11-13-2021 10:59 AM
So I sold my first item. A pair of Sonus Faber speakers.
First thing that put me off is that I was given a large list of potential categories without an exact price for my specific transaction. There were a couple that seemed like they fit. Not specifics.
So I make my listing, accept a bid, ship it out on same day. Do everything by the book and then get hit with a hold??!?? For 30 days? After the buyer received the item and sent me a note thanking me for item, packing and that it works great?
And then after the transaction was done, I actually get to see the price?! 12.5%!???
I could have easily sold this locally without any percentages or holds. **bleep**. Looks like it's my first and last transaction on eBay. Ever. ( P.s. I've been a member over 1 year).
This company sucks! I would recommend everyone to stay away!
11-13-2021 11:04 AM
Oh fella, if its your 1st sale - eBay will hold the money for a while.
If its an expensive item - eBay will hold money for a while.
If you don't want to pay fees - don't sell on eBay.
11-13-2021 11:06 AM
Oh I won't. I've been doing great selling local. **bleep** eBay!
11-13-2021 11:06 AM - edited 11-13-2021 11:08 AM
You have jumped in to sell on eBay and obviously not researched how it works.
All new sellers funds are placed on a hold of at least 21 days, 12.55% are the final value fee's you are charged when your item sells > charged on item + shipping + sales tax and a 0.30c transfer charge from Adyen.
All of this information is in the TOS you agreed to when you signed up and in the seller help pages.
11-13-2021 11:11 AM
Just to add, an $1100.00 item will most likely be closer to 30 days hold than 21 days.
11-13-2021 11:11 AM
@dimlogin0 wrote:Oh I won't. I've been doing great selling local. **bleep** eBay!
Oh, yeah. If you're doing well selling locally, then eBay is not for you. Glad you were quick on the uptake!
11-13-2021 11:25 AM
What do you mean given a list of potential categories without an exact price?
You choose the category that best fits your item. eBay doesn't price your item you do.
If you don't want to accept a bid that's been placed because you don't like the buyer's feedback they leave or for whatever reason then you cancel their bid and block them. You can see the activity on your listing anytime you want to.
What am I missing?
Did you add signature delivery when you made the label? If you didn't then if the buyer opens a not received case you will automatically loose. Feedback comments is not proof of delivery.
11-13-2021 11:59 AM
The 12.5% fee is for providing world wide exposure versus the guy across town.
11-13-2021 01:00 PM
You sold something without knowing what the fees were? That's not very smart.
Yes, you can sell something on the street corner for free. No fees.
The nerve of ebay for wanting to charge for this service.
May i ask what you do for a living?
11-13-2021 01:02 PM
@dimlogin0 wrote:So I sold my first item. A pair of Sonus Faber speakers.
First thing that put me off is that I was given a large list of potential categories without an exact price for my specific transaction. There were a couple that seemed like they fit. Not specifics.
So I make my listing, accept a bid, ship it out on same day. Do everything by the book and then get hit with a hold??!?? For 30 days? After the buyer received the item and sent me a note thanking me for item, packing and that it works great?
And then after the transaction was done, I actually get to see the price?! 12.5%!???
I could have easily sold this locally without any percentages or holds. **bleep**. Looks like it's my first and last transaction on eBay. Ever. ( P.s. I've been a member over 1 year).
This company sucks! I would recommend everyone to stay away!
eBay retains customers who learn basic facts about how the site works before diving in head first.
11-13-2021 01:05 PM
I'm sorry, who has the issue? If you sell, you decide and everything else.
This isn't hand holding, this is eBay.
11-13-2021 01:06 PM
eBay expects seller to go to the top of every page, click on Help and type "fees" in the box!
That will take you to a page where all the fees are detailed.
eBay expects you to do this BEFORE you start selling and in addition to that they expect you to read many other pages in the help section so you have some idea of what you are doing and the rules you must follow.
Contrary to what you seem to have believed eBay is NOT a charity!
11-13-2021 01:08 PM
Locally advertised, versus 182 million Ebay members worldwide..yeah, that makes sense. Next time check the fees before you list.
11-13-2021 01:13 PM
eBay holds the money to protect themselves when a buyer wants their money back. It's easier for you as well because it won't send you into overdraft with your bank.
Although eBay will be holding the funds until their buyer protection expires, there is nothing to protect you, or eBay when a buyer goes to their credit card company and says they don't recognize the transaction. At that point, you're out the speakers, the money and $20 service fee. I'm unsure if eBay credits your Final Value Fees in these situations.
11-13-2021 01:21 PM
Hi @dimlogin0
So your very first sale ... of a $1100 item yet ... went exactly 'by the book':
So, of course, you feel eBay is sucky and will never sell on eBay again.