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If you make an offer.........

If you are going to make an offer, don't waste my time or ours. $15 listing. $6 offer. Counter with $9. Comes back with an offer of $6.50. Decline & block! They need a "slapping someone's face" emoji. lol

Confederate Flags

I do not understand why U.S. history is not revered. I just tried to post three 1861 civil war patriotic covers and received the "banned" notice. This is our nations history, is this an agenda to not recognize the facts, is it revisionist history? Th...

Is USPS shipping really getting this bad???

-On Monday the 24th this week I shipped a package USPS Priority Mail from PA to FL and when I got home there was a message from my customer asking if I would ship FedEx or UPS because their local Jacksonville bulk center is really slow in processing ...

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What Line on 1040 Tax Form Do You Put Your Schedule C Info?

Small tax question. After you're done figuring out your final Schedule C number, does anybody know what specific line (what number line) on your 1040 form you're supposed to enter your Schedule C number? I didn't see any lines on it saying specifical...

eBay randomly inserting <strongr> into my listing descriptions after saving.

I can't get rid of the things. When I edit the listing and fix it, once I save it's inserted again at random points in the listing description. I tried creating a different listing description from scratch and it still did it. I have stuff to get don...


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