01-13-2020 05:16 PM - edited 01-13-2020 05:21 PM
Someone bought a 1/6 figure outfit from me then an hour later asked me to cancel, then a few minutes after that sent me a message telling me not to cancel. After that he started asking if I had other things I could add to the sale, and I said no. He said fine, go ahead and send it. I had a feeling it would be trouble but did my part as I was supposed to.
Buyer gets the figure and asks to return it, saying there is a stain on the outfit. I told him there was no stain before I shipped, as my listing photos show, and it was sealed in package too, so I asked for a photo. The next day he sent a pic with a tiny dot of lint or something on the unopened outer package. I told him my listings are marked "no returns" but if there is a reason to return it I will anyway. I asked him to please try wiping off the little speck of whatever on the wrapper before we go straight to a return. His response was "No, I'll just wait and have ebay get me my refund.
I told him there was no need to do that, and I accepted the return.
Later that same day I noticed he left me a negative feedback claiming I made up reasons not to take returns and harassed him, which is FAR from true. I hit the report button on that and explained that the feedback statement was not true and the item I sent was as described.
Buyer then waited until the very last possible day to send the item back, and when I got it back, as expected, there was nothing at all on the package or the dress. It was in perfect condition just as I sent it.
When I finished the return with the refund I had the option to report that I didn't agree with his reason for return and attached pics of the outfit I got back with no "stain" or anything else on it, then I called ebay and asked if there was anything else I could do about this abuse of returns. By telling me he'd just wait and have ebay refund him, he knew I had to do what he wanted whether it was right or not, because we all know ebay would just let him have his money back and keep the item. I had to pay his return shipping and got my first and only negative feedback just for trying to work out the problem with the guy then allowing the return despite it being based on an obvious lie. The ebay rep said I did what I should do and they will review it. If they find that he did use a false reason to return, I'd be refunded my return shipping and his account would possibly be banned.
Seriously though... They just tell you what they think you want to hear and nothing will come of this, right? Buyers can just lie and do whatever, forcing a return for no reason but buyers remorse, I wont get that return shipping cost back, and I am stuck with the negative feedback. Do I have that about right?
01-15-2020 09:00 PM
Well, that was my rate and I was still here. For the category I was selling, 15% returns is the industry average.
The performance dash never worked for me, so I have no idea how others compared on eBay.
Oddly, I recently received a notice saying they were extending my TRS grace period, yet I haven't listed anything on here since last August. I thought that was supposed to drop off quarterly...
01-16-2020 12:42 AM
Geesh - I guess I should have checked the Discussions threads long time ago. When I call customer service, sometimes its like talking to the wall. There are no answers and no one to escalate the call to. A few of the biggest beefs I have are more common than I knew. Luckily, the category I sell in is fairly smooth, very few returns or claims. Although, I did have 1 claim in December for INAD. Fine, so I paid to have the buyer send it back because I figured that they were lying or just simply not aware how to repair their machine. So I get my item back but it was NOT the item that I sent. He sends me back his broken item. RRrrr. I file a dispute and post pictures but of course NO ONE looks at the pictures to compare with the posted pictures in the listing.. so then zip.. $ is withdrawn from my PayPal to the buyer and then I'm told to submit a police report to get my $ back. A police report for $35?? I refused. The police precinct would laugh me right out of their office!! How about getting a Notary Public to vouch? Nope. So.. out the $ AND defected my account as well. For nothing I did wrong!!!!!!
01-16-2020 12:45 AM
8% returns?? That is a GREAT number! Did you know that 20% - 30% of Amazon's sales result in returns? Many of them for "Item Not As Described". I have a 2.5% return rate, some of them were fraudulent, so maybe 1.5%. That is an outstanding number!!!!
01-16-2020 12:53 AM
It is really sad that eBay is losing so many buyers and sellers over issues that could be fixed quickly. Many if not most of the reasons people leave are losing $ and not being treated fairly. Its not too hard to do. Jordan better make some fast tracks if he wants to save this company.. Amazon is eating everyone's lunch. Why? Because they RESPOND to problems within days or weeks, NOT YEARS!!! They also are PROACTIVE and have a lot of FORWARD THINKING. These are traits every consumer company should have, but almost NONE of them have!
Time to get off the couch, read the discussion threads, and implement fixes to the gripes PRONTO.
Business at the Speed of Light... maybe eBay needs to read Bill Gate's book, over and over and over.
Its NOT Business at the Speed of Turtles. Changes are measured in days, NOT years!!!!!!!!
01-16-2020 01:00 AM
My message here is miscategorized but hey... the point is: almost every problem and solution to eBay's problems are posted in these discussion threads! Yet apparently no one in the executive suite even bothers to read them.
You can sort and search all our listings. Then search the discussion threads for problems/suggested answers and then make the changes... quickly. Its not too hard to figure out. The longer you wait the less chance there is of saving this company from a sure death. When sellers and buyers abandon the site because of the problems, they are NOT coming back anytime soon or in many cases, ever.
01-16-2020 04:17 AM
Agree, I have seen very little attempt on Ebays part to fix the problems here meanwhile the other sites are cashing in and sellers are now selling on multiple sites. So by Ebay neglecting to work on these issues the sales are going to these other sites who must be quite happy.
01-16-2020 07:17 PM
Well I have to say, they did at least do something today when I called the CS number and told them how unhappy I am with what this buyer was allowed to get away with at my expense. They removed the negative feedback I got, and told me that I will likely have the return shipping I paid refunded on my next ebay invoice. Also said they are looking at the case that shows this buyer abused the returns system, and if they decide he has they will remove his account. I'm taking that last part with less than a grain of salt, but I'd be lying to say I don't hope they do. I know he can just start a new one, but maybe he'd think twice before pulling such a low-life stunt again.
01-16-2020 07:30 PM
This sounds familiar... well .. I wouldn't be so confident if I was you. I had this same exact thing happen in December. They removed the defect and then 7 days later they put it back on my account permanently, even after protesting about it afterwards. They are NOT going to refund your return shipping you paid. Its all a bunch of talk.
01-16-2020 07:42 PM
01-16-2020 09:46 PM
That's 1 buyer in a million. If they would publish policies and then adhere to them for everyone involved that would be a start but these kinds of things are hit and miss, mostly miss. Kind of like the laws - rules for some but not others.
01-17-2020 03:50 PM - edited 01-17-2020 03:52 PM
@corvettestainless wrote:Apologizing is just a 'de-escalation' tool. The customer comes in a huff, and you simply apologize 'I'm sorry you are not happy'. I have not admitted anything and the customer is now usually ready to conversate from there.
It is disingenuous, and is a social tool taught by $20,000 'customer service' companies that visit all the 'big boy' stores across the nation. It makes me much smarter than them as I just controlled their emotions, like a hypnotist. Works every time.
Bottom line, especially with internet sales, customer get's their money back upon return. Move on and count the overall profits from all the (92+% national avg) successful sales.
IMHO, de-escalation is most of the battle. When someone realises they're being heard and their grievance is actually being paid attention to, a lot can change.
ETA: I didn't pay anybody to teach me that, it just made sense because it certainly helps when I realise I'm being listened to, and I'm just everyday people.
Also, it's true, far far more transactions go well than go bad, we need to remind ourselves of that when things seem to be going pear shaped.
01-18-2020 09:32 AM
Really amazons returns 30%??
We buy regularly & have rarely retuned.
Of course, it's spices & toilet paper & coffee a lot!!
My son worked at target service desk & he used to say returns were about 10%, but, of course, customers had to bring the item to them!
At our B&M store, refunds were probably 1%.
Defective merch, improper tailoring (we offered it free) about the only reason.
If it was a very short time, we gave store credit.
We had the same customers(families) for decades.
Everyone seemed happy!
Completely different selling face to face vs online.
01-18-2020 09:41 AM
"Regular" returns may not count against you, but, any return causes issues.
We had a buyer purchase an item, and file for a return a couple hours later.
His message lead us to believe eBay found same item cheaper.(ours was a lot, think he opted for one)
He should have canceled sale, not filed return.
We got an item not shipped on time defect. File for return was before item shipped.
Since we were not listing/selling a lot due to computer (& other) issues for a month it makes a pretty big dent.
We have spent about 2 hours 2 calls trying to get the defect taken off....shipping, not return.
Hasnt happened. Need to try again, but running out of time in my life.
This is all to make NO $$.
01-18-2020 10:51 AM
Amazon's return rate is closer to 5%. Amazon is kicking buyers off the site that have too many returns.
01-18-2020 12:26 PM
Return rates internet wide average around 25%. BTW, in the mail order catalog days returns were still higher than B&M. Zappo's, which offers free shipping and free returns, runs at about 35% returns - they also charge higher prices than just about anywhere ('free' isn't really 'free') for the convenience.