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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

Welcome to the Scrounge Lounge - Spring 2020 Edition


Our History: The Scrounge Lounge formed on the old Auction Listings board 17 years ago in 2003.
We appreciate ebay allowing us to transfer to the new Selling Board.
Who are we? Ebay buyers and sellers who love the thrill of the hunt and the thrill of the $ELL.
We find treasures in the usual, and at times, unusual places.
Here in the Lounge we share our finds, talk about sales, share our successes and our mistakes, we ask and answer questions, help identify widgets, and we'd love to hear about all your scrounging adventures!

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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

On My Ebay page there is a banner offering the 50,000 free listings today. Maybe you all have one also?
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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]


 I'm not seeing the 50 thou banner, which is fine...  Not sure how long our PO will be open, due to the lock down we have here now in our state....


 DIL said she went to Kroger last Thursday.  People are really going crazy.  Our shelves are still bare...

  She said the lady in front of her at the check out had '2' grocery carts packed to the brim...  She said the lady had a bill of over $800 !!!!


 As for take out, we honestly don't eat out often.  I always cook.  Plus right now don't know how clean workers hands are or if they're wearing gloves..

  Can't take any chances w/Mr. getting sick.


On a brighter note tho, we're getting things done around here.  I tore the kitchen apart yesterday & got knick knacks off the top of the cupboards, got them all washed & dried & then back in place.

  Mr. got quite a bit of painting done while I did my stuff...  Slow but sure we're moving through the house getting things done before the nice weather hits.

  IF that ever happens....!


I've never seen so many dark dreary days in a row before...

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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

Hope the trucks come and restock you Pat and hope the sun comes out and cheers you up. 800 worth of groceries is crazy indeed. how much will they eat and how much will go to waste.
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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

Two carts full is a lot groceries and $800 in one shot, ouch!

Gray days here, too, Pat. I'm waiting for a nice, warm, sunny day to go see my folks. Figured we could sit outside six feet apart. Crazy what the world has come to.

I haven't been out this week, but DH is working. Employees are all wearing gloves and practicing social distance, hopefully that's enough.

Looking forward to Survivor. See who goes next...

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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

No real issue with supplies here in western northeast Kentucky yet. Better half is pretty much doing the shopping; mostly via Clicklist. Better luck with WalMart (even though I don't like them too much) than Kroger. Little local IGA store had just about everything she was looking for except for low salt bullion - even potatoes (I didn't realize that they were so scarce.

I did go out in the back yard and reattach a couple of privacy fence boards this sunny afternoon.

Thinking about contacting Expedia regarding a trip to my garage.
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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

I agree Kay.  That's an awful lot of $ to spend for 1 trip to the gr. store.


 Hopefully she was buying for older family members that aren't getting out, or maybe for elderly neighbors or maybe she just has a lot of kids at home now with schools closed... ?


One day last week I ran into a dollar store to get something.  There was a lady in front of me at the check out talking to the cashier.

 She had her son in a carrier & he looked to be around 7 months old or so...

  She told the lady that they had 8 kids, but that they were all boys..

She said to the cashier that she hoped this next one was a girl... !  She looked to be around 6 months pregnant..

I can't imagine having that many kids, until you get the girl you always wanted. I hope her husband has a good job.....

 But if it was meant for her to have 9 kids, then she'll have 9 kids....


  We had a pretty day yesterday.  Nice & sunny with blue sky's.  Very pretty outside so Mr. & I went for a walk.  A lot of people were out walking & kids were out playing.  Looked like a normal Spring day...

  But now we're to have rain again for the next 5 days, if they get their prediction right.

Sadly, our weather people seldom get the weather forecast right...  But I know if the winds change it can goof things up...

 Well I see on Survivor Sandra quit the game.  Said she didn't want to be on that island to only 'possibly' get back in the game....


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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

I'm not so sure it is just ebay not working correctly, probably working with a skeleton crew, ya think?
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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

I just finished watching SURVIVOR.

I told ya Sandra was flaking and now flaked OUT, thinks she's still the queen, going out on TOP like Seinfeld LOL

I love that Rob found 3 tokens, We shall see what shakes out. 

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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

OMG on 9 kids. That is way to much to handle. The older ones do help raise the younger ones but wow on feeding them all and taking care of them all.

Kyal good the stores still have what they should for you. That is great.
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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

In a previous life, I was a graduate assistant in the psychology department of the university I attended. My specialties were experimental psychology and statistics. My adviser and boss taught those subjects; I helped.

The first question on the first test in Elementary Statistics went like this: I have four sons and no daughters. What is the probability that my next child will be a boy?

Amazing how many struggled with the answer to that one.
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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

Dwarf magnolia in the front yard didn’t freeze this time. 



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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

Very pretty Kyal Thanks for sharing.
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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

Haha @ that one Kyal. My college adviser told me there was no such thing as "Reasoning with Statistics" my last hurdle before graduation, a class I thought I might fail and hence not graduate, but he gave me a C. 

LOL I always say that was, aside from childbirth, the happiest day of my life. 

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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

Very pretty pink!
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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

Very Pretty Kyal 🙂

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