07-05-2018 09:03 AM
Hello Ebay Community and I hope Ebay Customer Service:
I want to report that starting June 01 and continuing through July 05 2018 Page Views are still "broken" showing "-" more than 85% of the time.
Could I get a reply/answer/assurance from anyone from Ebay monitoring this channel?
I saw the announcement from corporate on July 3rd that page views were fixed. And they were for most of that day. But beginning the next day and continuing today they still arent on either of my iphone mobile devices.
Thank you.
07-08-2018 03:18 PM
Mine are still borked. They were fairly consistent for about 18 hours, but today I'm getting "--" again, or else numbers that make no sense (ie: an item that had "0" views suddenly showing "225" and then "--" on two subsequent page reloads.
You'd think by now they would have coders who know what they're doing.
07-08-2018 03:46 PM
Ebay usually gets rid of something when they can't/won't fix it, like with Promoted Listings impressions. They probably didn't want us to know how much or little promotion our promoted listings really got.
I suspect page view info will be going away with the product pages rolling out, because buyers will be viewing an ITEM rather than a LISTING.
07-08-2018 10:40 PM
I still see zero views for my listings
07-09-2018 05:59 PM
Like I said, when the numbers DO drop in, they're.....unrealistic. Yah, that's a good word. "Unrealistic".
07-09-2018 06:36 PM
Yeah your comment on this post is not helpful at all. It's next to impossible to get through to them through any other means possible, so people have this option to come on here and vent, and I agree with these guys that I don't care how useless one more post seems, a whole ton of posts of people getting sick and tired of something means that it will in fact add some form of pressure.
In the last year, if I've had any problems on here (and they've been numerous), I usually don't get them fixed by simply calling. You have to call, and then when they are about to blow you off and hang up, you have to lose your cool with them or else nothing gets done. They just want to brush everything aside to get on with what they consider to be greater concern. So if you don't give them the choice to brush you aside, or if these complaints mount up into a snowball, then yes, just one more post does actually have an effect on the matter.
07-09-2018 07:53 PM
Yup. they told me via chat last week that they were gonna have this issue fixed by tomorrow. 7/10.
willl they ? we will see.
probably not.
like i have said b4 this only affects sellers, therefore ebay doesnt care and will be taking their sweet time to "fix" this issue if they even do because as most of you should know by now, ebay could care less about sellers.
07-09-2018 10:01 PM
As of today, the view counter has not been fixed. Some of my listings have new watchers but 0 views. Impossible.
07-09-2018 11:12 PM
Good news is, the view counter on these forums works just fine and dandy.
07-10-2018 12:07 AM
Counter still doesn't work, visitors are not being counted
07-10-2018 03:38 AM
10th of July...... still not working here. Getting ridiculous...
07-10-2018 06:14 AM
yup they lied to me once again, they told me they would be fixed today 7/10. she mustve just made that up.
i no longer get the chat option either which is weird, maybe i contacted them too many times about the views issue--3 times a day for a week.
looks like we will have to get used to it folks! doubt its gonna get fixed, at least any time soon.
07-10-2018 06:38 AM
When I originally called I was told the views would be fixed by July 4th. They worked temporarily and my sales increased. Now the views are not working again and sales have gone down again.
07-10-2018 09:06 AM
I spoke with a customer service rep about an hour ago. She said they were aware of the problem and were working on a solution. She said that she added my complaint and one of my items which seemed particularly "off" (4 views, 21 watchers) to the database. She also indicated that this is not happening for all sellers, which makes it harder to find the cause. It's not a fix, but I feel like my concerns were heard, not dismissed.
07-10-2018 09:27 AM
^i got that too on one of the many chats i had with them. ( 12-15 )
sorry but more bologna is all!
07-10-2018 09:41 AM