11-01-2020 11:32 AM
I have been a Ebay member buyer/seller since 1999 untill recently my account was frozen because I refuse to give up my SSN. No one should have to give up there SSN.the reason is that you will be reported to the IRS so that you will have to pay more taxes because its earn income.most of us who rely on making a few dollars are tax those of us who are retire and living on fix social security income depend on flea markets and garage sales for extra cash it's going to get to a point if you stop to use a restroom you will be tax it's out of control . I will close my account with Ebay and sell where I'm not under pressure to keep them happy the more you sale on Ebay the better they look there employees get pay and there stocks go up.
11-01-2020 11:35 AM
You gave it to PayPal all those years ago. MP needs it for the same reason PayPal did. Fear not. Good luck.
11-01-2020 11:36 AM
You had no problem giving your complete SS# to PayPal, as we all did.
11-01-2020 11:52 AM - edited 11-01-2020 11:53 AM
@rc66gto wrote:the reason is that you will be reported to the IRS so that you will have to pay more taxes because its earn income.most of us who rely on making a few dollars are tax those of us who are retire and living on fix social security income depend on flea markets and garage sales for extra cash.
So, you don't want to submit your Social Security number to eBay's Managed Payments program because you don't want to report the income you receive from your eBay sales?
If you're an infrequent eBay seller, as indicated by your current list of sold items, chances are you're not going to have any tax liability on your eBay sales, anyway.
You do understand that most people are willing to pay the taxes they owe so our government can keep sputtering along. Posts by people who are trying to avoid paying their share aren't really all that popular.
Sounds like the same strategy as a high political-office holder.
11-01-2020 12:27 PM
"it's going to get to a point if you stop to use a restroom you will be tax"
I pay a sewer tax on my water bill, welcome to the real world...
11-01-2020 01:02 PM
I completely understand and respect where you are coming from. As others have told you, PP has your SSN as they require it too. A money processor has to collect that information per IRS rules and regs. Neither MP or PP reports your income to the IRS unless you are making over $20,000 in sales on this site.
What you are further describing is called Tax Evasion. You are responsible for reporting your sales here or on any other site on your taxes each year. You can subtract all your expenses of course, but you still should be reporting your sales. You have a decent amount of money coming through Ebay and if IRS catches this and you haven't been reporting it, you are going to have some serious issues in front of you.
It does not however appear that you are making more money on your sales here than is allowed before you start having to take a deduction in your SS. Keep in mine you ARE ALLOWED to earn some money each year without ANY risk to a reduction in you SS benefits. Just stay within those limits and you will be fine as long as you start reporting your sales.
Ebay is not going to help you or anyone else to actively avoid claiming your sales to the IRS, which would also be illegal, but remember they do not report directly to IRS until you qualify for a 1099K.
You should reconsider how you are looking at this, possibly talk with a tax accountant and then figure out your best approach. Whether you sell here or someplace else, on or off the internet, you are suppose to claim your income.
11-01-2020 01:16 PM
"I pay a sewer tax on my water bill, welcome to the real world."
Yep, and if you don't have city water, but a well and septic tank instead you'll be paying for septic tank clean outs and when your water pump gives out, Good Petey I hope you have some money set aside.......
11-01-2020 03:15 PM
You're complaining that you have to pay taxes on your ebay sales?
So, basically, you've had an unfair advantage over other sellers, like us, who pay their taxes. And we're supposed to feel sorry for you?
11-01-2020 03:33 PM
Do you really think it is just ONE high-political office holder?? There is a whole lot more money flowing under the table that above it in Washington as well as state governments. Then of course you have big businesses who have more accountants and tax specialist than the IRS does.
11-01-2020 04:00 PM
@rc66gto wrote:.the reason is that you will be reported to the IRS so that you will have to pay more taxes because its earn income.most of us who rely on making a few dollars are tax those of us who are retire and living on fix social security income depend on flea markets and garage sales for extra cash
I'm on disability and I pay my taxes from my online earnings.
11-01-2020 04:09 PM
No one should have to give up there SSN
It's the law, and eBauy is complying with it.
you will be reported to the IRS so that you will have to pay more taxes because its earn income
If you are looking for sympathy because Congress is making it harder for you to break the law and avoid taxes, you'll get none from me.
the more you sale on Ebay the better they look there employees get pay and there stocks go up
That's how for-profit companies work. And by the way, the more you sell the more money you make, too ... if you are doing it right.
11-01-2020 04:53 PM
@iart wrote:You're complaining that you have to pay taxes on your ebay sales?
So, basically, you've had an unfair advantage over other sellers, like us, who pay their taxes. And we're supposed to feel sorry for you?
Not exactly. It is more complicated than that if you are pulling SS. If you pass the threshold for earned income that they have, they can and will reduce your benefits the following year. So it can be an issue.
The key is if you are on SS to stay within the acceptable window for earned income.
11-01-2020 05:15 PM
If the OP is at "full retirement age," or FRA, there is no ceiling on the amount of income s/he can earn.
I would imagine if the OP is worried about finances in general, as implied by the first s/he wouldn't have retired before his/her FRA.
The original post doesn't sound like the OP is concerned with a reduction in monthly Social Security benefits. S/he is expressing a concern with straight-up income tax and having to report SS income AND add his/her eBay sales income to his/her total taxable income, thereby potentially increasing the OP's tax liability--not risking a reduction in SS benefits.
11-01-2020 05:22 PM
@pburn wrote:
If the OP is at "full retirement age," or FRA, there is no ceiling on the amount of income s/he can earn.
I would imagine if the OP is worried about finances in general, as implied by the first s/he wouldn't have retired before his/her FRA.
The original post doesn't sound like the OP is concerned with a reduction in monthly Social Security benefits. S/he is expressing a concern with straight-up income tax and having to report SS income AND add his/her eBay sales income to his/her total taxable income, thereby potentially increasing the OP's tax liability--not risking a reduction in SS benefits.
You could be right. IDK, they didn't give enough info to know one way or the other. But I suspect you are right.
11-06-2020 09:55 AM
my question is this (you seem to be more willing to help)...for tax year 2020, if I go over the $20,000 total sales, with MM and PP will they 1099 me? or do they figure seperately? so I can say do $12,000 each with MM and PP, I hope I have explained this right. thanks for the help.