Cultivate your business on many of the very functional venues that have
sprung up over the past few years(mostly due to eBay's dysfunction) and
it will be fun again.
No need to buy one. Just knock the cobwebs off the old one that worked
nearly perfectly from 1995 to whenever they installed the garbage
they're trying to using now.
I'm not sure why anyone would belittle you for it. I use my smart phone
for at least 98% of my business. The only reason I haven't ditched my
laptop completely is I don't like the way my shipping labels and
invoices look when I print them from my pho...
Obviously, the OP doesn't know what it's worth. It's worth what someone
will pay for it, that may be $20 or $250. That's why they are using the
auction format. How is this affecting sellers and causing buyers any
problem at all? Dude! You always come...