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Post Office closing

If the Post Office is closed down--at least partially in the fall-- by congress, how will that effect your business?

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109 REPLIES 109

Post Office closing

The post office will not close, If anything I say close the White House.

Message 2 of 110
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Post Office closing

@cropcirclesquare24 wrote:

If the Post Office is closed down--at least partially in the fall-- by congress, how will that effect your business?

Things that are more likely to happen than the USPS closing (or partially closing):

  • China sellers stop selling counterfeit name brand items on eBay
  • eBay brings back negative feedback for buyers
  • eBay customer service stops lying and misleading sellers
  • China sellers have to start paying the same postage rates as USA-based businesses
  • A seller disputes a FedEx charge, and charges are corrected
  • Overall eBay sales increase
Message 3 of 110
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Post Office closing

and the Patriots win the Super Bowl without TB12

Message 4 of 110
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Post Office closing

"China sellers stop selling counterfeit name brand items on eBay"


Does anyone know the dollar amount the USA loses from this?  This is a HUGE problem on this site and it has been for years.  I've never seen a listing pulled for a counterfeit item on here ever.  And then, they get to ship that counterfeit item for next to nothing.

Message 5 of 110
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Post Office closing

@jerzee908 wrote:

"China sellers stop selling counterfeit name brand items on eBay"


 I've never seen a listing pulled for a counterfeit item on here ever.

Individual brands can (and do) get counterfeit items removed, but a counterfeit report from you or me ends up lost in space.

Message 6 of 110
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Post Office closing

Congress has not shut down the post office.


That's an extraordinary claim. Do you have any source at all? I couldn't find a single one.

Message 7 of 110
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Post Office closing

If USPS closes, my business is done for! As it stands, the US Postal service is definitely running out of money, and Trump's response is to offer it a loan for $13 billion, for which the US Post Master has already stated is not enough to keep it afloat, and it will run out of money by September.


Meanwhile, our failure for a president Trump wants to privatize it, handing over a service the entire nation relies upon to crooked investment firms, so they can run it into the ground like they do everything else.


Tens of millions rely on the the postal service to get their medications, it is the backbone of our entire economy. If Trump has his way, he will destroy this country. Then again, his economic policies already have.



Message 8 of 110
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Post Office closing

@jscar59 wrote:

The post office will not close, If anything I say close the White House.

and close Congress and the Senate.


That should have been done decades ago. I'm not holding my breath. Party doesn't matter - Dems and Reps are both cut from the same nasty rotten stinking piece of cloth.  Divide, divide divide, that's all these asshats know.


Term limits for Congress and the Senate is the only way our nation stands a chance. Our government wasn't meant to be a career - it was meant for ordinary, regular people to serve the nation in EVERYONE'S best interest.  As it stands we're the USCA - United States Corporation of America.  Ban political parties. Vote for the person, not the party.  Get rid of corporate support and lobbyists. Get back to the business of running the COUNTRY as a whole.


Stepping off my soapbox now.

The easier you are to offend the easier you are to control.

We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did. - Thomas Sowell
Message 10 of 110
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Post Office closing

My next question is, how much has ePacket cost the USPS since it was implemented in 2011?  I'm not just talking the loss in postal costs, also the cost in man power to deliver those said packages?  It has to be in the billions........

Message 11 of 110
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Post Office closing

I'd be curious to know if any country anywhere at any point in modern history has ever simply shut down its mail delivery. 


Having this Coronavirus outbreak in the first place is unlikely enough, but having the US Postal Service simply close, for any reason at all, is even more implausible. I don't know how or from where their later funding will come from, but I am confident that future funding will happen.


I am spending my time worrying about other things. I have plenty to choose from.

Message 12 of 110
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Post Office closing

The post office has said that they will be out of money by September if they do not get some relief money. They were saying June just a couple of weeks ago, now it is September.

I don't believe that the post office will not receive a bailout if this actually does end up being true.

But I'll play along - I'm hosed if the post office shuts down. I sell small. light items that do not support Fedex/UPS shipping pricing.
Message 13 of 110
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Post Office closing

Agreed! You know our country is in trouble when the 2 nominated presidential candidates are delirious, incompetent old men. One is totally unpredictable and the other can't remember what they ate for lunch, much less run a country.


Trump and Biden should be cleaning their dentures and riding around in hover round scooters, not running a country.


Nothing is going to change for the better in America as long as we continue to allow 90 year olds to run our country.



Message 14 of 110
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Post Office closing

The US Postal service should stop giving China and Amazon a free ride. Amazon gets super discounted rates, I say charge them twice as much, let Amazon fail. Same goes for China. It disgusts me to no end how China can ship anything anywhere in the U.S. for pennies on the dollar.


Message 15 of 110
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