you got and it gives you an aopportunity to thank your Secret Pal!!! so come on show us the goodies!!!
12-23-2024 04:40 PM
Got the best gift ever - floor turtle, cat towel, seeda and watering can! Thank you and happy holidays!
12-23-2024 04:55 PM
My box was overflowing with vintage goodies from my Secret Santa! Thank you “the collection buyer” for all the fantastic treasures!
12-23-2024 05:08 PM
Everyone that has posted and mailed their packages please send me your email in community private messages for a little surprise! and the ones that have received the surprise shhhhhh dont spoil it for the rest , LOL
12-23-2024 06:59 PM
sadly, that was not from me, you got my name but I got the Welch family.
12-23-2024 11:38 PM
Thank you Secret Santa. These are yummy! Merry Christmas, everyone.
12-24-2024 05:40 AM
Thanks Karen
12-24-2024 12:31 PM
My secret Santa was THEE most generous Santa I could ever have imagined!!!!
It made my day as I pulled out of the huge box gift after gift each one so beautifully wrapped with handmade fancy bows and ties. It was a Christmas surprise I never expected! Everything was right up my alley, as though this Santa knew me! Sweet pastels and lovely scented toiletries, candles and markers and stickie notes and a beautiful handkerchief to boot!Gorgeous!
Biggest batch of bubble wrap I’ve ever owned!
6 huge rolls of packing tape!
To go with my brand new tape dispenser! Wow!
12-24-2024 12:37 PM
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart! 💗🩷🎁