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Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybody

This month I have until now 0 sales the last month only one. This is a disaster !!.


What is going to do Ebay in order to stop a collective crash and in consequence the similar destiny for the Company in general?. WITHOUT SELLERS EBAY WILL BE OUT !!

Message 1 of 134
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133 REPLIES 133

Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybody

I have been looking at other ways for my stuff to show up in searches other than Ebay. I tried Pinterest but you need to keep updating that -- after a day or so they get lost.


I was trying to read about Shopify.  Has anybody done that?  Also Bonanza will import.  We used to be able to import listing to Google for better exposure but no longer.


any ideas ?


Message 91 of 134
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Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybody

I wish I knew of another venue but I have tried a few others and no luck there either. Ebay needs some new management since there seems to be no effort on their part to turn this sinking ship around. Certainly it is not the answer to raise revenue by zapping the sellers any further because the majority cannot make ends meet anymore. I am sure they could do something to make things better if they saw fit! Still hoping for a miracle.

Message 92 of 134
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Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybody

I am unloading inventory thru Facebook. I can return mine too, but doing a quick local liquidation of items then returning, trying to decide whether to even sell here at all past January. Better off returning/liquidating quickly to recoup and move on. I downgraded monthly subscription last year, but no sense in focusing efforts with little return if any
Message 93 of 134
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Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybody

no glitches, just ebay in general is not for small sellers
Message 94 of 134
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Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybody

Well, my point is that ebay started out for small sellers with incredible success. Now that they are focusing on the big box stores, the Chinese and the bulk sellers they are just another venue like the hundreds of others and their bottom line and stock price is dwindling. So why aren't they taking another look at this?

Message 95 of 134
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Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybody

My sells also stoped. overnight they just stopped after a few weeks I called eBay to see what was going on and then I magically got a couple sells on my cheapest stuff and then nothing again after that.
Message 96 of 134
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Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybody

I started to get in a panic mode because all of a sudden very few sales.  Seems to be happening to a lot of other sellers that are replying here.   My postal worker also asked me why I'm not  sending out the number of packages I mailed last year.    It started dropping  dramatically around Nov 2018.   December was a real bust!  January not much better.   I thought maybe the 500 free listings offered  the last three months of 2018 caused a market flood.  What can we do sellers?  So much effort to get very little return.

Message 97 of 134
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Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybody

Maybe the new Co. that just bought stock in ebay will whip it into shape?

Message 98 of 134
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Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybody

I wondered how long before we had a bunch of No Sales threads. My sales have also gone down - but so have sales on other sites - the vloggers are talking about it, people are trying everything to get their sales back up on Posh, Etsy and even Amazon.


The stock market took a tumble and many like myself aren't spending a lot now until we gain some of that retirement savings back. Plus with the gov't shutdown - I think people are leery. January is usually slower for most people - Xmas bills are due as well as taxes. I think in a few weeks when people start getting back their Federal returns and if gov't gets it act together and cooperate with each other - people will feel more apt to part with their money. 

Message 99 of 134
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Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybody


In 1981, there were roughly  130,000 industrial forklift sold in the United States  in 1982, some  direct sales to end users (aka national accounts) but  most  wholesale sales to an authorized dealer network.  The next  year there we a total  of 36,000 sold.  In fact there was  one month when  sales were negative- order cancellation exceeded new  bookings our company  had a +12  unit bookings .

Yep sales  can  and  have dropped suddenly - you  just  haven't  had the "opportunity" to experience  it.

Hula  Hoop  sales  were not  forever -

Here is  a snippet of  what I mean  "25 million (Hula Hoops) were sold in less than four months (introduced in 1957), and in two years sales reached more than 100 million units. By the end of 1959, after US $45 million in profits, the Hula Hoop fad slowly was dying out." 

Everybody  had one, heck my Mom had one (embarrassing to me  was 13 at the time)

Thank goodness  that those polyester leisure suit sales fell off the table (or  had a short shelf life), along with the Neru jackets - I am dating myself - never  bought either but did buy one pair of those e big leg  bell bottoms pants they were really bad too - my excuse was I was  doing the Rush St./State St. scene in Chicago then -  flared leg pants replaced them  quickly and they were acceptable with Gant button down  collars shirts.

"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
"The Devil made me do it!" - Flip Wilson
"If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too!" J.R. Johnson
Message 100 of 134
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Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybody

And even more recently, how many fidget spinners were sold ? Now you can't give the things away LOL
Reality is the leading cause of stress.
Message 101 of 134
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Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybody

my best guess is they do not care. I deliver over 10k less in sales a month than a year ago, and they do not care, and I stopped too. Now doing less to do more elsewhere. I never would have done if it was not necessary
Message 102 of 134
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Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybody

I’m in the same boat as you. I’m over 50% down from last year. The past 30 days are the lowest I’ve done in about 13 years and with 4 times the number of listings. I’m not the one who changed, eBay is. This past May I saw the writing on the wall and cross listed my items to 3 other sites. I would never have dreamed of trying anyone else, I loved eBay and have been a very vocal supporter since the beginning but I would be out of business and bankrupted if I hadn’t made a change. I almost felt like I was cheating on a partner at first, lol. But now, my other sites are booming. I’m hoping to be doing at least 50% of my business elsewhere by the end of the year. I’m not sure if I should cuss eBay or thank them. 🤑 I still wonder if someone is purposely trying to sabotage the company because almost everything they do makes no sense. I keep coming to these boards hoping I will read something indicating they have seen the light and are reversing some of this mess, but no such luck.

Message 103 of 134
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Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybody

Did you see the thread about Elliot management telling ebay to clean up their act? it's all over the internet. And the next scheme is the managed payments. To make more money for themselves. And on a scale as large as ebay, it will be a disaster. I have to be gone by then.  Because I see the utter failure of that on the snobby craft site. After they force you in, then the fees start to come off the top. Then fees start being charged on anything and everything. Then the deposits don't go thru. I hope ebay doesn't follow that path. eeek

Message 104 of 134
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Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybody

Yes, I've read the Elliott message. It does give me some hope that the shareholders might open Wenig's eyes but than again, he seems somewhat obtuse from some of the things he's said. I'm a natural optimist but also a realist. If something isn't working, I look for a fix. I'm enjoying the new of other venues. Even if eBay does turn things around, I'm gonna continue cross-selling, something I would have never dreamed of even a year ago. The managed payments plan will probably be **bleep** when it is finally fully implemented. I'm certainly cultivating an exit plan if thing gets too bad. I don't consider myself an employee of eBay but sometimes it seems like they think we're employees. I can't think of any other company where the employees can quit and walk out the door with all of the company's inventory, at least not legally.

Message 105 of 134
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