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Stamps at discount rate!

Ebay keeps showing me an advertisement for Forever stamps at only $29.99 for 100!

These are phony stamps! They're counterfeit! 
The Post Office doesn't sell them at a discount, so whoever is selling these will have paid the full price for them and yet they're taking a loss selling them! 
Don't believe it! 

And I thought ebay doesn't sell counterfeit anything! 
Sure, they're not selling them! They're not even on their auction board! But it's still being advertised on ebay!
So I'm sure people seeing it on their site will take advantage of the price, only to find out they're counterfeit!

Message 1 of 16
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Stamps at discount rate!

eBay won't allow just any seller to sell forever stamps. However, they do seem to post a lot of third party ads for them.  They don't seem to over see those ads like they do with us.



Message 2 of 16
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Stamps at discount rate!

@tmbz ,


They could be from a business that bought too many of them or went out of business and were bought by the seller at a liquidation sale.


If you go to liquidation auctions you see unused postage quite often. The items at the auctions are usually from businesses that have or are going out of business. Many times the businesses are bankrupt.

Message 3 of 16
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Stamps at discount rate!

Why are low price forever stamps fake ?

The sellers probably purchased these forever stamps years ago at low prices.

They probably plan to opt out of selling and put them on sale.


Do you have any idea of what the cost would be to design, print and publish fake stamps?

It's just not worth it!


I don't think anyone in the world would be stupid enough to manufacture fake stamps for sale.

Message 4 of 16
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Stamps at discount rate!

@shar_27 wrote:

Why are low price forever stamps fake ?

The sellers probably purchased these forever stamps years ago at low prices.

They probably plan to opt out of selling and put them on sale.


Do you have any idea of what the cost would be to design, print and publish fake stamps?

It's just not worth it!


I don't think anyone in the world would be stupid enough to manufacture fake stamps for sale.

The web is flooded with counterfeit USPS "forever" stamps.


"Off-shore" product duplication is very cheap, and a 100% fact that it is being done.


99.9999 % chance that a $29.99 roll of forever stamps is fake

Message 5 of 16
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Stamps at discount rate!

@shar_27 wrote:

I don't think anyone in the world would be stupid enough to manufacture fake stamps for sale.

Fake stamps are a huge issue. Most of them are coming out of China (some disguised as US sellers).


USPS just issued a press release that covers both fake shipping labels and fake postage stamps.


There are several posts on this forum from unsuspecting buyers that ended up with fake postage jumping on that too good to be true deal.

Message 6 of 16
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Stamps at discount rate!

Thanks for the "heads up".    Definitely appears counterfeit business (shows they sold 40 items) on brand new EBAY account (with no feedback) that was opened yesterday.   

Message 7 of 16
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Stamps at discount rate!

@tmbz   all ebay listings have a 'report this item' on them

Message 8 of 16
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Stamps at discount rate!

These are non ebay ads right?

I don't think that ebay picks those out, they are driven by what people are looking at on the net. For example, I see different ads on ebay than what my husband sees because we look at different things on ebay and on the web.  I do think though that if people complain about them that ebay can ask that they not be shown on their site.  If there a 'report this ad' on the ad itself? That would report it to google or whoever is sponsoring them. I would guess that you would have to report them to ebay separately.

Message 9 of 16
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Stamps at discount rate!

Just because they are being sold at a discount does't necessarily mean they are counterfeit.

But if you think they are, don't buy them.

You're welcome to report the listing. Let ebay deal (or not deal) with it.

Buy your stamps at full price from the USPS or a reputable seller.

Papa Was A Rolling Stone - The Temptations
Message 10 of 16
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Stamps at discount rate!

@shar_27 wrote:

Why are low price forever stamps fake ?

The sellers probably purchased these forever stamps years ago at low prices.

I believe the first Forever stamps originally sold for $0.41 each.

Message 11 of 16
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Stamps at discount rate!

Getting rid of excess ones purchased for that at $30.00 per roll is not that far fetched. Like I said earlier go to few business liquidation auctions and you will find unused stamps quite often. I doubt they are fake. 

Most of the time they are auctioned off for less than 50% of face value.

Message 12 of 16
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Stamps at discount rate!

I believe their is a lot of Forever stamps sold at deep discounts. Billions and billions sold every year no returns

If it was such a problem the USA would stop it fast. I guess the Chinese are making the exactly the same? Time to upgrade the system.

Message 13 of 16
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Stamps at discount rate!

@theteamsetguy wrote:

@tmbz ,


They could be from a business that bought too many of them or went out of business and were bought by the seller at a liquidation sale.


If you go to liquidation auctions you see unused postage quite often. The items at the auctions are usually from businesses that have or are going out of business. Many times the businesses are bankrupt.

It could be but it is not

Message 14 of 16
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Stamps at discount rate!

@inhawaii wrote:

Just because they are being sold at a discount does't necessarily mean they are counterfeit.

But if you think they are, don't buy them.

You're welcome to report the listing. Let ebay deal (or not deal) with it.

Buy your stamps at full price from the USPS or a reputable seller.

$29.99 roll of forever stamps have the same chance of being genuine as a $29.99 Rolex bought of the street corner 

Message 15 of 16
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