01-28-2024 06:48 PM
For year (like 18 years) I've been selling and printing shipping labels on plain paper and taping them on the box. I decided I wanted to upgrade to an actual labels because the rolls of labels are affordable now. I bought a printer that I thought would work with ebay and after trying for several days to get the labels to print out correctly I gave up! The labels were printing out with just the lower half of the label printed out (below the address).
The question I have is 'Is there a particular brand of label printer that works with the ebay system"? I have a roll of labels, I might as well try to find the right label printer that will play well with ebay.
Please help.
01-28-2024 07:00 PM
Any of them will work. No one printer is or isn't compatible with a website. I, myself have been using a Rollo for the past 3 years with no issues and almost 20,000 labels ran thru it.
When you go to ship their is an option on the right hand side down past the totals/subtotals. switch that to 4x6 and retry. I wouldn't scrap that printer yet, you're most likely doing something incorrect. Also you can use a regular printer and just buy 8x11 sheets of labels. I have those for a backup in the event something happens to my rollo.
01-28-2024 07:20 PM
@laststopgeneralstore is correct. Any printer will work with any site. You either don't have the setup correct or didn't install the driver, for the printer. It is most likely a software set up issue somewhere along the line. There is no such thing as certain printers working only with certain websites.
01-28-2024 07:34 PM
Couple of tips.
Make sure you set the size of the label for 4x6 before you buy the label. Once purchased, you cannot change the way it prints it, without tinkering, as I found out.
But now that its set for 4x6, they all print perfectly. You may have to find options on whatever printer you end up with to adjust it sometimes. I had to slow the print speed down and darken it to get it to look good. I'm using a renewed cheap printer from Amazon that cost me like 40 bucks with a roll of 500 labels for less than 20. You can get the fan fold ones work with it too.
01-28-2024 07:47 PM
Over the years here on eBay the Zebra brand has always come up as the best option for reliability. I'm not sure If that is true but my hand me down Zebra 2844 must be close to 20 years old and still functions perfectly.
They are expensive relative to others, used ones can be found on eBay. I bought mine from an eBay seller locally who had bought it used on eBay.
01-28-2024 11:18 PM - edited 01-28-2024 11:18 PM
Zebras* ETA - and other thermal printers - almost never break down but they have to be maintained. After every roll or two of media (labels) the print head needs to be cleaned. It's very easy, just google Thermal label printer print head cleaning (or from whatever brand you have). It's done with alcohol. If you don't the print gets moth eaten and then the head burns out.
Agree with @simply-the-best-for-you - the funny printing is probably a driver issue. Basically, they're plug and play, but you do need the right driver.
01-29-2024 12:18 AM
25 years on ebay.
About 3 years ago I got a Rollo label printer.
Best thing I ever did.
01-29-2024 12:24 AM
@slippinjimmy wrote:Over the years here on eBay the Zebra brand has always come up as the best option for reliability. I'm not sure If that is true but my hand me down Zebra 2844 must be close to 20 years old and still functions perfectly.
They are expensive relative to others, used ones can be found on eBay. I bought mine from an eBay seller locally who had bought it used on eBay.
I've owned two Zebra printers over the past 25 or so years. I first heard about Zebra from some of my corporate clients -- their Zebra printers were used for something like 10K labels per day, so they had to be reliable and fast. The desktop Zebra printers (2844 being the most common) cost a lot less than the commercial models, and they use smaller rolls (or fanfold via feed-thru from the back). Buying used from a reseller with a history of good sales is the best way to get these printers.
My first Zebra did not die - I had to replace it with one that had a USB connection when I upgraded to a computer that didn't have a parallel or serial port! My 'old' one was resold, on eBay, and the buyer has been quite happy with it, or so they claimed when contacting me about a year ago about purchasing another to make multi-user processing easier. That was an unexpected contact, to say the least!
Love my Zebra for 4x6 thermals, and love my Seiko and Dymo for the smaller inventory labels and envelope address labels (the kind you get on mass mailings where hand-written addressing takes too long).
01-29-2024 03:55 AM
Yep 100% agree. I got the Rollo Wireless Shipping Label Printer - Wi-Fi Thermal Label Printer, last month. It works great, and their CS, is excellent in helping get set up on my Mac.
01-29-2024 04:22 AM
@slippinjimmy wrote:Over the years here on eBay the Zebra brand has always come up as the best option for reliability. I'm not sure If that is true but my hand me down Zebra 2844 must be close to 20 years old and still functions perfectly.
They are expensive relative to others, used ones can be found on eBay. I bought mine from an eBay seller locally who had bought it used on eBay.
Yes, get a Zebra 2844, ebay is flooded with good used one for around $75 shipped because they are so reliable and long lasting that no one ever needs to buy another one.
You will be amazed at how much time this saves, you will never want to go back to the old way.
A Zebra LP2844 and a laserjet printer are 2 essentials of a ebay seller
10-17-2024 02:41 PM
I just bough the Munbyn ITPP130B because one of the comments on this thread said all printers would work with the ebay app. However, for this one to work, in the ebay app you have to save the labels as a file. Then, go into the Munbyn app, open that file, and then print. Pretty easy once you figure it out, but a time waster. If anyone knows of a less expensive thermal printer under $100 that will for sure print directly from the ebay app, please lets us all know. Thanks.
10-17-2024 02:57 PM - edited 10-17-2024 03:00 PM
I use a ROLLO.
Works flawlessly ... and looks good too.
Oooops didn't realize I already posted to this.
10-17-2024 03:17 PM
Any label printer that is supported by your operating system (Microsoft, Apple, Chrome, Unix) will work with eBay label printing. If you are using Apple or Chrome not as many printers are supported as Microsoft. Check the compatibility list for your OS before you buy a printer. Off-brand printers do not work as well as name-brand printers in general. I use a Zebra 2844 with Chrome and it is trouble-free.
10-17-2024 04:06 PM
Just make sure the right size is listed in labels.. Other folks who have problem printing make sure the correct printer is selected..
11-14-2024 11:45 AM
I am having the same problem. I just bought a thermal printer. I have tried for days . With no luck. I don't think there us adequate information. Everything is so vague. I get it. I guess the question should read what thermal printer is easy to install