03-25-2021 08:03 AM - edited 03-25-2021 08:03 AM
I Used to go to My eBay many times a day for a QUICK look at my listings and to see if there were any bids or messages, but that is no longer possible.
It has become a nightmare of may page clicks and nothing ir either quick or easy.
So, now, I just won't go there.
I will use my email to see if there is anything new.
And delete all messages from eBay that have nothing to do with a sale.
There are OTHER sites that have the same listings as eBay and MORE and they ARE USER FRIENDLY.
Listing takes a lot of time and I cannot waste it on the CLUTTERED USELESS NIGHTMARE of My eBay.
03-26-2021 08:57 AM
We are not talking about Seller Hub. We are talking about Classic My eBay now changed over to a multipage my eBay that is unnecessary time consuming and slows the sellers down. WE WANT EVERYTHING ON ONE PAGE!!!
Anyone with 0 feedback is probably being paid by eBay to be a cheerleader.
The New software stinks and Sellers Hub is totally unusable and convoluted for a small seller.
Bring back Classic My eBay!!!!
03-26-2021 09:10 AM
Regardless of how you feel at the moment you have fabulous listings with great photos. As long as my sales continue to rise I can deal with the changes.
03-26-2021 09:14 AM
I keep adapting here and it is nothing compared to real life.
03-26-2021 09:15 AM
Yes, it does seem as bad as going to the dentist for a root canal...
03-26-2021 09:15 AM
Right? Seriously, what was wrong with a list...active listings, sold listings, unsold listings...in a row, all on one page????? This seller hub is a nightmare. Charts and evaluations? And instead of sold items, it's orders? This is NOT an improvement. It's change for changes sake. It's ridiculous and irritating
03-26-2021 09:21 AM
I agree! And it's just way to busy.... And yes, I guess I will get used to it, but I reserve the right to state my opinion that the changes are absurd. I had to go to the help section to figure out where the sold items were. But they've been doing this all along. As soon as you get used to one format they change it. Years ago, the selling page started as one page (as it is now), then they had it two pages...so if you wanted to change your title you had to go back a page...then they had it up to 3 pages. Then, big announcement, easier selling! And it was back to one page. Why don't they just leave it alone...it was fine
03-26-2021 09:46 AM
03-26-2021 09:50 AM
Absolutely true and now my # of watchers is GONE
03-26-2021 09:51 AM
YES, YES and more Yes...need we say anything else! What the heck were they thinking. \
03-26-2021 10:04 AM
OK so it takes about 5 screens to get to where one screen did the job before, I'm retired have nothing else to do all day, but where or where did they put the total watchers #...this figure gave me encouragement and a basis to list more of the same thing.
( I have a 40 year accumulation of antiques and collectibles and my critical path to the end is coming faster that EBAY can change screens around) .
I'm an also too old to rework my brain, did data processing for an insurance company since the 1980's and we were taught early on to just follow the KISS principle...(Keep It Simple Stupid) !
03-26-2021 10:06 AM
Ebay, does anyone there read these comments?
3 pages of users that are unhappy with the changes to the seller's page must indicate that there is a problem.
The old seller's page was compact and informative, the replacement is not so at all. Please change it back, or allow the option to remain with the classic view.
03-26-2021 10:09 AM
Actually, they don't.
03-26-2021 10:09 AM
Yes, the changes we can deal with but question is why do they need to keep changing? It is getting so confusing to us simplistic old folks that new people are going to hear our complaints and are going to go elsewhere to sell.
03-26-2021 10:12 AM
In case you haven't noticed, there are a ton of new places to sell. but I am too old to change and got EBAY down pat, I even like Managed payments, but I just want to be able to find data quickly and evenly on as few pages as possible, and that doesn't seem to be happening.
03-26-2021 10:27 AM
I'm not "stubborn."
I don't have a "big hard head.
The scrolling from side to side on my iPad does NOT Work.
It constantly has to reload.
It may be my equipment is old, but it's what I have to work with.
I cant list.
Im not complaining.
There are things I know.
Im not going to be Miss America.
Thats not a complaint, it's a fact.
This seller Hub active page does NOT WORK.
Fact, not complaint.