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Is ebay still dead in 2024

Yes. Although certain answers on google ..... will say otherwise. Facebook marketplace is still the number one platform,aside from selling locally. Now if your just selling Chinese knockoffs ,then ebay may still be an ok place to sell. But for an individual,part time seller, or hustler, its the absolute worst. ebays numbers have ONLY went down consistently for around 5 years now,maybe longer. But I'm sure that if you're searching this,it's because you've noticed your 0 views and 0 sales, right? Personally I barely list anything on the platform anymore,there's really no use. Especially when ebay is not even close to being the #1 selling platform. Things like Etsy and Facebook marketplace are killing it,where as ebay.... Is being killed. But it's mostly the fault of the people who run ebay,not yours. Although people will tell you that's it's my fault,or you're fault,it's clearly not. Nobody likes ebay anymore,and ebay doesn't like you. Items that sold in the hundreds daily,will never get views or sales,especially if you don't use promoted listings. But they sell locally and on other platforms constantly. My listed video game console gets 4 views in a month on ebay,while it gets sold immediately in person. Daily. But years ago on ebay,it would also sell immediately. People don't suddenly dislike video games,or retro games,or consoles. My pictures aren't suddenly horrible,and my pricing is still spot on. So how is this even happening? Because ebay is a dead platform.You're better off having a yard sale or getting  a booth at a local vendor mall. That's how I've been mainly selling for the last year and its great. Not everyone has that luxury though. But yes ,don't worry,ebay is still dying it's slow death. It's going down with disney ,AAA gaming, "mainstream" news, streaming services. All things that you probably think are making millions right? Wrong,some of them are infact losing billions.(Not all companies or games are this bad,I understand) Yes,these companies and platforms are not successful. Meaning no,they do not make money. This includes ebay. Thats not to say that money isn't coming in to these companies,it's to say that they are bleeding more than they have,struggling to stay above a yearly loss or worse numbers than the year before(consistently),and failing miserably. Even twitch,the largest video/gaming platform where some of their users make millions each years. They are losing money,even though video games are a 150 billion dollar industry. Disney lost billions last year,and the year before,and the year before...Numbers have tanked,and are still consistently tanking here at ebay. Woke is broke,dinosaurs are out of touch, and scammy practices are being out more often and more swiftly today. Nobody is falling for the **bleep** anymore and people are smarter than these ceos think. Google lies about these things,news outlets regurgitate the same garbage, and ebay trolls will be here to tell you otherwise.  

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155 REPLIES 155

Re: Is ebay still dead in 2024

"Yes. Although certain answers on google ..... will say otherwise.


Facebook marketplace is still the number one platform,aside from selling locally. Now if your just selling Chinese knockoffs ,then ebay may still be an ok place to sell. But for an individual,part time seller, or hustler, its the absolute worst. ebays numbers have ONLY went down consistently for around 5 years now,maybe longer.


But I'm sure that if you're searching this,it's because you've noticed your 0 views and 0 sales, right? Personally I barely list anything on the platform anymore,there's really no use. Especially when ebay is not even close to being the #1 selling platform. Things like Etsy and Facebook marketplace are killing it,where as ebay.... Is being killed. But it's mostly the fault of the people who run ebay,not yours. Although people will tell you that's it's my fault,or you're fault,it's clearly not. Nobody likes ebay anymore,and ebay doesn't like you.


Items that sold in the hundreds daily,will never get views or sales,especially if you don't use promoted listings. But they sell locally and on other platforms constantly. My listed video game console gets 4 views in a month on ebay,while it gets sold immediately in person. Daily. But years ago on ebay,it would also sell immediately. People don't suddenly dislike video games,or retro games,or consoles. My pictures aren't suddenly horrible,and my pricing is still spot on.


So how is this even happening? Because ebay is a dead platform.You're better off having a yard sale or getting  a booth at a local vendor mall. That's how I've been mainly selling for the last year and its great. Not everyone has that luxury though. But yes ,don't worry,ebay is still dying it's slow death. It's going down with disney ,AAA gaming, "mainstream" news, streaming services. All things that you probably think are making millions right? Wrong,some of them are infact losing billions.(Not all companies or games are this bad,I understand) Yes,these companies and platforms are not successful. Meaning no,they do not make money. This includes ebay.


Thats not to say that money isn't coming in to these companies,it's to say that they are bleeding more than they have,struggling to stay above a yearly loss or worse numbers than the year before(consistently),and failing miserably. Even twitch,the largest video/gaming platform where some of their users make millions each years. They are losing money,even though video games are a 150 billion dollar industry.


Disney lost billions last year,and the year before,and the year before...Numbers have tanked,and are still consistently tanking here at ebay. Woke is broke,dinosaurs are out of touch, and scammy practices are being out more often and more swiftly today. Nobody is falling for the **bleep** anymore and people are smarter than these ceos think.


Google lies about these things,news outlets regurgitate the same garbage, and ebay trolls will be here to tell you otherwise. " 






Message 16 of 156
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Re: Is ebay still dead in 2024

The OP has made some sweeping generalizations that do not apply to everyone, postulated as if they do.


”…ebays numbers have ONLY went down consistently for around 5 years now,maybe longer.”


Incorrect—the pandemic saw vast increases in traffic and sales wash over online venues, eBay included.

Message 17 of 156
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Re: Is ebay still dead in 2024

@squinkercat59 wrote:

It's not dead for me, nor for many others.  You've just got to have what people want to buy. 

Exactly. There's no magic to it, it's all just a matter of having things people want to buy at prices they're willing to pay. There are some things that will take forever to sell even when you price them at $5. There are other things that will sell within hours if priced at $500. That's basically what it comes down to.

Message 18 of 156
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Re: Is ebay still dead in 2024

Yep, the pandemic has lead to our sales increasing by astronomical amounts (by our standards).

Message 19 of 156
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Re: Is ebay still dead in 2024

Facebook marketplace is an absolute nightmare of epic proportions. It’s good for selling old furniture, used concrete planters and bikes and such but it sucks for nearly everything you can think of. The amount of time wasted and difficulty in meeting up with one person who will then play the lowball game makes it unsavory. 

Message 20 of 156
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Re: Is ebay still dead in 2024

@onefootflippers wrote:

@monroe67 wrote:

The number one overwhelming reason why people fail on ebay is price guessing or thinking that they can somehow, someway sell their identical item for more than the competition. It is totally irrational but the majority of ebay users operate this way.

That might have "been" correct several years ago.
But now, MOST of the time, it's not easy to find the cheapest unless you really know how to search. And most don't know how.
Any more, the cheapest just don't get seen.  
This can be seen (on identical items) by switching to sold and seeing the prices these identical items have sold for.  It's all over the place

Message 21 of 156
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Re: Is ebay still dead in 2024

@redlinear wrote:

But now, MOST of the time, it's not easy to find the cheapest unless you really know how to search. And most don't know how.
Any more, the cheapest just don't get seen.  
This can be seen (on identical items) by switching to sold and seeing the prices these identical items have sold for.  It's all over the place

I don't think that has anything to do with the cheapest items not being seen, I think it's simply that a lot of buyers are lazy and don't bother to change the search from 'Best Match.' They do a search, see the first listing that has a price that is acceptable to them, and buy that one.

Message 22 of 156
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Re: Is ebay still dead in 2024

"Facebook marketplace is still the number one platform"

I beg to differ.


"ebay is a dead platform"

I beg to differ.

Message 23 of 156
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Re: Is ebay still dead in 2024

Sellers with undesirable,overpriced, items are quick to blame Ebay for their poor sales.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 24 of 156
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Re: Is ebay still dead in 2024

@redlinear wrote:

This can be seen (on identical items) by switching to sold and seeing the prices these identical items have sold for.  It's all over the place

Unfortunately, it is not worth the time to look at the condition of those sold items versus the condition of those left unsold.


Many items are offered in a condition that a collector will not buy unless they are extremely rare, and a sentimental buyer will not buy because nobody wants a memory that looks like a piece of crapola.


There are many items offered on Ebay in a wide range of conditions and wide range of prices, some are related rationally others are not.


It is impossible to generalize on a marketplace this large, with the wide range of experience and intelligence of both buyers and sellers.



Message 25 of 156
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Re: Is ebay still dead in 2024

@yuzuha wrote:

@redlinear wrote:

But now, MOST of the time, it's not easy to find the cheapest unless you really know how to search. And most don't know how.
Any more, the cheapest just don't get seen.  
This can be seen (on identical items) by switching to sold and seeing the prices these identical items have sold for.  It's all over the place

I don't think that has anything to do with the cheapest items not being seen, I think it's simply that a lot of buyers are lazy and don't bother to change the search from 'Best Match.' They do a search, see the first listing that has a price that is acceptable to them, and buy that one.

I would like to think they go past Best Match (but no so often on a phone).
And like you, I think they scroll down half the page and choose the cheapest that they see.
Even if they did sort and filter....  
Best Match
Low$ to High$
Used (or new)
and you're still not seeing the cheapest.  That last link is sneaky.
AND even then, they may not be seeing the cheapest due to the sort/filters not doing what they claim to be doing.
(tune in to my weekly "search" rant posts.  Search makes me very irate, at least once a week)

Message 26 of 156
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Re: Is ebay still dead in 2024

You pulled the old switcharoo on us.   This started as lowest price identical items.  Identical.
And it's really quick for me to check that on many of my items.
Such as engine brackets.
I can search for a certain kind, see that I have two listed for $20.  Can't find any cheaper. Can't find my other two.
Switch to sold, and see where 10 have sold over in the last month. Priced from $22 to $85.  Yet mine sit here collecting dust until it's their turn to be seen.  
And a month later, I'll sell 5 in week.

Message 27 of 156
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Re: Is ebay still dead in 2024

You lost me at, "Facebook marketplace is still the number one platform."

Message 28 of 156
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Re: Is ebay still dead in 2024

I'm not on Facebook.  Most of what I sell is things we've inherited or our own items that must be downsized. Mostly vintage or antiques, which I know will be of value to someone.  It makes me feel great when they go to an appreciative new home. So, despite all the complaints I read about here, ebay serves me well. 

Message 29 of 156
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Re: Is ebay still dead in 2024

Lots of misinformation in the op.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 30 of 156
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