I like to let my buyers shop for a few days for the cominbed shipping
and I have a few regulars that I'll let shop for a week to 10 days (I
sell a lot of costume jewelry and shipping is expensive if not
combined). But after a few days ebay starts sen...
Hi!I think these are pewter, definitely not sterling and a magnet does
not stick to them and they are 1 1/2" wide. They look like they may be
the lid to something? There are no markings whatsoever on them so I
don't even know where to begin to try an...
Hi everyone!I recently acquired this great little Japanese (?) dice
game, and know nothing about it or what it says on the case or the
little stick inside. I believe it may be rosewood, measures 2" x 1 1/2"
with a cord that you can put on your wrist ...
Several things that I listed in the last couple weeks have been bid on
and won by bidders that have zero feedback and they didn't pay me. I
sent them 2 emails requesting payment, but never heard back from them. I
didn't open non-pay cases because I d...
Yeah, I have pretty much had it with them, too. I have been selling on
here since the very beginning and it has changed so much and keeps
changing still! I wanted my account to be my own little business to
supplement my husband's paycheck and have a ...
I agree with you 100%! This really **bleep** me off when I first found
out about it too! I don't have the time to check every one of my
bidder's feedback to see if they are a non-payer and so I don't find out
until they don't pay and I can't warn any...
I agree with you 100% across the board! I thought eBay was a selling
platform for my business that supplements my husbands paycheck, but in
the last few years they have been making new rules that only benefit
them or the buyer and are basically stick...
Hi JJ,I am also trying to figure out how to give a partial refund to a
buyer with this new Managed Payments thing. I find it very frustrating
and don't like it at all. Hopefully someone will answer your question
and then we can do what we need to do ...