06-21-2021 05:17 AM
eBay appears to administer accounts unfairly, where some sellers can sell near anything, while other sellers are suspended without stated reason. If eBay allows sellers on one hand, but not others, for similar services and products then this is discriminatory. It's no longer a matter of any policy, but a violation of business ethics and even the law.
Such discriminatory actions can be in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Equality Act 2010. As eBay is located in California, even more laws can apply on this matter. How do others feel about unfair discriminatory actions? What can be done about it?
06-21-2021 07:16 PM
@zenpowerstore wrote:If a seller from China is allowed to do whatever, while sellers from other countries get banned, that is discriminatory. It means the published policies are not being fairly applied, people are being deprived of opportunity, or eBay is doing harm to users or business. Denial of services on a discriminatory basis, can mean a violation of law. Which would also explain attempts to hide it and give no explanations.
Not trying to appear contrary here, but eBay doesn't have to be fair. It has to be lawful, yes. But fair? No, it is free to run its business as it sees fit. Ebay is not a government.
Not a lawyer here, but am certain that eBay, like any billion dollar company, has large and active legal representation to help keep it operating within the laws of each country it does business in.
06-21-2021 07:23 PM - edited 06-21-2021 07:28 PM
@dugoldstuff wrote:It says:
"Additionally, we reserve the right to refuse, modify, or terminate all or part of our Services to anyone for any reason at our discretion."
So they are basically admitting they discriminate.
You would want to be in a college course where the syllabus says, "I (the teacher) will enforce attendance rules on anyone at my discretion."
Then, you are late and get docked points, while someone else is late too, and does not.
And how long before that teacher is gone?
What would happen to a teacher with a syllabus like that has absolutely nothing to do with whether eBay's user agreement is illegal.
You are just trying to distract from the fact that your argument is failing. eBay may be arbitrary or unfair, but that does not make it discriminatory or illegal.
eBay simply does what it thinks is in eBay's best interest.
06-21-2021 07:49 PM - edited 06-21-2021 07:50 PM
How the banned person gets into the "they sell it too" situation, is that eBay refuses to disclose the why or what in their banning decisions. It's like one of those crazy courts in "bad" countries that condemn people to death, but won't tell you why.
The few logical defenses that the accused has left is 1) They did it too, so why are you not punishing them? 2) I didn't do anything. 3) Whatever it was, I'm sorry and won't do it again. Can you leave me be or go easy on the punishment?
eBay is more like, "If we say you are guilty, you are. Nothing you say or do will change our condemnation and punishment." All normal people would recognize this type of process, judgment, and treatment as a violation of human rights, ethics, and decency.
This is not how other companies act nor treat their sellers and users. eBay's behavior is not the standard, and is arguably peculiar and abusive. This is not how say ETSY, Facebook Marketplace, Rakuten, or Shopify treat their sellers. In fact, no other similar company that I've dealt with has been so abusive and given flash arbitrary banning of sellers with no due process.
06-21-2021 08:10 PM
@zenpowerstore wrote:..., because banning one seller for selling the same service or product as the other, is knowingly discriminatory and in violation of various laws.
So, are you bringing an action resulting in findings of fact & conclusions of law ?
06-21-2021 08:16 PM
@zenpowerstore wrote:All normal people would recognize this type of process, judgment, and treatment as a violation of human rights
IMHO over-reaching like this tends to trivialize those whose human rights are truly violated.
06-21-2021 08:29 PM
It was an analogy, in response to another user's post, to visualize the issue. It was in no way intended to insult or trivialize the suffering people in the world go through by living under brutal totalitarianism.
07-27-2021 08:15 PM
I am trying to sell pill fillers, which are for an organic powder called Baswellia Serata...Basically Frankincense..
I hated the taste so I thought I would buy a filler...Which, by the way I bought on eBay...and there are several for sale as we speak.
I decided it was too much work so I thought I'd sell it back on eBay...NOT ALLOWED! Why is that? That's where I got it...
This does not seem fair, and now I'm stuck with a $20+ item I'll never use...
I hope someone can explain this to me...
07-27-2021 08:59 PM
Ive mentioned this on other threads before, but eBay's trust and safety department operates on, what I like to refer to as Vegas rules. They picked up something on your account that stood out as a financial risk to them and as such, they feel you are a threat to the overall community, their reputation and their pocket book. When they make those decisions, they will never tell you why because by doing that, they tip their hand to bad actors. Those bad actors learn from their mistake and find better ways to thwart/trick the system. I like to think of eBay as Robert DeNiro in Casino when he discovers the two cheaters...
I am sure if they are reached out to by a lawyer with the proper sort of subpoena/ warrant, then they would be able to produce what they see as a threat. Without that, its simply their call.
As to discrimination... I seriously doubt it. eBay doesnt see race... It sees only one color... Green. If you can make them green, then come on in.... If you aren't making them green or they see more of a loss... then nope. Think of it like a credit check when buying a car... If you have good credit, then you can get some favorable deals... If you have bad credit, the dealer may just refuse.
07-27-2021 11:20 PM
@la*chanteuse wrote:I am trying to sell pill fillers, which are for an organic powder called Baswellia Serata...Basically Frankincense..
I hated the taste so I thought I would buy a filler...Which, by the way I bought on eBay...and there are several for sale as we speak.
I decided it was too much work so I thought I'd sell it back on eBay...NOT ALLOWED! Why is that? That's where I got it...
This does not seem fair, and now I'm stuck with a $20+ item I'll never use...
I hope someone can explain this to me...
Not everything is suitable to sell on eBay. There is also a problem regarding eBay's spotty efforts at removing items not allowed. They are not very consistent, fair, or on top of every listing violation. As a result, some fall through the cracks, inevitably. But it is impossible to say why your item was disallowed with any specificity without seeing the listing. Did you get as far as listing it, and then eBay removed it, or were you unable to list from the "sell your item" form?
07-28-2021 05:01 AM
If you truly feel that your human rights have been violated and you are not just frustrated and venting, you are always free to seek legal counsel regarding your grievances against eBay policies keep in mind the time and cost of the legal process will demand
I would advice reading the user agreement for you and your chosen legal counsel as a tool to determine what avenues of legal action are may or may not be open to you
07-28-2021 05:17 AM - edited 07-28-2021 05:19 AM
To add to my above post IMHO no seller is required to list here if they determine that eBay is not a selling platform that you can agree to following the policies or not.
You have choice and the power (YES, THE ABSOLUTE UNQUESTUIONABLE RIGHT to sell or buy on eBay or not ,
You have the choice and right to sell or buy on more then one selling platform if you so want to
I am not saying that I personally agree with all of eBay policies I do not but in if i choose to sell or buy on the eBay website i have to agree to follow their rules or exercise my right to take my business to another online selling site
10-04-2021 10:53 AM
To whom it may concern: I think you may be amazed at this particular situation and item. I am positive that I have information that has caused so much discrimination on the ebay selling platform. and I know this will be helpful to this illegal discrimination practices that ebay continues, this I can guarantee. I am in the state of New Mexico. This practice in my situation has been going on since 2014 and I am sure this is something you would want to take the time to investigate as It is so disturbing.
10-04-2021 11:03 AM
It appears this ID from Japan is "no longer a registered user".
10-04-2021 11:10 AM
These Boards are composed of eBay buyers and sellers, just like you.
I doubt if anyone here wants to take time to investigate some nebulous claim of "discrimination" on eBay.
If you feel that it exists, have you reported it to eBay?
And what does your state of residence have to do with anything?
10-04-2021 11:14 AM
Hmm> you are in NM so am I....
What discrimination are you claiming due to NM??