02-23-2021 11:39 AM
I have a buyer who tried to negotiate price after winning 9 separate auctions. He wasn't happy with what I replied and told me to file UPIs for them. The automated system did and closed them.
How many payment strikes can a buyer get before doing more than just slapping their wrist?
02-23-2021 11:43 AM
Nobody really knows and ebay isn't telling. I know of one user that got over 30 strikes in one year and didn't get suspended. I also know of a user from back in around 2005 that racked up over 200 UPI's in the space of just a couple months. That user is now NARU. That was back when you could still see what a user had bought and bid on.
02-23-2021 11:46 AM
They may only count it as 1.........since they are to the same seller............like they do on feedback.
02-23-2021 11:47 AM
I wouldn't be surprised.
02-23-2021 11:47 AM
I heard 3 in six month period but don't quote me on that.
02-23-2021 11:51 AM
02-23-2021 11:52 AM
What about if I report the buyer 9 times for the same thing? Since you can only report a buyer once for each transaction... will it still count as just 1 in ebay's eyes?
02-23-2021 11:57 AM
I'd sure try to report him 9 times........... and I'm just speculating about the 9 versus 1.........I don't think anyone knows.
02-23-2021 11:58 AM - edited 02-23-2021 11:59 AM
@skate_man1000 wrote:I heard 3 in six month period but don't quote me on that.
We won't quote you 😁 because it taint so.
We can set our "buyer requirements" to do some restricting, but there is no eBay firm policy that I have ever seen posted.
02-23-2021 12:00 PM
As many as they want, they will throw a seller off eBay before a buyer,
eBay does not care or they would be doing something about it!
02-23-2021 12:05 PM
Well...that buyer will surely face the consequences of what they have done when they come across something that they REALLY WANT and hit the wall of "unfortunately this seller is not accepting any offers from you at this time." because we all have our buyer's preferences set to reject a buyer with such a track record..
Keep that in mind with a big fat grin on your face...a whole year of him getting the good ole "unfortunately this seller is not accepting any offers from you at this time." ...
02-23-2021 12:07 PM
@hurryagain wrote:
Well...that buyer will surely face the consequences of what they have done when they come across something that they REALLY WANT and hit the wall of "unfortunately this seller is not accepting any offers from you at this time." because we all have our buyer's preferences set to reject a buyer with such a track record..
I suspect that the majority of sellers do not have that block set. I also suspect that the majority of sellers don't even know that block exists.
02-23-2021 12:16 PM - edited 02-23-2021 12:18 PM
@hurryagain wrote:
Well...that buyer will surely face the consequences of what they have done when they come across something that they REALLY WANT and hit the wall of "unfortunately this seller is not accepting any offers from you at this time." because we all have our buyer's preferences set to reject a buyer with such a track record..
Keep that in mind with a big fat grin on your face...a whole year of him getting the good ole "unfortunately this seller is not accepting any offers from you at this time." ...
And then that buyer slug just opens another account to make the purchase, or just does a BIN as a guest 🤗 and then does a INAD to teach the seller about payback. (Note: I fully agree with UPI's, and blocking)
02-23-2021 12:22 PM - edited 02-23-2021 12:23 PM
@alcoforever wrote:
@hurryagain wrote:
Well...that buyer will surely face the consequences of what they have done when they come across something that they REALLY WANT and hit the wall of "unfortunately this seller is not accepting any offers from you at this time." because we all have our buyer's preferences set to reject a buyer with such a track record..
I suspect that the majority of sellers do not have that block set. I also suspect that the majority of sellers don't even know that block exists.
Probably...but there are many who DO and it is true what @buyselljack2016 says that they can purchase as a guest BUT they will have to go through that extra step...I'm sure that every time that he has to buy as a guest, this situation will pop up in his little head...e-v-e-r-y t-i-m-e... it's still a little annoying thing for him to do...I'm good with that! 😁
PLUS he cannot do it to me again! (If I were the seller in this case)
02-23-2021 12:26 PM
A "friend" of mine was kicked off after 3 strikes back in the day for not paying for 3 separate items. It's a real thing and serious. Almost impossible to come back with new account, took him 6 years and many suspended accounts in good standing because of previous bad account. I believe you get strikes from the same seller if they ended on different days. Don't know if it has changed in 20 years but that is what happened then. Thought I should answer the real question with experience instead of guesses and opinion.