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Social security number wanted.

I have been a Ebay member buyer/seller since 1999 untill recently my account was frozen because I refuse to give up my SSN. No one should have to give up there SSN.the reason is that you will be reported to the IRS so that you will have to pay more taxes because its earn income.most of us who rely on making a few dollars are tax those of us who are retire and living on fix social security income depend on flea markets and garage sales for extra cash it's going to get to a point if you stop to use a restroom you will be tax it's out of control . I will close my account with Ebay and sell where I'm not under pressure to keep them happy the more you sale on Ebay the better they look there employees get pay and there stocks go up.

Message 1 of 459
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458 REPLIES 458

Re: Social security number wanted.

@clinkinfo wrote:

It’s not a matter of IF it will happen, eBay WILL get hacked.  All major retailers have been hacked at one point or another.  And as someone who sells a tiny amount (15 transactions a year), I resent eBay forcing us to take the risk and provide that info when it has no relevance to us.

Using that logic it will happen to PP and all the other sites you previously talked about too.  


Everyone does need to be extra cautions of supplying such important information to anyone.  Not so much bank routing numbers as those are public information and your bank account number showed on any physical check you have ever written.  But your SSN is something to hold close and be extra cautious in who gets that information.  That is simply a good practice.


Some will be fine giving the info to Ebay and some won't.  It is an individual decision to be sure.  Each of us just needs to do what is right for themselves.  It won't be the same answer for everyone.  This change is especially hard for casual sellers such as yourself.  And no one likes an ultimatum, which is what this is.  We all react badly to ultimatums.


Your previous concern about supplying your SSN on some sites and not on others.  In the policy pages on most of those sites you previously called out it does say that your SSN is required.  I can't answer for why they didn't require it of you when you started selling.  The 2020 Anti Money Laundering law requires money processors obtain the information.  So if you enrolled in their money processing program then it seems it should have been required, but I can't speak for those other sites as I don't use them other than Amazon and I did have to give my SSN to Amazon.


mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 136 of 459
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Re: Social security number wanted.

We gave it to PayPal way before giant company hacks were a thing.  Ebay can be hacked for our info too leaving us subject to identify theft. 

Message 137 of 459
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Re: Social security number wanted.

That was before hacks and identity theft. Different world now. 

Message 138 of 459
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Re: Social security number wanted.

@vineyardedge wrote:

That was before hacks and identity theft. Different world now. 



There is a world of difference between individual accounts getting hacked and a Site getting hacked.  

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 139 of 459
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Re: Social security number wanted.

All my stuff was bought new and I am selling at a loss. Maybe I can write it all off. Haha

Message 140 of 459
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Re: Social security number wanted.

@sogoodgreen wrote:

Is the simplicity of the system being mucked up? My wife maintains our checking account with a fierce overview and the idea of having ebay sales, adjustments, refunds etc reported on the account register is really upsetting. With PP I have always tried to sell enough to pay for my purchases on ebay; without the sales revenue I would have to fund PP from my banking account and that interferes with my buying; 

I opened up a separate checking account just for my MP. You can open up a free checking account everywhere.  Get yourself a ATM/debit card  for the account and you're all set.  Your sales go in to the new checking account. You can make purchases with your ATM/debit card that come out of the new account.  Kinda sounds just like paypal, doesn't it?  

Papa Was A Rolling Stone - The Temptations
Message 141 of 459
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Re: Social security number wanted.

I wouldn't have a problem doing that at all. Where we have a problem is being forced to give them our SSN.

Message 142 of 459
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Re: Social security number wanted.

@clinkinfo wrote:

What a dumb dismissive response.   Who cares if that information is “‘already available” (‘and to be clear, it’s not, that’s just deflection).  

It absolutely is. Try Googling yourself, you'll be surprised what you find.

Message 143 of 459
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Re: Social security number wanted.

@rogue74 wrote:

I wouldn't have a problem doing that at all. Where we have a problem is being forced to give them our SSN.



And Ebay is REQUIRED to get your SSN by Federal Law, so where does that leave you?

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 144 of 459
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Re: Social security number wanted.

@yuzuha wrote:

@clinkinfo wrote:

What a dumb dismissive response.   Who cares if that information is “‘already available” (‘and to be clear, it’s not, that’s just deflection).  

It absolutely is. Try Googling yourself, you'll be surprised what you find.



You are absolutely correct.  There is all kinds of info out there on the subject and so easy to search Google for it.  

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 145 of 459
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Re: Social security number wanted.

I'm leaving to I just don't feel comfortable putting that much personal information out there. They already don't protect sellers from buyers who rip them off why would I trust my identity with them. They even asked for my drivers license number the stuff I'm selling belongs to me not a company so I should not be taxed on it ridiculous.

Message 146 of 459
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Re: Social security number wanted.

True my husband is on social security our son is disabled, and needs twenty four hour care so I can't work. This is all I can do to get something extra in. Tired of people picking on those who are struggling the most.

Message 147 of 459
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Re: Social security number wanted.


hey you sound a bit frustrated and overwhelmed by everything that is on your plate!  I would be too if I were in your shoes.


But hey, don't give up!  Just look at this as a business problem to solve and then look for fixes.  If you see it as a challenge to overcome rather than a burden to carry you can get over the obstacle.  Any if getting over it is hard, how about going around it or under it? 🤔😄 There is a way! 👍


You have nice listing and good FB, so take some time and look around for a way to get through this and win!  You can do it!


Start a new thread if they is anything we can do to help out!

Message 148 of 459
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Re: Social security number wanted.

I'm with you. I sell many used items that I have purchased in the past. The sale of the item shouldn't be taxable, only the profit. How are they going to determine what your profit is? They can't just go by sales. In the meantime if they are so concerned about nickle and diming to pay for the government debt, then why are they giving billions in tax refunds to large corporations that are making billions? This is fascism!

Message 149 of 459
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Re: Social security number wanted.

@nationaloutpost wrote:

I'm with you. I sell many used items that I have purchased in the past. The sale of the item shouldn't be taxable, only the profit. How are they going to determine what your profit is? They can't just go by sales. In the meantime if they are so concerned about nickle and diming to pay for the government debt, then why are they giving billions in tax refunds to large corporations that are making billions? This is fascism!

YOU determine what your profit is by filling out a Schedule C, which allows you to deduct the acquisition cost of the items you sell, as well as the expenses incurred in selling them (e.g. eBay fees).


BTW, I don't think you understand what fascism is either.

Message 150 of 459
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