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Managed payments

I've been with ebay for almost 10 years now. I have an above average rating and I've been very happy with everything. Now this Managed Payments has caused me for the first time , to consider closing my account.  I don't know what transpired between ebay and paypal but I was happy with it and I 

don't care for the idea of having my personal bank account wide open to ebay.  There are too many changes going on with Our Government right now and this just feels like one more way of being manipulated into loosing all control . I'd like to know how others feel about this new policy. And if there are no other options I will definitely close out.

Message 1 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

PEOPLE... I Will BOTTOM LINE The Point Of Contention FOR YOU ALL.....


1)  I  sold an item for $204. on WEDNESDAY....

2) I DID NOT see a dime from that sale until 5.A.M. THIS MORNING...SATURDAY !

Because Ebay/Adyen DID NOT DO A THING to get me MY MONEY...

Until FRIDAY MORNING at 7:54 A.M. !


> ITEM SOLD: Wed, Aug 25, 6:56 AM (3 DAYS AGO)

> Ebay so-called 'DAILY PAY-OUT':  Fri, Aug 27, 7:54 AM (2 DAYS  AFTER PAYMENT!)

> My Bank registered payment to my account...Saturday, Aug. 28, 5 AM

(Ergo; My Bank is NOT the problem--it moved faster than Ebay!...and NOT on a 'Business Day' DELAY basis!)


With PayPal... I would have had IMMEDIATE access to my do with as I PLEASE.

I could have zapped it to my bank account within 30 MINUTES.....

With 'Ebay Managed Payments' , I wait THREE DAYS...

......while Ebay sends me 'You`ve been paid--SHIP NOW!' messages!

.......And tells me 'How Great' Ebay Managed Payments is !


Babble on all you wish ...But this is decidedly NOT PROGRESS !


Message 61 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

“Daily payout” doesn’t mean you get paid in a day.

Message 62 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

@femmefan1946 wrote:


Ayden, I understand, is the processor for etsy and has been for some time. I wonder if any etsy sellers here  can tell us if their payments are being transferred any faster?


I chose weekly payouts on both sites.

When they release the funds, they are in my checking account that night or early the next morning for both sites.




Have a great day.
Message 63 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

@hero-for-hire wrote:


> Ebay so-called 'DAILY PAY-OUT':  Fri, Aug 27, 7:54 AM (2 DAYS  AFTER PAYMENT!)


Daily pay outs just means they'll send your funds daily (Mon-Fri), if you have available funds ready to send.

It doesn't mean you'll be paid daily.




Have a great day.
Message 64 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

@this*old*attic wrote:

Yes, to stop sellers from grabbing the money whether they are wrong or right in the dispute.

Just within the last week, I saw a seller's post recommending to an OP that s/he remove his/her funding source so eBay couldn't put a hold on the proceeds of a transaction in case the buyer requested a return.

Message 65 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

I agree with you 100% across the board! I thought eBay was a selling platform for my business that supplements my husbands paycheck, but in the last few years they have been making new rules that only benefit them or the buyer and are basically sticking their nose into my business where I feel they don't need to.

We all have 2 lives. The second one starts when we realize we only have one.
Message 66 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

You are right, in this world of instant everything, it should not take three days to get paid. E bay had the perfect payment system to replicate with Pay Pal.  E bay, why should it take three days or more (weekends) to pay your sellers? Pay Pal paid within the hour and sellers were not anxious waiting for  payments. I try to ship within a day of an order and sometimes my buyer receives their package before I get paid (First Class mail).  E bay you can make excuses all day but this MP system makes you and MP look incompetent and greedy. E bay you definitely need to speed up your payments to sellers! 

Message 67 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

The question is: why not get paid in a day in todays world? 

Message 68 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

Glad your happy with ebays fees and charges and deposit delays. Don’t forget now with MP they can go right into your account for any fees or charges they feel you owe. 

Message 69 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

Ya stop blaming eBay they just told you daily payouts it’s not ebays fault that it’s not true.

Message 70 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

@dentalrprtek2012 wrote:

Glad your happy with ebays fees and charges and deposit delays. Don’t forget now with MP they can go right into your account for any fees or charges they feel you owe. 

Where did I say that I was happy with eBay's fees, charges, and deposit delays?  


As for the ability for MP to direct access your funding account for fees  & charges, that was clearly laid out in the MP program customer agreement wasn't it? 

Message 71 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

Today is Sunday...

I had $700. worth of sales over this weekend...

IF PayPal were still handling things, I could be using that money RIGHT NOW.

 Ebay Managed Payments; despite their so-called 'Daily Pay-Outs' is all about delays...'Processing' delays...'Business Day' delays...and of course; Labor Day is a delay.

Ebay will not even begin to send me MY MONEY until ...... WEDNESDAY !

Then it is --of course--another day before my bank can have the transfer reflected in my account.

With PayPal; I could have zapped that money into my account TODAY, and it would have been available tomorrow morning....or I could have just used it via my PayPal account !


Ebay...... Tell me again how great your 'Ebay Managed Payments' are...

Because I do not see it as all that 'great' that you have more access to my money than I do.

Message 72 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

It's absolutely horrible unless you have sales ending all the time. I am afraid for a lot of the small time sellers as this is forced. We are used to being able to use our money as soon as the buyer pays. I had sales on Thursday night and they are still processing my money on Monday which means I'll see it Wednesday at the earliest. (Also the banks are open on Saturday, so why no payouts on Saturday?) For me and I know many others to come,  this not-even-close to Paypal replacement, sure took one of the greatest things about eBay away 😪

Message 73 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

I got the message today, and when they asked for my bank account, I closed the window in a hurry and forget that. Their cheerful tone was off putting. I read "hey, rube, make us rich. We will mess with your hard earned cash, and increase your blood pressure" so let us know where to (eventually after the next ice age) send your "remains" $$$. LOL. I plan to keep buying, But selling is a big NO. I will not be a dusty little cog in their machinery with a dollar sign on my forehead, and Mother Hubbard cupboard.

Message 74 of 83
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Re: Managed payments

I was an absolute fool and glossed over the upload instructions. Then after they are sitting on $900.00 for the past week, I realized they are not releasing the money because they want to see my entire bank statement. After griping at "Kelly", she says they only want to see Ebay transactions. Ok? I don't use my bank account for Ebay purchases, so? Why do they need my entire bank statement? Because they are selling the data? Who knows but this is crazy and I am beyond **bleep** off.  They still won't release my money. I asked "Kelly" if she was going to send me HER bank statement? She said she didn't have a problem doing that... What? Idiots.

Message 75 of 83
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