09-02-2021 10:03 AM
I Recently Sold A Pair Of Shoes That Were Automatically Sent To The Authenticators. I Was Notified They Did Not Pass As Authentic Because The Box Was Damaged. I Can Handle That With No Problem. When I Finally Got Them Back I Opened The Box And Inspected To Make Sure I Got The Same Shoes Back That I Sent And Discovered The Sole Of 1 Shoe Was Damaged. I Have Enclosed Photos Of Before And After. I Have No Problem Having The Shoes Re Authenticated But What Can I Do About The Loss I'll Receive Because Of No Fault Of My Own. These Shoes Were In Great Shape And Were Sound In Every Way And Still Are Except Where They Tore Off One Of The Tips. By The Way I Didn't Offer The Original Box Because I Didn't Have It. The First Photo Was The Original In The Listing. Please Advise. ThanksOriginally
11-05-2021 01:19 PM
I've sold over 300 pairs on eBay. they been returning my shoes as of lately for damaged boxes? im confused why? this has just been happening lately where they've been knit picking on small details
11-05-2021 01:37 PM - edited 11-05-2021 01:38 PM
@postingid7659 wrote:Boy it's not that hard. The first couple photos show shoes with all those tabs intact. The rest show shoes with one missing a nub. They look like somebody wore them a few times too, but maybe they were like that before.
I agree. It looks like someone wore the shoes after the "Before" photos were taken. I doubt that one nubbie (left shoe, third row down, right end) was ready to fall off; it looks more like it got sheared off by someone stepping on something sharp while wearing the shoes.
I don't think I'd trust that authentication outfit any further than I could throw them by the leg. There are too many weird things happening to shoes being sent to that place. Another current thread (here) describes a pair of Jordans that mysteriously disappeared after delivery to the authenticators, only to pop up that very same day for sale by another seller.
As For The Odd Capitalization Of Every Word In The Original Post, that is a capitalization choice that I have seen in text or message dictation on older Android phones. You can select all lower-case, ALL UPPER-CASE or Initial Caps On Every Word. Not sure why that third choice was even offered, but there you are.
11-05-2021 02:17 PM
last line The First Photo Was The Original In The Listing. Please Advise. Thanks
11-05-2021 03:03 PM
They look the same to me. Small dirt stains before and after. I doubt Ebay will do anything about what supposedly problem.
11-05-2021 03:10 PM
I am confused. When I look at the Completed Listing, October 7, I see the shoes, with the "67" on them, and the photo photo you posted as the "before" plus photos that show dirt on the soled and one nubbin missing.
Or are you saying this sale was made, on October 7, after the shoes were returned from the authenticator in that condition, when previously they were clean and undamaged?
11-05-2021 03:17 PM
@maxine*j wrote:I am confused. When I look at the Completed Listing, October 7, I see the shoes, with the "67" on them, and the photo photo you posted as the "before" plus photos that show dirt on the soled and one nubbin missing.
Or are you saying this sale was made, on October 7, after the shoes were returned from the authenticator in that condition, when previously they were clean and undamaged?
NEVER MIND the above. Found the original, sold on Augl 19:
11-05-2021 03:29 PM
@katzrul15 wrote:I get that the "nubbin" is missing.
I cannot track exactly what you are calling the "before pix" and the after pix? Which one is the exact "before pix of the nubbin of the show upside down"?
The OP said that the top photo is the original ('before pix') ... and you can see that all the nubbins are there if you count to the 3rd row. [The OP doesn't show the original photo of the upside-down shoes.]
11-05-2021 03:39 PM
11-05-2021 03:56 PM
@coffeebean832 wrote:
@maxine*j wrote:
@maxine*j wrote:I am confused. When I look at the Completed Listing, October 7, I see the shoes,
NEVER MIND the above. Found the original, sold on Augl 19:
OP is from September. Someone bumped an aging thread.
Oh, for heaven's sake. Thanks. I swear that I'm going to need a keeper sooner rather than later. 😕
11-05-2021 05:02 PM
@a_c_green wrote:As For The Odd Capitalization Of Every Word In The Original Post, that is a capitalization choice that I have seen in text or message dictation on older Android phones. You can select all lower-case, ALL UPPER-CASE or Initial Caps On Every Word. Not sure why that third choice was even offered, but there you are.
That is known as "Title Case" most often used for things like book titles, record/cd titles, newspaper headlines etc. and these days frequently eBay listing titles!
11-05-2021 05:33 PM
LOL. That's correct! For example, in German language, all nouns are capitalized!