04-04-2020 08:27 PM
I listed a box of Milwaukee N95 masks:
Listed as a 1 day Auction!
Starting bid at $0.99!
Free Shipping!
Mailed USPS Priority!
Mailed next day!
10% of sale going to relief Fund!
It looks to me that the Gougers are the FAKE bidders that raise the bid price, bidding out needing legit American Buyers. Then these FAKE bidders contact eBay to report price gouging. When eBay removes the listing the seller is charged a 10% final value fee, of a value that has been inflated by these Fake Bidders. Thus, since the final value has been FAKE BIDDER inflated to a Price Gouging status, it Stands To Reason that a final value fee of 10% eBay charges seller for that removed listing, should also be classified as Price Gouging.
The listed item I mentioned at the begining:
1 day Auction!
Starting bid at $0.99!
Free Shipping!
Mailed USPS Priority!
Mailed next day!
10% of sale going to relief Fund!
Was bidded up to $300 with 4 hours left.
EBay removed listing. Here is what that accomplished:
1. thru no fault of mine,is charged $30.
2. Needing legit American bidders are FAKE BIDDER priced out.
3. EBay collects inflated profit on FAKE BIDDER inflated value.
Imagine if these Priced out true American Bidders or a family member, was to get infected, or God Forbidden, dies.
Can you imagine the ramifications?
04-04-2020 10:40 PM - edited 04-04-2020 10:42 PM
A) You knew very well the price wouldn’t stay at $0.99.
B) You really want to save lives? Donate them to a healthcare facility. Masks usage in the regular population only creates a false sense of safety and have a much lower rate of efficiency because they are not worn, adjusted or removed properly. The best preventative tools for regular people remain soap, water and social distancing.
04-04-2020 10:47 PM
You need to understand this:
1- I support you on your empathy towards "saving lives".
2- A private person is not the same as a public person in this circumstances.
Allow me to explain:
One nurse, medic, paramedic, police, fireman, any person involved in saving multiple lives at the hospital or ambulance, etc deserve these masks.
It sounds harsh, criminal, lacking empathy towards other human beings, but the reality is that these PATRIOTS are dying because there's no inventory enough so they can use a mask every time they meet a sick person they get in contact with as established by the medical protocols.
If we, as civilians, not involved in this effort don't have masks, our bad, we have shelter in place for that, but please, give those masks or any other medical supplies to the real heroes fighting this silent and mortal virus.
Thank you!
04-04-2020 10:49 PM
04-05-2020 12:12 AM
04-05-2020 12:13 AM
04-05-2020 12:38 AM
04-05-2020 12:41 AM
04-05-2020 12:59 AM
God said "Go forth and make a profit"? Wow!
04-05-2020 01:21 AM
@tubetimenow wrote:I did list at buy it now. The Fake Buyer bought it. And never paid. So I listed as an auction.
Look I am getting the feeling that I am in discussion with some of these Fake Bidders. Fake Buyers.
I am standing in the sun light shouting that these Fakes are causing more harm than good.
If as a Faker you are proud of it. Then stand up and come into the sunlight too. Proudly proclaim your Actions.
Proudly show yourself.
Never paid? This buyer left glowing feedback.
04-05-2020 01:32 AM
eBay banned these items on March 5th so you shouldn't have listed it at all as you violated eBay's policy. Stop with all the false drama. No one is going to die because they didn't get your masks. If you are that concerned I'm sure that there are plenty of people in your own community that would benefit with your donation. Try giving them to your neighbors as then you won't need to ship anything and I'm sure they would be grateful.
04-05-2020 01:33 AM
@twinkling.smile wrote:
@tubetimenow wrote:I did list at buy it now. The Fake Buyer bought it. And never paid. So I listed as an auction.
Look I am getting the feeling that I am in discussion with some of these Fake Bidders. Fake Buyers.
I am standing in the sun light shouting that these Fakes are causing more harm than good.
If as a Faker you are proud of it. Then stand up and come into the sunlight too. Proudly proclaim your Actions.
Proudly show yourself.
Never paid? This buyer left glowing feedback.
No auction, fixed price...stuffing that wallet with righteous dollar bills.
04-05-2020 06:49 AM
@tubetimenow wrote:You claim I listed auction at $0.99, because I am only interested in $.
Did I also list Free Shipping because only interested in $?
Did I list USPS priority mail, because only interested in $?
Listed 1 day auction, because only interested in $?
Mailed next day, because only interested in $?
10% donated to Relief Fund, because only interested in $?
No I did not list these only for $. I listed these in a hope that God would direct these to an un
Stop trying to gaslight.
04-05-2020 06:52 AM
@tubetimenow wrote:If eBay kicks me off, that is on them.
I would not let that threat prevent me from trying to save American lives.
I am not going to repeat all the things I have already mentioned. If you are really trying to understand my concern. Then please read all the posts.
And understand that each and ever Fake Bidder raising bid from a listing of $0.99 to $300. Is causing Americans to die. For what reason?
You're not the hero, you're the villain
04-05-2020 08:14 AM
@tubetimenow wrote:And felt an urgent need to have one of my 2 boxes of 10, go to a unknown needing American. After praying to God to direct these to true need.
Did god tell you what price to sell them for? Or what auction settings to use to make sure the most truly needy could win the highest bid?
04-05-2020 08:51 AM
It's not your price that was the problem.
The problem is these items are on the Banned list