04-27-2019 10:27 AM
Anybody else experiencing this situation. I have listings ended and they are just frozen and not Rolling over like they are designed to? Is this new nightmare of a feature broken already?
04-27-2019 10:29 AM
04-27-2019 10:29 AM
let me correct myself before I am piled on, the nightmare of a feature is NOT NEW, the institution of the feature strictly as a sight wide implementation IS! And it is not working right now for me
04-27-2019 10:31 AM
they are frozen on the top of ending soonest sort order page as they wound down with no time left and some rolled over and others did not, they are just frozen with "SELL SIMILAR" next to them with my next batch of listings ready to expire underneath them in the normal time bar count down.
04-27-2019 10:41 AM
04-27-2019 12:00 PM
no they did not roll over I checked. I had to end them even though they were stuck and now they are in my ended folder. I will check to make sure they don not automatically reappear in all selling active listings.
04-27-2019 12:32 PM - edited 04-27-2019 12:33 PM
I took at a peak at your ending soonest and it looks like you will still have some more listings to potentially rollover today. Please come back and let us know if any of those also become frozen. I did not let any of my GTC listings rollover this morning, I ended them. If your problem persists, it could be a problem for more of us tomorrow, or the next day, or the next day........
Thank You
04-27-2019 02:19 PM
I'm unsure as to what you mean by "frozen". GTC listings have been around for quite a few years. I haven't ever heard of a glitch like this. That isn't to say it couldn't happen, it is just something I've never heard of.
Sometimes, if you are new to GTCs, things don't look the same so it can be confusing. If you are expecting the listing numbers to change on renewal, they don't.
I am not suggesting you are seeing things. I'm just trying to get a better understanding which may help me to better figure this out, well if I can.
04-27-2019 05:07 PM
I just watched some of your items end in search. They ended with the reason: "This listing was ended by the seller because the item is no longer available."
I've provided supporting screenshots. Because the ending timestamps matched your actual end times, I assume you did not end them. True?
Can you check your eBay settings within your account and on your seller hub page to see if you have some new feature to automatically force GTC to end? It's a feature collectibles/postcard/book sellers were requesting and I wonder if it rolled out as a test?
04-27-2019 05:15 PM
I ended all of these listings manually, I have not tried to let them roll over automatically since 2 of 5 got "STUCK" or froze and did rollover earlier. there is a feature if you end in bulk that can be checked to end multiples at one time.
04-27-2019 05:27 PM
I just let 2 rollover on their own and they went through like they should. Have no idea why that happened earlier? It's just one more thing now that I have to stay on top of and make sure things don't get screwed up. If it happened once it could happen again. I have had issues with listings that ended freeze up before for upwards of a half hour or so in the past few years but they always clear eventually. it's like the entire page freezes for a few ended listings while the other live ones still show time left as normal if that makes any sense.
04-27-2019 05:35 PM
Are you seeing the problem in the same search page I displayed, or are you seeing this in seller hub? In prior posts you said you ended the "stuck" listings. I wouldn't do that. I'd like to see those "stuck" listings, and if this is something eBay needs to track down, they need to see them in the "stuck" state as well.
04-27-2019 05:37 PM - edited 04-27-2019 05:40 PM
@ekmadonna wrote:they are frozen on the top of ending soonest sort order page as they wound down with no time left and some rolled over and others did not, they are just frozen with "SELL SIMILAR" next to them with my next batch of listings ready to expire underneath them in the normal time bar count down.
Perhaps a system failure due to extra GTC listings?
Hopefully not but it sounds strange.
04-27-2019 05:54 PM
Seller Hub, All Selling Page, that is what I use and like. If it happens again I will let you know, thanks
04-27-2019 10:32 PM
Hey welcome back. I hope this means that you are feeling better !!!!