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Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

Ebay good til canceled changes.png

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Re: Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

@fishingboots wrote:

So if I understand this right the only way to end a listing so the fees don't keep coming every 30 days is sell it, or cancel which would be a defect and we're only allowed 3 of them per year!  If I want to stop selling a stale item 5 years from now or if it's lost or broken I'm screwed.  I could change the stock to zero but will the listing continue to run and cost me every 30 days with zero stock ?

You don't get a defect for ending a listing.

You get a defect for canceling an order as out of stock.




Have a great day.
Message 61 of 147
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Re: Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

I don't say much on here, but am compelled to comment on this nonsense.  Taking away a selling option for a seller, then telling them it is for their own good is an oxymoron.

  I like to re-list to get rid of non-committal "watchers".  I happen to be one of those occasionally.  A re-list will tell me who is serious, and I can tweak the ad accordingly.

   It should be up to the seller when and what to list, or let slide it for awhile.  "Money Grab"  seems to be the operative phrase it seems.  This is damaging my calm.   


Two thumbs down.


Message 62 of 147
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Re: Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

@drusalina wrote:

@southern*sweet*tea wrote:

I think for a lot of us it will give much greater visibility in Google. No more "this listing has ended, here's a similar item" message when a searcher click an Ebay link.


I am absolutely willing to adjust the way I list if it gets me greater visibility in the world's largest search engine.


No, an eBay employee in disguise...

Message 63 of 147
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Re: Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

@retlc78lky wrote:

I have been a member of eBay for 21 years and I believe this is the worst thing that they have ever done for the sellers. I even tried to relist one of my items as an  auction item and they wanted to charge me 5 cents for that listing. I can foresee fewer sales in my store.

In my opinion I am in not in favor of this new GTC option. Please change back ASAP.




This is a complete **bleep** move!!  I certainly don't believe that 80% of listings are GTC.  If anything, I would believe just the opposite.  I haven't seen any intelligent rationale for this.  I prefer to decide if, and when, I will relist my items, whether it be seasonal, or not.  I like to rotate my inventory and may wait one, or two, months before relisting some items.  It will be a royal PITA to try to remember when to end listings early, to avoid GREEDBAY slapping on more fees.  This is nothing more than a back door scam to increase their revenue.  Absolute **bleep**!!

Message 64 of 147
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Re: Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

@southern*sweet*tea wrote:

I think for a lot of us it will give much greater visibility in Google. No more "this listing has ended, here's a similar item" message when a searcher click an Ebay link.


I am absolutely willing to adjust the way I list if it gets me greater visibility in the world's largest search engine.

For me, I also see a lot of value in being able to use social media to promote items with stable links.  I sell a lot of collectibles that are tie-ins to movies, TV shows, video games, etc.  If I tweet something/post it to Tumblr with the related hashtags, I then have a permanent advertisement and a link to the item that will be good until it sells.  For instance, I have a lot of "Tales of" fans who follow me on Tumblr due to translation work I've done, so that's a perfect platform for me to advertise my Tales-related merchandise.


Also, I frequently go away on weekend trips that are not long enough for me to need to put my store into vacation mode.  As it stands with 30-day fixed price listings, if I leave on Thursday night and a bunch of listings end on Friday, that's three days wasted of them sitting in my unsolds until I get back and can relist them, because while I don't mind answering messages and checking in on eBay from my phone, I don't like doing any sort of actual messing with listings on it.  Even if listings end while I'm at work or asleep, that's still wasted time where they're not available to potential buyers.  For all I know, I may have lost a sale because the right buyer happened to come along while the item was sitting in my unsolds waiting for me to be able to relist it and thus didn't find it when they looked.  A lot of what I sell is stuff that needs the right buyer so being able to maximize exposure is valuable to me.

Message 65 of 147
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Re: Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

@fern*wood wrote:

Ebay has stated that 80% of the fixed price listings were already GTC, so if that is true, I wish more of that 80% would post how well it works for them.   Currently the 20% are far more vocal.

I don't necessarily believe those numbers, but over 80% of my fixed priced listings are GTC.  I don't want 100% of them to be fixed price though.  That screws a lot of things up for me.  Allow sellers the choice of how to manage their business.  If they don't want 30 day listings on Google that is fine with me, but give me the choice.  30 day listings sell as well or better than GTC listings.  There will be no increase in sales because of this change.

Message 66 of 147
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Re: Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

Sorry eBay, as a power seller on eBay for 18+ years, I am done with you and moving to a different platform. Change is good, right? 

Message 67 of 147
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Re: Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

OK looking at the answers from everyone about 95% think the new good till canceled “option” is bad for sellers

Message 68 of 147
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Re: Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

@calntom wrote:

@southern*sweet*tea wrote:

I think for a lot of us it will give much greater visibility in Google. No more "this listing has ended, here's a similar item" message when a searcher click an Ebay link.


I am absolutely willing to adjust the way I list if it gets me greater visibility in the world's largest search engine.

If eBay is finally getting back in cozy with goggle, I agree that is a positive move. 

Just curious but what gives you the idea that ebay is getting back in friendly mode with Google? here certainly has not been any word from Google to that effect and nothing ebay does on their side of the firewall will make Google sigh and get the warm fuzzies.

Google has all the power, it's their way or the highway, pay up like everyone else or beat it. Ebay abused the system until Google was fed up and had enough. the ebay thought they would do the same thing with social media, Facebook in particular, lolol...The day I heard Heir Wenig say, with a straight face mind you, that Facebook would pick up (for free evn) where Google left off, I nearly hurt myself laughing so hard. Just on a side note, you know less than 4% of the site traffic on ebay comes from social media, not facebook, all social media platforms combined!

Not trying to get all up in your face or anything but just making sure you aren't getting your hopes up over a Google/Ebay hug it out session that isn't going to happen any time soon.

Message 69 of 147
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Re: Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

@weschurch wrote:

This is such a silly notion. Let me tell you. As a daily buyer of over 10 years I NOTICE!


The days of Ebay doing what they want, destroying sellers, with the "we don't care, we have more" mindset are over.


I quit selling here years ago but as a buyer only, I can't find anything worth buying most of the time anymore. The years of upsetting sellers has taken a toll, a massive toll, on this place. You can live in the "what Ebay was" world if you choose, but what what "Ebay is" is a truly fledgling marketplace and as a buyer I feel it more now, than I ever did. Its quickly becoming a Sears, A Myspace of E-Commerce. The once booming traffic is declining at a rapid pace

I used to spend over $1000 a month on Ebay, but got tired of the constant changes and the move to show me what they wanted me to buy instead of what I wanted to buy.  So now the only things I purchase on Ebay are my free store shipping supplies.  Everything else is now purchased elsewhere with much of it on the sellers websites after they left Ebay due to the restrictive changes.  Ebay may easily replace the sellers that leave, but they almost never replace the products that these OOAK or specialty sellers take with them.  Ebay will never learn because they think they know better than anybody else what Ebay needs, only to find that their ideas continue to cost them executives who give up and leave this joke of a company.  Except for the Chinese junk that the CEO raves are Ebays future, Ebay continues to lose what made them in the first place, unusual items that people want and need for whatever reason.  


Until there is a complete overhaul of top management Ebay is going to continue to do all they can to squeeze every penny they can out of the current sellers because they have no clue how to grow the site any more.

Message 70 of 147
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Re: Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

I think you can't get blood from a stone, no mater how hard you keep squeezing it.


Every notice how every single time they do something to hurt us, it's for our benefit? Remember when the claimed we ASKED them to reduce the Top Rated Plus fee discount from 20% to 10%

Message 71 of 147
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Re: Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

@dedesart wrote:
I think it is a TERRIBLE IDEA. Why don't they let us vote, or take a survey on it?

You mean the surveys they always send us asking how they can improve our experiences? The ones that they have never once listened to and probably never even read?

Message 72 of 147
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Re: Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

@fern*wood wrote:

Ebay has stated that 80% of the fixed price listings were already GTC, so if that is true, I wish more of that 80% would post how well it works for them.   Currently the 20% are far more vocal.

I've done a survey myself of 40,000+ sellers and I find the inverse is true.  About 80% favor limited time listings and 20% seem to favor a blanket GTC policy.


Their 80% of sellers who sell GTC are the huge Chinese sellers with thousands of multi quantity listings only. They forget to mention who they get their numbers from, just to make it seem like there is more support for this than there is.


Anybody reading the discussions online on their various discussion boards/forums/etc will tell you that eBays statistics are garbage and have no basis.

Message 73 of 147
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Re: Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

So reading your rationale - why have you ever listed items for 30 days?  Surely GTC has been an option for some time?

Message 74 of 147
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Re: Ebay says "Good 'Til Cancelled" changes are good for sellers, what do you say?

absolutely!  I am already paying a large portion of my profit to them.  This is so frustrating!

Message 75 of 147
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