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THIS IS Price Gouging?? Starting bid $0.99, free USPS priority, next day, 1 day auction!

I listed a box of Milwaukee N95 masks:


Listed as a 1 day Auction!
Starting bid at $0.99!
Free Shipping!
Mailed USPS Priority!
Mailed next day!
10% of sale going to relief Fund!


It looks to me that the Gougers are the FAKE bidders that raise the bid price, bidding out needing legit American Buyers.  Then these FAKE bidders contact eBay to report price gouging. When eBay removes the listing the seller is charged a 10% final value fee, of a value that has been inflated by these Fake Bidders. Thus, since the final value has been FAKE BIDDER inflated to a Price Gouging status, it Stands To Reason that a final value fee of 10% eBay charges seller for that removed listing, should also be classified as Price Gouging. 


The listed item I mentioned at the begining:

1 day Auction!
Starting bid at $0.99!
Free Shipping!
Mailed USPS Priority!
Mailed next day!
10% of sale going to relief Fund!



Was bidded up to $300 with 4 hours left.

EBay removed listing.  Here is what that accomplished:


1. thru no fault of mine,is charged $30.


2. Needing legit American bidders are FAKE BIDDER priced out.


3.  EBay collects inflated profit on FAKE BIDDER inflated value.


Imagine if these Priced out true American Bidders or a family member, was to get infected, or God Forbidden, dies.

Can you imagine the ramifications?

Message 1 of 102
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101 REPLIES 101

Re: THIS IS Price Gouging?? Starting bid $0.99, free USPS priority, next day, 1 day auction!

Listing at .99 free shipping doesn't matter anyone would know the price is going to skyrocket right now and I'm sure you would be aware of that too so there was no concern that you would lose any money. Donating 10% please that barely anything and probably just done so it could be used as part of your argument later.  Anyhow none of this matters as eBay isn't allowing them to be sold at all right now because sellers are trying to take advantage of the situation which is illegal. 

“Birth certificates show that you were born. Death certificates show that you died. Photographs show that you have lived.” -Unknown
Message 61 of 102
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Re: THIS IS Price Gouging?? Starting bid $0.99, free USPS priority, next day, 1 day auction!

randy, i'm thinking you might want to switch to decaf, at least until lockdown is over

Message 62 of 102
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Re: THIS IS Price Gouging?? Starting bid $0.99, free USPS priority, next day, 1 day auction!

Fake outrage? Yeah, you’re living in one of those states that are not badly hit yet. My daughter has nurse friends in poor community hospitals in my state where they have no PPE. They’re telling us to avoid certain hospitals because people are dying. Posters are standing up for the lives of our heroes. I never realized how many bitter self centered people there are in the world until this crisis happened. 


Fortunately there are SO many more people who are doing the right thing.

Message 63 of 102
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Re: THIS IS Price Gouging?? Starting bid $0.99, free USPS priority, next day, 1 day auction!

@the*dog*ate*my*tablecloth according to the listings I checked he's in Miami, FL. Florida is one of the big hotspot states, making what the OP is doing even more reprehensible.

Message 64 of 102
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Re: THIS IS Price Gouging?? Starting bid $0.99, free USPS priority, next day, 1 day auction!

@tubetimenow wrote:


1 day auction, starting bid $0.99, free PRIORITY shipping, 10% donated to RELIEF FUND!

You did the 1 day auction, hoping it would sell before it got removed.






Have a great day.
Message 65 of 102
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Re: THIS IS Price Gouging?? Starting bid $0.99, free USPS priority, next day, 1 day auction!

Even more underhandedness...and pulling 'god' into the pity party? Sheesh.
Message 66 of 102
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Re: THIS IS Price Gouging?? Starting bid $0.99, free USPS priority, next day, 1 day auction!

I have begged you to stop inflating prices. And your response is to attack me.

I have asked you to show where your price inflating actions saves lives. You attack me.

I asked you to show yourself as a Proud Fake Bidder. Instead, from the shadows you attack.

If I may be so bold as to speak for the users responding to you.WE ARE NOT your fake bidders

Yes if you had sport bidders driving your price up rather than scared desperate users they were wrong to do so but you are in the wrong by going against ebay policy which you agreed to be using the site.If you disagree with any policy of any website do not use it.You support said policy in action and with profit for the site by doing so.Don't agree w policy than boycott the site

This is a user to user board not eBay employees.
When people show you who they are, believe them
Message 67 of 102
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Re: THIS IS Price Gouging?? Starting bid $0.99, free USPS priority, next day, 1 day auction!

As you are not letting facts interfere with your destruction?The key fact is ebay does not allow them at all.

Me thinks you are on your high horse and can't figure out how to get off so are just fighting to keep from admitting that you are in the wrong for breaking policy no matter your motive

This is a user to user board not eBay employees.
When people show you who they are, believe them
Message 68 of 102
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Re: THIS IS Price Gouging?? Starting bid $0.99, free USPS priority, next day, 1 day auction!


What about the average American family that needs them.


The average American family does not need any N95 masks.

Those are needed to keep the wearer from breathing viruses, germs and noxious gases -- the latter is why painter, mechanics and other tradesmen are finding and donating their supplies they normally use in their work.

Those most in need of these masks are medical personnel (like my nephew and his wife in Saskatoon, both of them doctors) who are dealing with patients stricken with COVID-19.


For the average person, a simple cloth or paper mask will prevent the wearer from spraying droplets on others and possibly infecting them if the wearer is asymtomatic.


How do we know this was a price gouging auction?

It was set up as a one day auction-- in the hopes of being completed paid and gone  before eBay noticed.

One day auctions are notorious for scams.

The Dunning -Kruger Effect is proven once again.

Message 69 of 102
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Re: THIS IS Price Gouging?? Starting bid $0.99, free USPS priority, next day, 1 day auction!



I responded to a comment made by outdated creation who is based in Colorado.

Message 70 of 102
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Re: THIS IS Price Gouging?? Starting bid $0.99, free USPS priority, next day, 1 day auction!

General reply ...


One problem I see is if an individual tries to donate masks from an open box(or even a full box) to a hospital, nursing home, etc., will they take them? Or would they worry that they might be tampered with?


Years ago, I could have bought a brand new, never used scooter for someone that can't get around much without it from a house call. Tags were still on it and everything. I could have sold it, yes, but I recommended that he donate it to the VA, Medicaid, or a nursing home or any other group that would get it to a needy person. All good, right?


Nope - got a call weeks later from him - not one would take it as it was 'pre-owned' and in 'unknown condition'(again, this was brand new, had like 1/10th of a mile on it from taking a test ride inside the house). Luckily he did finally find someone privately that he knew needed it and gave it to them.


The government agencies seem to WANT to overpay for everything.




I should have bought it and stored it, as it would sure help me now!


Message 71 of 102
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Re: THIS IS Price Gouging?? Starting bid $0.99, free USPS priority, next day, 1 day auction!

Every time I have prayed to God where money was involved, the answer always came in a way that worked out in my favor... That being said I can't be entirely certain whether my prayer was truly answered by the creator, perhaps a lesser spirit got hold and took care of things, one can never be too sure with these things but I have learned not to ask God for direction where money might be involved.

Message 72 of 102
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Re: THIS IS Price Gouging?? Starting bid $0.99, free USPS priority, next day, 1 day auction!

Nothing about your action is the right one. N95  masks are to be for 1st Responders and hospitals only. Not for joe schmoe and his family- they can make a mask and this was a well known plea from all municipalities well before your 4/4 post. '


Donate these to the nearest hospital! 


Regarding 'fake' bidders, these are simply angry people not wanting you to do what you are doing, so they bid high to win and end the listing. Besides., after many have already stated and it's NOT UP TO YOU to decide if it's right


N95 and all other masks are BANNED FROM SELLING HERE. What more do you need to know?

Message 73 of 102
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Re: THIS IS Price Gouging?? Starting bid $0.99, free USPS priority, next day, 1 day auction!

Good point.

Message 74 of 102
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Re: THIS IS Price Gouging?? Starting bid $0.99, free USPS priority, next day, 1 day auction!

I’m pretty sure hospitals would take open boxes rather than die. I know my local police and fire departments are taking open donations too.


as long as they’re not pre-used.

Message 75 of 102
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