03-17-2025 01:40 PM
I have had problems with USPS 'sitting' on packages for weeks at a time sometimes. Recently a customer submitted an INR complaint about a package that was stuck sitting in Knoxville, TN. The way I understood the situation was that I was only required to upload tracking to show that the item was shipped in a timely manner by me but was delayed beyond my control by the postal service. So that is what I did. But then Ebay took the money out of my account and gave it back to the customer. They also dinged my selling account for the case not being resolved by me. Of course, the package was soon delivered to the customer. So now the customer had the merchandise and the money.
My main question is this: Is there a better way to handle this mess in future? I had no idea how to do this. Ebay reps did not help much either. I had to talk to 4 or 5 reps before I figured out what was going on. I lost track of how many I spoke to. On one of the calls, the call was conveniently disconnected suddenly before I could get a phone conversation reference number from the rep. In future, do I just go ahead and refund the customer's money right away, even if I know they will receive the merchandise eventually? Will ebay give me my money back if the customer refuses to return or pay for merchandise that they received a refund for? Why did they ding me for case resolved without seller resolution? Why must we refund their money when we know that they are going to get the package eventually? It is just delayed, as per tracking. Any suggestions appreciated.
03-17-2025 01:54 PM
Ebay has a nasty reputation of always siding with the buyer. Even when they are lying or when USPS or the carrier responsible is the one at fault. Not the seller. I used to get periodic negative or neutral feedback because the USPS neglected to scan the package at every transfer point. Ebay has gotten better about negative feeback for these issues but they still don't really care about situations that sellers obviosly have no control of. (Shipments mailed and scanned on time but delivered late for no reason)
03-17-2025 02:22 PM
Ebay makes it the seller's responsibility to get the item delivered, so my advice is to be very pro-active and keep an eye on all packages until they are marked delivered.
I personally will not only keep an eye on things, but I will file a USPS request or search on the 7th day if the item hasn't arrived. Then on the 15th day, if it still hasn't arrived, I'll file a claim (if shipping via Ground Advantage or Priority).
In my experience, if it's gotten stuck somewhere, opening a search will get things moving most of the time. And if it doesn't get moving, I want the refund to come through asap.
Basically I want to be on top of it BEFORE a buyer has to message me or file an INR.
Once they file an INR, you have to respond to it, whether it's still in transit or if it's been delivered. It doesn't matter if the tracking number you bought from ebay is 'in the system', you still have to respond to it. Ebay will usually give you give you a grace period if the tracking shows movement, but if there's not been any movement, you'll be forced to refund. That's why I file the claims early, in case it gets stuck and I'm forced to refund.
03-17-2025 03:53 PM
I do not understand what type of request you mentioned. I do watch the packages, but I do not understand what type of request I should submit to try to get the package moving. Also, I did not think we could file a claim with USPS unless the package had been completely lost for a while or arrived damaged.
03-17-2025 04:02 PM - edited 03-17-2025 04:04 PM
Sounds like you did NOT respond to the INR; you are supposed to 're-input' the tracking number; then you wait for 'direction' from ebay.
Sometimes they 'allow more time' if tracking shows 'arriving late'
Sometimes they let you know-"you need to refund".
But if you do NOT respond, buyer 'escalates' and then ebay does what they did.
By the way, if you TALKED to a rep- you talked to the 'tooth fairy' as those 'phone reps' have
a.) NO power to 'take the refund back from the buyer and give it to you
b.) NO power to do anything
c.) WELL KNOWN for simply making things up.
This site is automated. You have to know what to do (and now you do, see my first couple sentences) in the future.
03-17-2025 04:07 PM - edited 03-17-2025 04:13 PM
Google "usps missing mail" and it will take you to the Find Missing Mail page of usps.com
It will explain how you can Complete a Help Request Form, Submit a Missing Mail Search, or File a Claim. It will also tell you the time frames that you can use each option.
For filing a claim, I will file as soon as the system allows me to. (I don't know what you consider "completely lost for awhile", but I consider it lost if it hasn't moved in 5 or more days...) If they can't find it and show it moving through the system/ delivered, I get refunded. If they find it and move it along, the claim is simply denied.
All of this is through usps, not ebay.
03-17-2025 04:30 PM
Thank you for the info. I need all the help I can get. This stuff gets confusing.
03-17-2025 04:40 PM
SINCE YOU SEEM TO LIKE ALL CAPS-I DID RESPOND BY UPLOADING THE TRACKING. I did it as soon as they told me about the INR. The next thing I heard was that they refunded the money. Just like that. Nothing else. They did NOT allow extra time or tell me to refund. They just did it themselves. The first time this happened to me, uploading tracking was sufficient. This time was different for some reason. Yes, I am beginning to realize that the eBay reps make up stories just to keep you happy and get you off of the phone. That is why I kept calling back and messaging them until I got a story that sounded real. But I also believe that they are stuck between a rock and a hard place. They are trying to get people off the phone without the angry confrontations. I think these situations are not cut and dry and can be confusing even for them.
03-17-2025 04:45 PM - edited 03-17-2025 04:46 PM
@tamikay2 Your confusion is understandable. There is 1 occasion when you will automatically win an INR by uploading Tracking info, but it's not your situation. The 1 occasion when you will automatically win is WHEN THE PKG IS SCANNED DELIVERED. If it's scanned delivered & an INR was opened, you will automatically win if you enter Tracking into the case. Even in that case, you should try to help the buyer b/c DELIVERED does NOT mean it was delivered to the correct mailbox. In fact, every INR I've ever had like this (many) the buyers were telling the truth & they had not rec'd it.
But yours was NOT delivered yet. In NO CASE that I'm aware of will eBay ever take money back from the buyer, you would always have to invoice them.
ETA: This is becoming more of an issue with recent USPS problems. If it happens again, I would suggest you come here for assistance.
We have some protections if the item hasn't gotten there, but it seems to be based on where the pkg is & the when the scans were last updated. If you've had a scan in the last few days & you repsond to the case with your Tracking, they will extend the case & that also seems to be true if the last scan is very close to them. I can't tell you how many days for an extension, I've heard everythign from 3 days to 7 days. I just had one of these myself, but the pkg was in her state & had just gotten a scan the day she opened it, so mine was covered by the time I had to respond.
To be clear there is NO automatic coverage just b/c you can prove you mailed it. It must get to them or you are responsible, but you will get some courtesy as outlined above.
03-18-2025 04:12 AM
I looked into the advice you gave and typed myself a step-by-step instruction sheet. I will follow your advice when this happens again. I think your very clear instructions will help keep me out of trouble. Thank you again for taking the time.
03-18-2025 05:06 AM
Sometimes, if the delivery is outside the window that eBay gives, IF an INR is opened, they may refund in those situations too.
Lets say eBay gives the buyer an up to 10 day delivery window, but 16 days later the buyer opens an INR. In those cases eBay may refund after you respond. They will not just give sellers a never ending window to deliver. I don't know the situation you had, but if it was seriously late, that may be why they refunded so quickly.
And just so you know, you also have the option to recall the package (for a USPS fee) if it's not delivered, you had to refund, and you don't want to lose both the money AND the item. On a five or ten dollar item, not worth the fee. On a hundred dollar item, probably worth the fee.
03-19-2025 05:55 PM
@gabe1170 wrote:SINCE YOU SEEM TO LIKE ALL CAPS-I DID RESPOND BY UPLOADING THE TRACKING. I did it as soon as they told me about the INR. The next thing I heard was that they refunded the money. Just like that. Nothing else. They did NOT allow extra time or tell me to refund. They just did it themselves. The first time this happened to me, uploading tracking was sufficient. This time was different for some reason. Yes, I am beginning to realize that the eBay reps make up stories just to keep you happy and get you off of the phone. That is why I kept calling back and messaging them until I got a story that sounded real. But I also believe that they are stuck between a rock and a hard place. They are trying to get people off the phone without the angry confrontations. I think these situations are not cut and dry and can be confusing even for them.
I did NOT respond in 'all caps'. I use 'CAPS' where it is necessary to get the point across.
Always have
Always will
otherwise it's just a bunch of gibberish going on and on and on and on and on and on......
03-19-2025 10:49 PM
If a buyer contacts you with a delivery issue or if the buyer opens an INR, IMHO these are the steps to take.
If an INR was opened, make sure you upload the tracking number to the INR right away.
Go to USPS website and review the detail tracking info.
On this tracking screen there is a place to file for email updates as there is movement on the tracking. Sign up for that so you get informed right away when something gets entered to the tracking.
Go and file for a TRACE, I don't recommend filing for Missing Mail just yet. The two are completely different actions. The Trace usually gets the job done quicker.
Contact your buyer. Keep all contact inside the INR filed so everything is recorded on the claim. Let your buyer know you are working with USPS to get their package delivered. Apologize for the delay. And let them know you filed a trace which takes between 48-72 hours for USPS to respond. As you get any information you will update the buyer right away. Assure your buyer that you are working this problem and will continue to do so until a proper resolution.
If there is movement on the tracking within the last 7 days, Ebay will keep the INR open. Do not voluntarily issue the refund yet. It is highly likely the package is going to get delivered, it is just late. Annoying for the buyer for sure. Just stay in touch with them and assure them you are working on a resolution.