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Proof of purchases must be provided in all listings? Shadow policy?

Finally got ahold of a representative about my listing for Uno cards (of all things) being pulled as counterfeit. Check this out:


I again ask why these were declared as counterfeit?
You are not able to provide proof that the item is authentic Ryan. Please make sure that you provide proof of merchandise such as receipt of the item Ryan.
Pxxxxxx Mxxx
Do I need to do this for each item I list on your site?
Yes Ryan. You can include the receipt on the listing photos.
Pxxxxxx Mxxx
Is there a place on the site for me to submit these proof of purchases?
There's no need to submit the proof of purchase to us, you'll just need to add it on the photos in our listings Ryan.
Pxxxxxx Mxxx
Funny how I never see pictures of receipts on other sellers listings....
Why have you not shut down all of my listings?
none of them have proof of purchases in the listing pictures
I understand that you might see similar listings active on site Ryan. I assure that we are looking for those listings and being reviewed by batch as well.
Pxxxxxx Mxxx
This will trigger as a warning Ryan. Please make sure that you update your active listings to prevent them from being removed.
Pxxxxxx Mxxx
I have placed detailed note on your account for reference to remove the strikes on your account so you can relist the item providing the proof of purchase Ryan.
Pxxxxxx Mxxx
Is this a new policy? Every item listed needs a proof of purchase in the listing?
Can you please direct me to that policy?
We require you to do this Ryan to prevent your listing to be removed since you the information you provided on the listing is not a proof the item is authentic. We removed this item to protect you and your buyers, because we believe it is likely to be counterfeit. To make this decision we consider the details you provided about your item, reports we receive from brands or members of the community, buyer feedback and the reasons buyers returned the item. Please do not relist this item.
Pxxxxxx Mxxx
I am asking for the reports received from brands or members of the community. I already know that buyer feedback was not an issue.
I wish to know specifically why my listing was removed.
Still waiting for the policy direct about proof of purchases in the listing pictures.
Are you still there?
.....This was my interaction with support. No specific reason given, except for a policy that apparently there is not a link to. What am I missing here? I am a new seller, less than sixty days. I have a hard time understanding what eBay is doing. I hear that eBay wants to get away from the small sellers, but how is one to become a large seller in this system. If I sell too many items too fast I am shut down. If I need assistance from eBay I can forget about any real service. Does anyone know of another marketplace that is supportive of small sellers?
Message 1 of 23
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Proof of purchases must be provided in all listings? Shadow policy?

They seem a little obsessed with your name 'Ryan' - I counted 9 times it was mentioned LOL.


The only thing that is good advice, is do not list it again, Mattel own Uno so maybe they have a problem with you listing a new product rather than pre owned and pulled rank on eBay.


Google for other sites, we can not advise you to ''Go'' elsewhere by naming them, but should be easy to find.



I have been imported from Australia and this is my posting ID
Message 2 of 23
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Proof of purchases must be provided in all listings? Shadow policy?

I considered that it was pulled due to Mattel, but I believe that would fall under the VERO policy. Thanks for your reply. 

Message 3 of 23
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Proof of purchases must be provided in all listings? Shadow policy?

Is that person trying to memorize your name for some reason?  That was almost painful to read, Ryan.

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Message 4 of 23
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Proof of purchases must be provided in all listings? Shadow policy?

@divwido wrote:

Is that person trying to memorize your name for some reason?  That was almost painful to read, Ryan.

Good, not just me then..... Certainly taking the 'make sure your customer knows they are important to us' mantra  to the extreme

I have been imported from Australia and this is my posting ID
Message 5 of 23
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Proof of purchases must be provided in all listings? Shadow policy?


No specific reason given, except for a policy that apparently there is not a link to

They said you were required to this. That does not sound like a universal policy.


But here is a policy that seems to cover it:

"we reserve the right to refuse, modify, or terminate all or part of our Services to anyone for any reason at our discretion"


I hear that eBay wants to get away from the small sellers

Where do you hear that?



Message 6 of 23
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Proof of purchases must be provided in all listings? Shadow policy?

Was there any difference in the packaging of your UNO game compared to the other listings? 


We require you to do this Ryan to prevent your listing to be removed since you the information you provided on the listing is not a proof the item is authentic. We removed this item to protect you and your buyers, because we believe it is likely to be counterfeit. To make this decision we consider the details you provided about your item, reports we receive from brands or members of the community, buyer feedback and the reasons buyers returned the item. Please do not relist this item.


It's also possible that they received a few "not authentic" reports in a short amount of time from other sellers or buyers. Ebay will not risk a big complaint from the Brand owner. Therefore, they removed your item & told you not to relist the item. Even if you have proof of purchase from a retail store, don't relist the item. A second removal could lead to more severe seller restrictions. It's sad that they consider you guilty even if you have proof that the item came from a legitimate retail shop. 


Hang in there.

Message 7 of 23
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Proof of purchases must be provided in all listings? Shadow policy?

pictures I used in listing

IMG_3579 (1).jpegIMG_3578 (1).jpegIMG_3580 (1).jpegIMG_3581 (1).jpeg

Message 8 of 23
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Proof of purchases must be provided in all listings? Shadow policy?

@divwido wrote:

Is that person trying to memorize your name for some reason?  That was almost painful to read, Ryan.

That reads more like an interaction with a bot than with a person.  Or with a person not born/raised in the US, regardless of how well they know/use the language.  Customs are customs, and it some countries, using the other person's name like that is considered a sign of respect.



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Message 9 of 23
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Proof of purchases must be provided in all listings? Shadow policy?

No specific reason given, except for a policy that apparently there is not a link to

They said you were required to this. That does not sound like a universal policy.


You are exactly right. I DO feel like I am being singled out.


I appreciate you sending the link to the ENTIRE policy section and I am aware of their blanket "We can do whatever we want, it's our platform" policy. 


What bothers me so much is getting no actual reason for their actions. They make it extremely difficult to get a straight answer, or even contact them directly.


I have been here for a short time and this is not my first run in. A week after starting my account they shut down my account, ended and deleted all of my listings. When I finally was able to talk to a person, they asked me some survey questions and reopened my account. I had to recreate every listing. I would have been happy to answer their survey questions without my account being shut down.

Message 10 of 23
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Proof of purchases must be provided in all listings? Shadow policy?

@luckythewinner wrote:


No specific reason given, except for a policy that apparently there is not a link to

They said you were required to this. That does not sound like a universal policy.



OP said nothing about a 'universal' anything. That is a red herring. If there is some reason OP or any specific user is required to post 🤣receipts🤣 for 'all' their listings like the CS agent claimed, a competent agent should be able to point to relevant policy. Frankly, it sounds like misinformation.


Pointing to a generic statement of intent clause isn't helpful either. The key word OP uses here is support. First they contacted CS to ask a question. Then they came here and were reminded that they can be refused service 🙄


@rocn-6211 It's probable you got bad information from this CS agent. There's probably something about that specific listing which is getting flagged. Could be related to other account issues/actions. CS agent probably doesn't even know, which is typical of CS. Or they may not be allowed to tell you. CS agents are notoriously ill informed and you should exercise caution when relying on their advice.


If you find out what the deal was, come back and post here if possible.

Message 11 of 23
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Proof of purchases must be provided in all listings? Shadow policy?

A CS rep told the OP they have to include a receipt or proof of purchase in all of their listing photos. Can you get this escalated velvet@ebay so the CS rep doesn't continue to give out this bad/wrong info?

Walk without rhythm, it won't attract the worm.
Message 12 of 23
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Proof of purchases must be provided in all listings? Shadow policy?

OP said nothing about a 'universal' anything.

I never said he did. I was simply pointing out to the audience reading this thread that this is not a universal policy and that not all sellers are being required to do this.


Pointing to a generic statement of intent clause isn't helpful either.

I pointed out that every seller here has agreed to allow eBay to change the rules for that seller for no reason.


You do not think that is helpful, despite the fact that it seems to be exactly what is happening to the OP



Message 13 of 23
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Proof of purchases must be provided in all listings? Shadow policy?

@wastingtime101 wrote:

A CS rep told the OP they have to include a receipt or proof of purchase in all of their listing photos. Can you get this escalated velvet@ebay so the CS rep doesn't continue to give out this bad/wrong info?

Thanks for tagging me @wastingtime101, I'll be sure to get that reported. That isn't a thing we would ever ask a seller to do.

Message 14 of 23
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Proof of purchases must be provided in all listings? Shadow policy?

@luckythewinner wrote:

You do not think that is helpful, despite the fact that it seems to be exactly what is happening to the OP

Your post was indeed helpful to the OP. Helpfulness, however, is not always the goal of every person who responds. Some prefer to make sure every post (1) bashes eBay and (2) is critical and/or dismissive of other posters' comments as the two main criteria of a worthy reply. If a reply does not meet those two criteria, it's not worth posting.

Message 15 of 23
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