06-04-2017 05:45 AM
What is going on!!
We had a great first few months of the year. But starting May 1 our sales just died!! The first two weeks were pretty slow. The third week was awful. Like dead in the water! Last week wasn't really much better. I've talked to a few other eBay sellers and it seem like the ones in my local area are in the same boat. I plan on sitting down today and looking at some listings that should've sold quickly and they did not. And doing a comparison between TY vs. LY sales. We sell mainly toys. Didn't know if it was just the toy industry part or eBay sells as a whole.
06-14-2017 04:13 AM
The days of us small sellers trying to sell vintage things, and being an American community that shares stuff to keep the planet green, are over... now it's all about clickbait
06-14-2017 09:30 AM
06-14-2017 09:32 AM
06-14-2017 09:33 AM
06-14-2017 09:34 AM
06-14-2017 09:37 AM
06-14-2017 09:37 AM
06-14-2017 10:06 AM
The days of us small sellers trying to sell vintage things,
Sellers of vintage items are an important part of the Ebay community, but they aren't the only sellers. What happens to them happens to all. There isn't a target on small sellers or those sellers of vintage items.
and being an American community
Ebay has never been just an "American community" except in the very early days of the site. I'm not really sure what you are trying to get at calling it an "American community" anyway. Our America is made up of all kinds of people from all over the world and from all walks of life. We are an amazing complex cocktail to be a proud part of and ever grateful to live here.
that shares stuff to keep the planet green, are over... now it's all about clickbait
I'm not at all sure what this means. Are you saying that Ebay sellers share with other Ebay sellers to recycle certain things to help our planet? If so, I've never heard this before, can you provide a link to where this happens please?
07-31-2017 03:24 PM
May wasn't bad for tme but the summer has been grim. Thinking of changing categories or doubling to 2 categories
07-31-2017 03:26 PM
@gailslittlestuff wrote:May wasn't bad for tme but the summer has been grim. Thinking of changing categories or doubling to 2 categories
Summer is typically slow for most sellers. And this one is certainly slow. For me, August is usually the worst month of the year. About mid September things pick back up usually.
I don't know if a category change will help you, but it may be just worth a try.
Good Luck!
07-31-2017 03:27 PM
Me either Ive been doing this siince 1999 and this is the worst summer, looking forward to freebie listings hopefully tomorrow and more
07-31-2017 03:28 PM
thanks I'm gonna try 2 categories and put only new items up
07-31-2017 03:30 PM
@gailslittlestuff wrote:thanks I'm gonna try 2 categories and put only new items up
Please let me know if you see an improvement. I would be very interested in what your little test bares.
07-31-2017 03:31 PM
I tried that 99c and do it as an auction what a waste of listing money. Miniatures are buy it now and listing for a month is a waste -you just get watchers