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Item Specifics

Why do I continuously see a message saying "Item specifics—recommended (27)" even after I have added specifics for these items?  Is there something else I should be adding to these listings?  Do I have all of the required specifics for these items?  


The customer service representative assured me that I had had all of the required specifics.  They said the recommendations were to get more views.  There are some items with only 1 view after a few days.  I have never seen so few views on any time in over 19 years.  


Is there something I am missing on these listings?  Please let me know.  This is the last push before the holidays, so I want to make sure these listings are viewable.  Thank you in advance.  

Message 1 of 18
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Accepted Solutions

Item Specifics

@wpt05 wrote:

Why do I continuously see a message saying "Item specifics—recommended (27)" even after I have added specifics for these items?   

You get the recommendations for two reasons:


1) Because eBay's computer algorithm has noticed there are recommended item specifics that you have not filled it; and


2) Because you have not told eBay to stop sending recommendations for that item 



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Message 7 of 18
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Item Specifics

I too am in the same boat. Even last year if I listed a new item to ebay it would have 10 or more views within 2 hours or so. Now i list i get no views for days on end. And as for the Item specifics, its a joke. I fill them out and then the next day its saying they are requiring item specifics.  Most of the item specifics they are recommending are irrelevant and not needed. Will be moving on to greener pastures elsewhere next year.

Message 2 of 18
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Item Specifics

@wpt05 I brought this subject up at this week's community session for the dolls categories. I pointed out that they'd already said IS were done for now and changes should no longer be dropping but they still continue to do so. The response again was that IS are done and that they are not aware of continuing to make changes. They asked me for specifics, which I gave them, and said they'd look into it and update me on my post. 

Somehow I feel I shall be waiting for a long time....

Message 3 of 18
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Item Specifics

For unknown reasons my sales nearly dropped to zero on 12/1.  The 4th quarter was going much better than expected until December started.   I have put the order in to downsize my store after eleven years.  It's sort of a rip because the order doesn't take effect until 2/1/22.  I may just close the account at this rate and go push a broom for a few years before retiring.


Your 45 items are in two categories with a few other random items.  I searched for Montana card and got over 14,000 results.  The odds that someone is going to want your Joe M. card is less than 14,000 to 1.  Plus you have them all listed as auctions?  Why do you want to make the buyer wait until Sunday and to mail it on Monday when you could have it in the mail tomorrow (Saturday) if they click BIN?  If you are having trouble getting views then the product needs to be listed at a fixed price instead of an auction.


Good luck and Happy New Year!



Message 4 of 18
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Item Specifics

Not applicable

Bless you for bringing THIS up!!!!  October 12th the requested item specifics and category changes started for the "dolls and teddy bears" categories.  I spent the next few weeks doing all of the recommended item specifics and gave myself a pat on the back when ALL 300 of my listings had that nice little blue circle filled in, telling me I was DONE!!!  I NOW have an additional 100 "item specifics recommended" sitting there, waiting to be completed< because they didn't have their act together when first starting and decided they want MORE in the mandatory part.  If your sales have been anything like mine for the holidays, you may as well forget about it.  I've had my WORST holiday season ever and should be doing twice what I have sold.  The mish mosh of categories has thrown the searches WAY off.

Message 5 of 18
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Item Specifics

I refuse to play whack a mole with those recommended item specs.  I took care of all the required ones.  My sales seem normal or better (for my stuff) for the time of year.  December always tends to taper off for me.

Message 6 of 18
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Item Specifics

@wpt05 wrote:

Why do I continuously see a message saying "Item specifics—recommended (27)" even after I have added specifics for these items?   

You get the recommendations for two reasons:


1) Because eBay's computer algorithm has noticed there are recommended item specifics that you have not filled it; and


2) Because you have not told eBay to stop sending recommendations for that item 



Message 7 of 18
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Item Specifics

I see this every time I create a listing even after checking the 'do not remind' box. In My case it is because they want Me to add the KM number.

Message 8 of 18
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Item Specifics

Selsa, I know exactly how you feel. 


Ebay sure screwed up when they did that.

Example, I have some pendants listed...just plain gold tone, and Ebay keeps wanting 18 Item Specifics concerning ,for  instance "Diamond Clearity" and "Gemstone Quality" and "Size of Diamond"---crazy stuff like that.  Makes zero sense.

Or the 'Item Specifics' will pop up on items which are so basic that there is no way that the item needs 30 Item Specifics which do not even apply. And even if I type in 'Not Applicable' or 'N/A', it still wants more and more "items specifics" which are IMAGINARY in Ebay's Algorithm. Totally imaginary!

I can't imagine Sellers w/ thousands of items listed and who have to try and figure out this crazy Ebay "Specifics" algorithm by then?

And also,  we , the Sellers, have until February to "fix this"?


Seems more like Ebay has to "Fix it" before February, not the Sellers.



Message 9 of 18
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Item Specifics

I hear ya Fern, but the problem is that by FEBRUARY,I heard that  if the Sellers don't add those irrelevant "Item Specifics" (that Ebay keeps asking of us, every day)  then I heard eBay will delete all your/our listings that do not have 100% of those irrelevant "Items Specifics" done.

Which means that most Sellers' items will be deleted since it is impossible to fill out all those dozens of  "Items specifics", and  since most are so irrelevant that they do not apply to the item AT ALL.

Example: In Jewelry, if you list a silver pendant, Ebay will ask for dozens of "items specifics" related to Gem Quality and Diamond size, etc. And if a Seller ignores those, then the pendant gets flagged. Or if a Seller puts in "N/A" then the item gets flagged & eventually deleted (in February).

Message 10 of 18
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Item Specifics

Im getting item specifics to change when it already has what it is asking for. I sell purses and I see Item specifics material. I go to the listing and I have leather down already. If I go through them and just relist they are fine but then I get 70 to 100 more that are different listings????

Message 11 of 18
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Item Specifics

Item specifics are a NIGHTMARE- the more you add the more they want. When you tell them do not remind me about this again- they add that item AGAIN to the needing item specifics list and then the next time there is no OPT OUT of asking again.


Someone needs to look at this- reminds me of Star trek trebbles- they just keep multiplying and I other things to do than sit around adding this day after day.

Dance like no one is watching...Sing like no one is listening!
Message 12 of 18
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Item Specifics

I had horrible christmas sales also this was my worst year ever 

Message 13 of 18
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Item Specifics


‎12-20-2021 12:00 PM

I hear ya Fern, but the problem is that by FEBRUARY,I heard that  if the Sellers don't add those irrelevant "Item Specifics" (that Ebay keeps asking of us, every day)  then I heard eBay will delete all your/our listings that do not have 100% of those irrelevant "Items Specifics" done.


Entirely INCORRECT..............  you are ONLY required to fill in the "Required IS".......and the most I've seen of those is 4............  the rest are recommended but NOT required........ 


I've found that once I finish the IS and then check the "don't show me again"..........they no longer show up in the list to fill out IS.  That check mark must be the last thing you do........if you check it and then add something else.....the check mark disappears and it WILL show up again.........

Message 14 of 18
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Item Specifics

Even when the box gets checked they still show up. If I end the items where I have filled out and checked the box when it gets relisted the specifics go blank again. 

Message 15 of 18
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