05-07-2022 07:07 PM
05-07-2022 07:11 PM
When did you submit it? It can take hours to go live.
05-07-2022 07:39 PM
Newly posted listings can take up to 24 hours to appear in searches.
I would, however, avoid logging into your eBay account from a friend or relative’s phone, let alone look at your own listings.
That may trigger the shilling detection mechanisms and/or link your account to someone else’s and jeopardize yours if their account is ever in trouble with eBay.
05-07-2022 07:41 PM
7:40 PT... and it's still not showing up. Sit back... it could take up to 24 hours to index. Good luck.
05-07-2022 09:24 PM
Are you looking for the listing OR are you trying to see if it will show up in a search?
Looking for the listing:
Go to "my ebay" then "selling" then "active listings".
As others have advised you, it may not show up in a search for up to 24 hours.
05-08-2022 03:38 AM
I can see one item.............which was revised twice yesterday........ With every revision, the item goes back into a checking process that can delay it showing up...........
05-08-2022 04:03 AM
Pre-owned graphics card?
05-08-2022 08:51 AM
05-08-2022 09:16 AM
@phil-9799 wrote:Can anybody see it I can’t find it on my brothers phone
Yes. 1 MSI ge-force listed.......
Good luck with your sale. They will likely hold your payout......pack well and consider using signature.