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New Feedback Flow for Sellers

devon@ebay, elizabeth@ebay , velvet@ebay 


This new Feedback flow started last night and it is not acceptable.  The old format had ALL of my pre-typed Feedback available.  The first time I saw this and clicked the Positive button I got a canned eBay Feedback in the window that I was NOT able to change and what it said was not what I ever would have typed, unacceptable.  This pic just shows a blank page, I closed it before doing anything.  This ONE FB takes up my entire screen.


Screenshot (3778).png


To optimize time I leave FB for Buyers while the label is printing.  Now I can't do that.  What I have to is more work and more steps ... I have to go to my FB history and scroll to the bottom of the page then click the Leave Feedback (Green arrow next pic) link then work on my Feedback task.


Screenshot (3779).png

Below is the page that comes up and this older format does NOT waste my screen space and HAS all of my pre-typed FB in it.


Screenshot (3780).png

Wow, I can see three things on this page.

Please advise how I can get back to the old FB flow???




Mr. L





Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 1 of 116
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115 REPLIES 115

Re: New Feedback Flow for Sellers

Just used it. This is the worst feedback format that I've ever seen. Ebay has got to do away with this. Even after the feedback is left you get this "what was the problem would you like to resolve this." I am paraphrasing this but I think it can lead to many problems that was never there to begin with.

Message 31 of 116
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Re: New Feedback Flow for Sellers

I'm unable to leave feedback too .Looks like they've been messing with the system again . 

Message 32 of 116
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Re: New Feedback Flow for Sellers

@bbravo65 wrote:

...oh dear eBay...there are so many issues which is very important and is needed to express than example. Credit Card Charge Back...

    The CC Chargeback scandal is one of the biggest ignored elephants in the room that eBay is not doing anything about. Along with the explosion of buyer scams in general, it is very short-sighted on eBay's part because of the seller fees revenue it is losing due to many of us not listing higher-value items like we used to. We're not in business to automatically give away items to thieves. 

    Like the latest change on posting FB that Mr. Lincoln is talking about, this constant eBay tinkering with things that aren't broken, and have not had complaints, is getting pretty frustrating. Translation: More unnecessary, time-consuming work for getting simple things done, while other really BIG problems are put on the back burner and seemingly forgotten or purposely ignored.

    I've had to go outside the box and bypass some problems myself. For example, the constant complaints I see here about eBay's shipping/labeling system going down and being too cumbersome and unreliable has been going on for years. I finally got so frustrated with it, that I went over to about 14 years ago, and will never go back to eBay for labels and shipping... one of the best moves I ever made.

   I give all my customers the same feedback: "Prompt, smooth, pleasant transaction. Thanks!"  And now I never have to manually drill down and fill it out on eBay at all. automatically does that for me on its post-back to eBay, along with tracking numbers and marking the items as shipped. So now I see I've dispatched yet another problem with just one move: Using a reliable shipping service with great customer service from actual live US-based reps that really know their stuff, and now bypassing eBay's latest unnecessary FB tinkering under its attitude of "It's not broken, so lets rip it apart and fix it!"

   I'm 100% with Mr. Lincoln on his frustration, and others here wondering why eBay is tinkering and messing up so many things that aren't broken to begin with, and ignoring the really BIG problems. SMH...

Cheers, Duffy

Message 33 of 116
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Re: New Feedback Flow for Sellers

It is time consuming and messed up. after I posted my feedback for  buyer a pop-up appeared asking if I would like to save this seller. I usually try to go with the flow on ebay, but this is not an improvement.

Message 34 of 116
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Re: New Feedback Flow for Sellers

@duffy4444 wrote:

@bbravo65 wrote:

...oh dear eBay...there are so many issues which is very important and is needed to express than example. Credit Card Charge Back...

    The CC Chargeback scandal is one of the biggest ignored elephants in the room that eBay is not doing anything about. Along with the explosion of buyer scams in general, it is very short-sighted on eBay's part because of the seller fees revenue it is losing due to many of us not listing higher-value items like we used to. We're not in business to automatically give away items to thieves. 

    Like the latest change on posting FB that Mr. Lincoln is talking about, this constant eBay tinkering with things that aren't broken, and have not had complaints, is getting pretty frustrating. Translation: More unnecessary, time-consuming work for getting simple things done, while other really BIG problems are put on the back burner and seemingly forgotten or purposely ignored.

    I've had to go outside the box and bypass some problems myself. For example, the constant complaints I see here about eBay's shipping/labeling system going down and being too cumbersome and unreliable has been going on for years. I finally got so frustrated with it, that I went over to about 14 years ago, and will never go back to eBay for labels and shipping... one of the best moves I ever made.

   I give all my customers the same feedback: "Prompt, smooth, pleasant transaction. Thanks!"  And now I never have to manually drill down and fill it out on eBay at all. automatically does that for me on its post-back to eBay, along with tracking numbers and marking the items as shipped. So now I see I've dispatched yet another problem with just one move: Using a reliable shipping service with great customer service from actual live US-based reps that really know their stuff, and now bypassing eBay's latest unnecessary FB tinkering under its attitude of "It's not broken, so lets rip it apart and fix it!"

   I'm 100% with Mr. Lincoln on his frustration, and others here wondering why eBay is tinkering and messing up so many things that aren't broken to begin with, and ignoring the really BIG problems. SMH...

Cheers, Duffy

Well said @duffy4444 , VERY WELL SAID ... worthy of a repeat ...

I have been bringing up a few issues lately and have been blown away by all the intelligent Sellers posting common sense statements about the issues ... UNBELIEVABLE that so many of us can see the obvious.

I have never hesitated to Give credit where credit is due with eBay but 2022 is void of any of that experience or sentiment ...

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 35 of 116
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Re: New Feedback Flow for Sellers

LOL- I just went to leave feedback to see what you are all talking about lol- it wont even work- the "leave feedback " button is shaded out. I tried everything and on several different purchases- no go.

It is a stupid design though- expands to cover whole page and wastes space to do a simple task. 

I'm sure its working as designed- to add time and effort to what was a simple efficient chore. 

     Ebay is hell bent on making the platform mobile and ignoring the fact that computers will never go away and that their customer base- SELLERS- use desktops to conduct business here.  I just think its hilarious that they design all this stuff on computers- they dont use their phones to work lol.     Talk about the blind leading the blind up there at walkers......

    At least its working though- 2nd quarter results were amazing! ......... Oh wait- that was just the spin that the ceo put on it. In reality ebay lost GMV / sellers / buyers / and review again. 

      One thing ebay is amazing at is doubling down on bad ideas  and alienating there customers and making things take 2x longer and more complicated lol-  for that they truly are the best in the industry 

Message 36 of 116
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Re: New Feedback Flow for Sellers

I tried using the app like a buyer would the other day, for plain old ordinary sneakers.  Not the fancy stuff.   I wish I could say you wouldn't believe the hunting I had to do to find seller feedback (abysmal in that particular case) and the annoyances required to read the actual item description. Like I said, I wish I could say you wouldn't believe it.  You can't even buy stuff on the app, and it was designed for buyers.  


Can't buy on the app. Can't sell from the app. But they're turning the desktop experience into the app.  Anyone else see a problem here???   (puts head on desk because banging it enough would mean a potential TBI) 

She who dies with the most toys still dies; when's the estate sale?
Message 37 of 116
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Re: New Feedback Flow for Sellers

@evelyb30 the ebay app has been disaster since they introduced it, but instead of actually working on it and fixing it to make it better, ebay's site development ignores it and then they decided to make everything "universal" and THAT DOSE NOT WORK in web design - there is a reason why their are normal website (desktop/laptop) and APP version for mobile devices like phones / tablets - but apparently ebay hasn't figured this out yet. 

The great truth is there isn't one
And it only gets worse since that conclusion...
...There is something about the rigid posture of a proper, authentic blind
As if extended arms reached to pass his blindness onto others.
Message 38 of 116
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Re: New Feedback Flow for Sellers

But do they listen to their heavy-duty users, who are essentially doing their bug-checking for free?  Rhetorical question.  And they wonder why I just took down two more listings , or would if they had operational brains.  

She who dies with the most toys still dies; when's the estate sale?
Message 39 of 116
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Re: New Feedback Flow for Sellers

@mr_lincoln wrote:

@bbravo65 wrote:

...oh dear eBay...there are so many issues which is very important and is needed to express than example. Credit Card Charge Back...

@bbravo65   Actually, they could be spending their programming time fixing the new Unified listing tool instead of changing a system that worked and, to my knowledge, nobody has complained about recently ...

They did something similar on eBay with adding notes to your packing slip awhile ago (dot ca). You can add your own custom note but it does not save and there is no way to remove eBay's pre-fabricated comments that I have found. According to random info (admins), those features were supposed to be included. Again not very helpful when it comes to being considered an improvement.



Message 40 of 116
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Re: New Feedback Flow for Sellers

@lotzofuniquegoodies wrote:

@mr_lincoln wrote:

@bbravo65 wrote:

...oh dear eBay...there are so many issues which is very important and is needed to express than example. Credit Card Charge Back...

@bbravo65   Actually, they could be spending their programming time fixing the new Unified listing tool instead of changing a system that worked and, to my knowledge, nobody has complained about recently ...

They did something similar on eBay with adding notes to your packing slip awhile ago (dot ca). You can add your own custom note but it does not save and there is no way to remove eBay's pre-fabricated comments that I have found. According to random info (admins), those features were supposed to be included. Again not very helpful when it comes to being considered an improvement.



@lotzofuniquegoodies   The term they use is "enhancement" ... so whenever we see that word we turn and run.

"Enhancement" is synonymous with "here's something that works perfectly, lets FIX it"

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 41 of 116
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Re: New Feedback Flow for Sellers

@collectfest wrote:

@nuclearomen wrote:

jesh...can ebay for once NOT change things (especially things that were not broke and worked just fine prior) and focus on FIXING WHAT IS ALREADY WRONG WITH THE SITE! 
Does it say somewhere: "always changing the site for the worst possible experience"? that i had missed? 

Agreed. Not that anyone cares but I am boycotting the word enhancement and improved experience!!! 

eBay has always described EVERYTHING in the seasonal announcements (and other announcements) as improvements. Majority have either removed something we relied on or made something more difficult(impossible to now do.)  Opt out is not in eBay's vocabulary. Or the worst of all. Caused a dramatic decrease in traffic or sales. Overall, very misleading/frustrating to my mind!!!




Message 42 of 116
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Re: New Feedback Flow for Sellers

Why not automate the process, you can't leave negative for buyers, I did that years ago and never waste time with leaving feedback, as soon as buyer pays, they get a positive.

Message 43 of 116
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Re: New Feedback Flow for Sellers

@lotzofuniquegoodies wrote:

@collectfest wrote:

@nuclearomen wrote:

jesh...can ebay for once NOT change things (especially things that were not broke and worked just fine prior) and focus on FIXING WHAT IS ALREADY WRONG WITH THE SITE! 
Does it say somewhere: "always changing the site for the worst possible experience"? that i had missed? 

Agreed. Not that anyone cares but I am boycotting the word enhancement and improved experience!!! 

eBay has always described EVERYTHING in the seasonal announcements (and other announcements) as improvements. Majority have either removed something we relied on or made something more difficult(impossible to now do.)  Opt out is not in eBay's vocabulary. Or the worst of all. Caused a dramatic decrease in traffic or sales. Overall, very misleading/frustrating to my mind!!!




Re: Enhancement...Be afraid...Like the song lyrics....Run to the hills!!! 😮 Not really an Iron Maiden fan but fitting words.


PS  To above...


As a commentary... Are thumbs up the same as in agreement/helpful? Not like there is option to disagree!! Maybe leaving multiples like mentioned above should be added. Many posts in this discussion would be very easy to do.


Message 44 of 116
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Re: New Feedback Flow for Sellers

@ten_o_nine wrote:

Why not automate the process, you can't leave negative for buyers, I did that years ago and never waste time with leaving feedback, as soon as buyer pays, they get a positive.

I compare automating to the constant removing of options. Similar to the limited choices that are available for INR's and NAD's etc. Often the choices provided by eBay are not entirely accurate. Leaving buyers and sometimes sellers to either guess, use close enough or in some cases lie. There are  also no ways to either amend or extend a case. Something may not arrive on on day 14 but might arrive on day 16. So easy to refund but nothing built into the eBay's system to rebill. Major head scratcher!!!



Message 45 of 116
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