10-05-2020 08:54 AM
Im relatively new to ebay, started around mid feb because of covid and gave been selling full time ever since. My question is, does the site ever make changes that actually improve the site? From my experiences, things have consistently been getting worse and worse and it seems like ever policy switch makes the site that much worse; for buyers, sellers, and with that Ebay's bottom line.
10-05-2020 08:58 AM
10-05-2020 09:10 AM
eBay never changed. Our perception may have, but that's not their fault. And no, the site never makes changes that sellers view as 'for the better'.
10-05-2020 09:16 AM
If you look at the big picture-
You list stuff, take pictures and post, all in your Jammies at 3 in the morning.
Stuff sells, you get paid. You pack, you ship.
All the rest of the complaining is from those that don't like minor changes.
The big picture stays the same.
10-05-2020 09:34 AM
I see your point. I guess the question i was trying to ask is, do the minor changes ever add up to an enormous change that makes the platform nearly unrecognizable from when you started?
10-05-2020 10:08 AM
yes it has !! Some good some bad but it has changed ! Anyone that says is has not has not been on ebay very long !! Good luck to you with ebay ! regards
10-05-2020 10:31 AM
Certainly there are good changes........but our individual view is narrowed to our own particular situation.......so we often doesn't appreciate some of the changes til we need them....... case in point......ebay recently announced a change to the vacation settings....which extended them to all sellers (I don't know if it's in effect yet).......For those without stores who have struggled for years with the problem.......that's a big thing..... To those who've never wanted/needed to use it......it's a.... so what?
Any big change is resisted by most of us who presently sell here......no one likes "new" things we have to learn how to use or understand...... Plenty gripe about the new MP, yet new sellers who are opted in immediately, will accept it because they've never known anything else.
The trick to longevity on Ebay being able to roll with the punches, accepting and learning to work with the changes......Not always easy, but it can be done.
10-05-2020 10:56 AM
Your response is a good honest reply !! Regards
10-05-2020 11:02 AM
Nothing stays the same. We adapt or quit. I've been selling here for over 20 years all the way back to when
you ran auctions and hoped the site didn't crash during the last 30 minutes.
It did, more than once.
Back then every Thursday night the site was unavailable most of the night time for maintenance.
Buyers paid by check. You hoped they would pay with a money order. Either way you had to wait for your money. Lot's of NPBs. If you got paid by check, You had to wait for it to clear before you would ship. There were times that by the time you had good funds, a month had gone by.
Then online payment came along. Paypal? What's that? How about Pro-Pay? Remember them?
At the time, Paypal was forced on sellers and we adapted. Came to Love it!
GTC? Hated it. Adapted and got used to it. Now I don't even think about it.
What about Photos for your listings. Remember Auctionwatch? Later they were vendio?
No matter what the change, Progress or not, The successful sellers have adapted and are still here selling.
Ebay is better than ever. The customers that want to spend money are right here. And they really don't care what we sellers have to get used to. It does not affect them.
10-05-2020 11:43 AM
10-05-2020 11:44 AM
10-05-2020 12:06 PM
No; all the changes are baby steps, done in baby steps. For some, they just don't like change; and for some, the 'change' doesn't work as good.
Late 90's there were 4 ways to list:
Buy it Now, Buy it Now with Immediate Payment, Auction, Reserve Auction
Now- its' the same
Late 90s'- there were numerous 'lengths of time' your item could be listed, depending on if it was an Auction or BIN
Now- BIN is 'Good Till cancelled (billed every 30 days) (due to search engines being able to pick up your item for sale and it was still a valid link when someone clicked on it- problem was- many believed it hurt their sales and views by not having 'fresh' items listed (or relisted). Auctions changed some of their times as well (used to be a 1 day, no more)
Late 90s payment by check/mo mailed. Early 00's, paypal came- some hated it, most grew to love it.
Now- Managed Payments- paypal is out, new 'people' don't pay immediate like PP did. Some also don't like that ebay has their personal bank info. Work around there is- get a new bank acct. just for ebay sales.
Late 90s- no buyer protection (got taken twice for 100's of $ each time)
Now- 30 day money back guarantee for buyers
Late 90s to 2018- sellers could be 'taken' with fraud.
2019- seller protections (for TRS with 30 day returns can deduct up to 50%) it's not perfect, but it's something
Lots of other little things- both good and bad. Increased Title Space. Increased picture count. Having to input UPC's, having to input other details.
But again, you have to find work arounds, or just deal with change. The big picture is still the same.
10-05-2020 12:20 PM
the picture does not stay the same unless you have no idea of what your doing cost has changed ebay making more money and the site is 70% china goods
10-05-2020 12:28 PM
not sure i understand your view as for the sellers stay 10s of thousands have left and 10s of thousands more are leaving when the managed payments are forced on them but china has replaced many sellers but i would not buy from them but many do and then wonder why we are in the trouble we are in
10-05-2020 12:46 PM
What trouble are we in?
Y2K 12,000,000 registered users.
2010 94,500,000 registered users
2019 183,000,000 registered users
For some ebay sellers, Business is pretty good. Profitable, Easy, Busy.