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More Thieves

So I got This Customer,  He opened a case against me to get his product for free, even though the tracking showed it was delivered.  Said he never recieved it.


After a couple of Days, I started getting all these weird messages from him about other products.


He was concerned that after he bought XYZ, upon closer inspection, he doesn't think it will work in his car, and would like a complete refund Plus shipping.  and  The Size didn't seem to match on this XYZ Product.  I think your listing was deceptive,  can you please refund my total purchae price for the item.


I guess he was accidentally responding to me time and time again, instead of the other people he was trying to scam.


He had Thousands and Thousands of feedbacks,  all for items purchased, and no sales history.


But not one seller called him out in his feedbacks, or followed up to his feedbacks.


It just looks to me like he tries to get every single item he buys on the system for free, and ebay is more than willing to oblige him by stealing from all the sellers.


He was so polite,  but still an obvious scammer.  It looks like he has taken thousands of ebays seller for a ride by stealing from them.


I'm not sure what to do,  I'd like to contact a bunch of the seller in his feedback to ask them if he tried steal from them as well,  and maybe get some of them to report him with me, but EBAY would probably punish me for doing that under the new message rules.


I hate all the thieves and liars patroling this system.  they're just  a contant drain on everyone.


Message 1 of 30
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Re: More Thieves

I'm not a thief - but when I see a seller leave rude follow up feedback to a buyer - I use my back button as you never know if it's the buyer who's scamming or the seller and they're upset someone called them out.

Message 16 of 30
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Re: More Thieves

100% agree.  Even if I am certain the person has scammed me, my replies are always truthful and professional.   I do not want that one scammer to hurt future business.  I want buyers to know that I handle my business professionally and they can expect that with their purchases.

Message 17 of 30
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Re: More Thieves

@blokschmok_0 wrote:

@sg51 wrote:

Reason: saying bad stuff about buyer in feedback is a policy violation.

I don't care about that,  If someone leaves a negtive then tells me they will revise the feedback if I let them steal the product,  I just tell them to F' Off and I call them out in the feedback by responding to their negatives, or following up on my original feedbacks I left them.


I stopped worrying about negatives a long time ago.  If they have an honest beef, I just leave it alone, (you can't please everyone, and sometimes things break or get dropped by the delivery people or whatever,  and there are some people who are just never happy).


But if they are using the feedback to blackmail me,  I just tell them to shove it and leave an appropriate response calling them out as blackmailers and thieves.  I don't care anymore.  I've been ripped off hundreds of times over the years on this system.  and sometimes the people are so rude, and threatening,  that I just lay it out in a response to thier feedback.  or I follow up on my own feedbacks with something, calling them out for what they are.


You sound wicked unprofessional.


You're not that special- we all get scammers and theives. So do brick and mortar stores. It's just the nature of the beast and the price of admission.


If you can't handle it and have meltdowns using profanities and violating eBay feedback policy, you should probably take a vacation or maybe just move along.

Message 18 of 30
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Re: More Thieves

Let me second what previous posters have said.  It can and will cause good buyers to flee your listings, because they will be turned off by your comments.

They don't know who is at fault, you or the buyer, and that doubt will cause them to hit the back button because your bad feedback left will indicate to them what they can expect and how you may behave toward them.


It is usually recommended that a seller leave a professional response, free from name calling and negative emotions, because it will reflect on you to your prospective buyers who check out the feedback you have left.


Message 19 of 30
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Re: More Thieves

If they've opened a case for INR, you need to respond to it by stating that tracking shows delivered.......


I would be very tempted to call ebay and ask them to read the emails about other sales and ask if they perhaps should review his history........presuming all this is on ebay messaging.  But I would do it calmly, not in a demanding manner..........

Message 20 of 30
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Re: More Thieves

After being in some form of customer service for almost 30 years. I found hat the easiest way to deal with a scam buyer is to Act professionally,move on and forget about them asap. It's not worth your time cuz time is money

Message 21 of 30
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Re: More Thieves

So to follow up.


I've been selling on EBAY since the 1990's,  and all of my Paypal deposits are now on hold because this idiot, who was so dumb, that he was sending me the messages where he was trying to steal from other sellers, (Like he tried to steal from me), to me, after he tried to steal from me the day before.


After many calls to ebay and about 2 hours of my day wasted, they must have decided it was my fault this serial thief stole from me,  (and everyone else he buys from), so they limited my Paypal account. 


I sent them the other messages he sent me by accident detailing how he was trying to scam the sellers on every purchase he makes.


LOL, Sometimes this system is such a joke.  It's so obvious they want to drive sellers off of here.


Even people who have worked with them for almost 2 decades.  It's just depressing as hell knowing this is the way EBAY treats thier sellers everyay.


It just cracks me up.  You can't make this stuff up.  It's been this way for years,  but it seems like it just keeps getting worse as time goes by.


It just makes me laugh.  it's too funny.




Message 22 of 30
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Re: More Thieves

@blokschmok_0 wrote: "...  I'd like to contact a bunch of the seller in his feedback to ask them if he tried steal from them as well ... "


Communication is free, I've done this on occasion with good results from fellow sellers ...

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 23 of 30
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Re: More Thieves

Maybe I'm  naive but I'm amazed at the lengths some people here will go to in order

to steal from sellers and lie to Ebay and Paypal.

One of these people I've dealt with was refunded and then wouldn't return my items. 

I contacted the police department in her city and they will get back to me about her.

If they are unable to do anything, I have a lawyer in the family.

I want my items back.

Message 24 of 30
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Re: More Thieves



"One of these people I've dealt with was refunded and then wouldn't return my items. "



Why did you refund before the items were returned?

Message 25 of 30
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Re: More Thieves

I didn't, paypal did that.  Ebay sided with me and paypal refunded her.

Message 26 of 30
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Re: More Thieves




Did PayPal not give you the option to accept the return?

Message 27 of 30
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Re: More Thieves

No they did not.

Message 28 of 30
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Re: More Thieves




So the buyer opened a case with PayPal & they were instantly refunded & you were not given any oportunity to reply to the case?

Seems somewhat strange.

Message 29 of 30
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Re: More Thieves

I agree lol.  Without giving all  the details,  I'm confident  it will be resolved soon.

Message 30 of 30
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