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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

Welcome to the Scrounge Lounge - Spring 2020 Edition


Our History: The Scrounge Lounge formed on the old Auction Listings board 17 years ago in 2003.
We appreciate ebay allowing us to transfer to the new Selling Board.
Who are we? Ebay buyers and sellers who love the thrill of the hunt and the thrill of the $ELL.
We find treasures in the usual, and at times, unusual places.
Here in the Lounge we share our finds, talk about sales, share our successes and our mistakes, we ask and answer questions, help identify widgets, and we'd love to hear about all your scrounging adventures!

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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

Happy Spring. As the world begins to bloom and turn green may your listings do the same!
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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

Happy Spring to all. Hope it warms up for you and the storms are not too bad. We had a blizzard. It was pretty quick. All day Thursday. It quit by dark. Wind went down. Power came back on. Only was off about 5 hours. Thank goodness. Then yesterday all the roads were closed and every business we called did not answer. So we stayed home and stayed warm.

Thank you Kay for the new thread. Lots of cleaning products on Ebay. Maybe some near you?
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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

Thanks, Kay! I didn't even realize, seems so early. It's freezing here today.

Happy Spring All!

Spring to LIFE!

c'mon bidder bidder bidder

ANYbody HOME? (mo pun intended)


Last thread, re SURVIVOR., Pat and Kay

I thought it was fantastic!


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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

No storms or blizzards, here, Sun but we did get some snow and man did the temps plunge, at least if feels like freezing out there.
Glad you are keeping warm at home!
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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

Neighbors cutting grass in short pants yesterday. Snow flurries as we speak.
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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

Almost 80 yesterday, in the 50s today, but it's perfect in the sun. I'm not ready for 80 yet.

Sun, glad that your power is back on. How much snow did you get?

Kyal, hope it stays flurries and no accumulation.

Pat, re: Survivor, I was disappointed to see Sandra go. She's one of my all time favorites. But, she has won twice. And for Denise... brilliant move, she just upped her resume so kudos to her.

We ran to the grocery store last night. It gest worse every time we go back, more shelves in more categories are wiped out, there is less and less to choose from. Last week I considered buying dishwasher detergent and dish soap and thought I don't really need it yet. Now, it's all gone. Won't make that mistake again.

Luckily, they had most of what DD wanted, only one thing on her list I couldn't find. We drove to Philadelphia this afternoon to drop it all off. Hardly any traffic in the city, that's a first. But there were tons of people on and around the "Rocky steps" not all keeping safe social distances. We spent some time visiting at safe distances sitting outside their house.

We were able to grab a bite to eat on the way hope at a drive-in car-hop place. Now I'm ready for a nap. Or a nice cup of hot tea. Or both.
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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

Kay, happy your trip went well, got all DD's needs met.  

Wow, 80 degrees. Heat wave. 


Loved the look on Sandra's face when she was voted out LOL, she thought she had that in the bag.

Those "old school" favors don't work this time, just like Rob's attempt to corral the guys the entire day.

LOVE it. Buh Bye for now Rob, Parv and Sandra.  

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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

8 to 12 inches of snow. 50 degrees yesterday so it is melting fast.

80 Degrees Kay. Wow that is hot. Glad you were able to get most of DD's needs and take them to her. Crazy that the shelves are empty of so many things. Sure hope that gets fixed real soon.

DD showed me a facebook post about how much TP some Costco store had gotten in stock it filled every isle in the store. She said someone stole a semi load of TP but then abandon the truck some where with contents still inside. Crazy world out there.
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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

Yes very cold. Like 10 degrees with cold south east wind. Just goes right thru the house. Hope you warm up MM. Hope you get some bidders too.
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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

Sorry about your crappie weather Sun.  It was beautiful here yesterday - sunny, about 72 - a perfect day!  It is beginning to cloud up a little today as we prepare for 4 more days of rain - just when the lake was beginning to go down.  Working on that bridge in the multiple feet of water and mud would not be my favorite job - but it is a job - and they are working at least.


Some people are unbelievable.  There was a woman complaining about having to stay home with her kids (then why did you have them) and another wondering about her Spring break vacation.  Some folks are so shallow and entitled.  On a good note, one woman said after home schooling her 2 kids for a couple of hours, she decided teachers were underpaid.  On our local NextDoor app, folks are volunteering to pick up food and med orders for us 'antiques' and leave them by our door.  Thoughtful.


Be careful everyone and stay healthy.

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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

8-12???? HOLYMOLY SUN! 

Did it cool down from yesterday's 50?

It's 32 here, so I was right...freezing and frozen lol



Re Survivor, I haven't been real impressed with Sandra pulling herself out of competitions, what, 3 now?

Jeff's calling it "The Sandra bench"...

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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

Someone in AZ walked into a med facility and walked out with over 20 test kits.
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[][][] Scrounge Lounge [][][] Spring Edition 2020 [][][]

It also rained ahead of the snow. We needed the water badly. Fire danger around here is high. So now it should be much better.

Yes my school teacher DD is enjoying hearing that people think home schooling their kids is hard and that teachers should be paid more. Lots of teachers in this family think this education of people is a good thing.

That is very nice of people to offer help like that Patd. Yes I wonder why some people have kids. Some people are so shallow and just think about themselves. Vacation wow right now that should be off your radar.

Yes it froze over night MM so now it is a skating rink out there.

Neighbors in short pants one day and now it is snowing the next Kyal. Brrr crazy weather. Stay warm and dry.
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