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If I don't pay for "promoted" is it being hidden?! Common item w/ZERO views 15 days later.


Isn't the huge cut Ebay takes out of the total sale supposed to cover the cost of using their platform?  Why do they "suggest" ANOTHER NINE PERCENT for "promoting"....?  And why do a lot of my items (that are reasonably common, say 10 are always listed at any given time, maybe 5 sell on average per week, and my perfectly and correctly listed (but no % agreed to under the "promoted" program) not even show up in specific search results? Even when mine is brand new AND the cheapest one listed?  I don't get even A SINGLE VIEW on the lowest priced of 10 similar items listed even 2 weeks later?!


This happens to me A LOT,  and I'm sure I can't be the only one.  It's one thing to be extorted to pay additional to get items promoted at an extra cost, but does anyone else feel that by not paying at all your listings are actually surpressed...?

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Re: If I don't pay for "promoted" is it being hidden?! Common item w/ZERO views 15 days l

"Why do they "suggest" ANOTHER NINE PERCENT for "promoting"....?"


Because nobody gives away advertising space for free - it kind of defeats the whole point of having advertising space.

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Re: If I don't pay for "promoted" is it being hidden?! Common item w/ZERO views 15 days l

"...does anyone else feel that by not paying at all your listings are actually surpressed...?"


Yes, if it makes you feel any better, lots of people believe in this baseless assumption.

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Re: If I don't pay for "promoted" is it being hidden?! Common item w/ZERO views 15 days l

You have to do things that make the algo happy.


Your no returns policy is going to be part of the calculation that deprioritizes you.

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Re: If I don't pay for "promoted" is it being hidden?! Common item w/ZERO views 15 days l

Common item means that there are lots and lots of the same item up for sale. Sometimes thousands. It is not about hiding your items it is about making yours stand out  and that might be the purpose of promoting. 
If there are tons of a common item up for sale not everyone is going to come up on the top of the search results. There has to be some criteria to sort and weed out search placement since everyone cannot be the teachers pet. 

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Re: If I don't pay for "promoted" is it being hidden?! Common item w/ZERO views 15 days l

     Some of it depends on how potential buyers are running their search or what they see popup on their screen simply because it is a promoted item. I really never paid much attention to impressions, views or watchers. The only thing that concerns me is sales. 

     Can you provide a bit more information on your "common items" such as the title? 

Message 6 of 64
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Re: If I don't pay for "promoted" is it being hidden?! Common item w/ZERO views 15 days l

It used to be that way in the beginning and for many years, but it evolved and as on-line buying became very popular, things got a lot greedier.  It's not the same and it's sad to see the 'little guy' get squeezed out.  Some can make it, but it isn't easy.  It's become an adapt-or-flee kind of thing.  And be happy working harder for less profit.  😥  Ebay has been fighting things like tax changes and been doing a good job, but talk about tough!  It's a very different day now.  Some call it Pay-to-Play, but it's the new business standard...

Message 7 of 64
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Re: If I don't pay for "promoted" is it being hidden?! Common item w/ZERO views 15 days l

The fees we paid used to cover the costs of the listings and if you kept your nose clean, like sending fast, few complaints from buyers, paying fees on time, etc. being seen was the reward.  Not anymore. It takes all that and pay an additional fee.  When a seller makes a sale of $1,000., how much does the seller get to keep in the hand?  I found it to be a shocker! 

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Re: If I don't pay for "promoted" is it being hidden?! Common item w/ZERO views 15 days l

It's not baseless.

Message 9 of 64
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Re: If I don't pay for "promoted" is it being hidden?! Common item w/ZERO views 15 days l

You seem ti be selling in extremely niche categories with very few potential buyers or in very saturated categories with too many sellers. 


The fact is that there are some categories like shoes, clothing and jewellery that are so oversaturated with sellers that even if you promote at 100% you might not get a single click. That happened to me when I tried to sell a pair of earnings. Promoted at 100% got 2 clicks in 3 weeks. Ended up getting $20 for it at a pawnshop.  


 I see you are selling a pair of New Balance sneakers. There are 80,000 listed but only 35,000 sold in the past 90 days. No buyer is going to wade through 80,000 listings. How much are you willing to pay to ensure that your listing ends on pages 1-2? How much are you willing to pay to ensure your listing shows up on similar items under another seller's listing? A potential buyer might scroll past 20-30 listings before they click on one and maybe click on 5-10 listings before they make a purchase. How much are you willing to pay the make your listing is part of the 20-30 that the buyer scrolls past. 

Message 10 of 64
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Re: If I don't pay for "promoted" is it being hidden?! Common item w/ZERO views 15 days l

@bluedesk7 wrote:

“…does anyone else feel that by not paying at all your listings are actually surpressed...?

I only rarely utilize promoted listings. It’s not necessary as many of my items are rare and in demand, creating a healthy sell-thru rate. But for everyday items, commodities, or items where the competition is a big challenge, i can see the advantage of using some degree of promotion.


But to take a few more steps beyond, and suggest there is deliberate suppression of sales? That would seem to me to be an act of corporate self-sabotage. I don’t dispute that eBay certainly has the ability to manipulate Search results and listing placement. It can lower listings of accounts not in good standing, and raise listings in Search results for those who use best practices to maximize sales.


But it is hard to imagine eBay acting in any way to artificially limit sales based on a single criteria—to penalize sellers who do not choose to promote. It may be possible, but not probable.


Some believe throttling is a real phenomena, despite there being little in the way of hard evidence that holds up under scrutiny. (It’s primarily anecdotal.) Still, it is a theory with traction that arises from the selling community on a fairly regular basis. So for me, the jury is still out on the subject.


That said, one can see such rumors fill a need and offer a compelling explanation. It is one answer to the question of poor sales. Though it doesn’t necessarily solve the issue of lagging sales.


My view is that the real trouble with such concepts is that it suggests that forces outside of a seller’s control are shaping the eBay selling universe, leaving sellers helpless in its wake.


Believing this is a kind of “get out of jail free” card, with the potential to relieve the seller from responsibility for his listing. Why? Because concepts like throttling leave a seller with few solutions.


It is a kind of defeatist viewpoint where one can’t fight city hall, as they used to say, so why bother? The seller is then free of the burden to fix it. Things like low visibility, poor sales, or lack-luster Search Engine Optimization are all eBay’s fault. And…..nothing can be done about it.




Message 11 of 64
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Re: If I don't pay for "promoted" is it being hidden?! Common item w/ZERO views 15 days l

Zero views doesn't mean people haven't "seen" it.  It just means they didn't click on your listing to "see more".  Impressions are the views that count.  If people are seeing it in search results and just not clicking on it your views will still read zero.  Then you need to ask yourself why people aren't clicking.  Could be a common seller.  Could be a slow seller.  Could be your photos aren't great.  Could be your price is outrageous.  Could be a number of things. 


I tell people this all the time.  You can't list only things you think are going to sell right away.  You have to have a lot of listings, research prices and not fall in love with a single item.  Just sell.  Be competitive.  And promote.  I know people don't like it but if you don't promote your items they are getting buried in search results.  Unless it's a "stand alone" item.  However if it's an over saturated category and you don't promote.  It's getting buried.

Message 12 of 64
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Re: If I don't pay for "promoted" is it being hidden?! Common item w/ZERO views 15 days l

Throttling is very real.  I've been here for 20+ years and their are limits placed on Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly earnings.  When one of those lowers, one rises to compensate and vice versa.


If you're looking for "evidence" in the micro you won't find it easily.  But zoom out to the macro and it becomes blatantly obvious.  When you see your yearly income stay "around" the same amount despite having added more to your store, updated prices, etc. you know somethings not right. 


While it's nice having a predictable income it's disheartening knowing you can't do anything to raise that income organically.  We have to try and figure out the secret to unlocking those "invisible gateways" within ebay's algorithm to earn more.  And as of now nobody seems to know how that's done or where those gateways are.  Some surmise that decision actually does lie with a real human and not a computer at ebay. 


That would make sense to me.  When this person "reviews" you (maybe yearly) they decide how much business you can "handle" and if they think you should be "promoted" your threshold will go up, not alot, but up. 


I truly wish this wasn't a thing.  I think it's wrong to subdue a person's earning potential and business growth.  It's unfair to those of us who work hard trying to grow our business.  I firmly believe that if ebay sent out reps to visit us in person, see how hard we work.  See my warehouse, my family, my endless time spent updating they would see that this kind of manipulation is wrong and the practice would be limited to "new" users while building their reputation, a "probation" of sorts. 


In selling 20+ years I've never once had an ebay rep reach out to me to get to know me or my business.  And yet I've spent that 20+ years making ebay my primary selling platform...  A business partner of sorts.  I'm also a shareholder. 


That lack of personal touch is what's missing from this business model.  If I had one suggestion to the CEO it would be to add that kind of department.  One that travels around and meets with veteran sellers to "get to know them." 


Old School meets New School.

Message 13 of 64
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Re: If I don't pay for "promoted" is it being hidden?! Common item w/ZERO views 15 days l

You've sold 9 items since 4/1.......did you promote those?

Message 14 of 64
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Re: If I don't pay for "promoted" is it being hidden?! Common item w/ZERO views 15 days l

You are not the only one!, Very frustrating & Aggravating isn't it!?

Message 15 of 64
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