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Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybody

This month I have until now 0 sales the last month only one. This is a disaster !!.


What is going to do Ebay in order to stop a collective crash and in consequence the similar destiny for the Company in general?. WITHOUT SELLERS EBAY WILL BE OUT !!

Message 1 of 134
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133 REPLIES 133

Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

It could very well be that his  "normal" buyers are using their available   discrectionary funds on buying  gifts for their families, friends, etc. vs. their own  interests.

Maybe the OP  should poll  his folks that  bought  his products in  the last 90 days ask why they not buy now.  When I was a street sales person I would  ask my repeat  customers why there  been a lull in purchases and when might they be in the market again so I can have product available for quick delivery  I would  get good  input.


With some items  listed in the upper $300  range it doesn't take too many purchases to  get to a monthly  gross of $2K.

Didn't indicate the  buyers switched  hobbies - but  with a limited interest market sales swings run  hot and cold are  common - as in "some days  you are a diamond some days you are a chunk of coal".  No straight line sales  activity can be  predicted except for the sale  of my BP meds and the mg is subject to  change.


So what is your SWAG on this situation????



"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
"The Devil made me do it!" - Flip Wilson
"If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too!" J.R. Johnson
Message 16 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

What I can't figure out, Is why when my USA customers stop buying, My UK, Australia, and my South America customers all stop buying too.
Message 17 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

Ask your  customers that bought stuff - only they can tell you.  I think you can only contact those that bought within the last 90 days.

"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
"The Devil made me do it!" - Flip Wilson
"If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too!" J.R. Johnson
Message 18 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

I also went from having many sales here on Ebay, to no sales. It didn't happen over time, It happened overnight. I decided that I am sick of the games eBay plays and closed my store yesterday. As soon as my listings expire, I will be all done with eBay. I am not renewing them. What is kind of funny, I sell the exact same thing on Etsy, for the exact same price, and my sales have not dropped. I am still selling several night lights a day over for all of you who insists that people are not getting sales because their items are not in demand anymore, I think that my Etsy store proves that theory wrong.

Message 19 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

I think basically the threshold for keeping strict records and filing of taxes , keeping a business licence is about 5000 dollars a year and more tends to break out of the hobby seller realm. eBay might be imposing some selling limits on some sellers who need protection from being shut down in some states, internet law regarding these topics is rapidly changing, the days of limitless unregulated selling on the web might be soon ending for the small hobby seller.
Message 20 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

Yes totaaly agree.

I did 10k in Novermber and a $200 in Dec, that cannot be right, something has happened

Message 21 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

I don't pay as much attention to my e-bay sales as I should, as I sell via multiple streams. However, I recently noticed that some of my items would not show up when I did a search for them. I called E-bay, and for a change, the rep was actually helpful and figured out that when typing a search for my items, it would automaitcally be directed to a specific category. Since I listed my items under a different category, they would not show up in the search. When typing in the MPN (which no one does, they use the model number), then my items would show up.


I pointed out to the Ebay rep that as a result of this policy, more than half of the listings for these items on Ebay where invisible, as more than half of the sellers listed the item in a different category than the one E-bay chose for it. He noted the problem, but doubtful E-bay will do anything about it.


The anoying thing is that the category which E-bay chose, takes a higher seller commision, and requires free returns in order to qualify for the Top Seller discount, aside for the fact, that in my opinion, the items I sell fit better into  the category I placed them in (business VOIP phones do not fit into the Tablets and Notebook category).


Not sure when Ebay started doing this, but I think this has been going on for a while, likely cost me 10's of thousands in sales. Kind of insane considering I don't remember seeing any notification of this change. you may want to check and see if this is affecting your sales as well.


The other issue is promoted sales. If you aren't using it, but your competitors are, that can affect your ran and prioritize competitors listings. Sometimes there can also be new sellers of your item on Ebay which means more competition. 



Message 22 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

I have been a seller of antiques on eBay since 1998...and yes, sales are not what they used to be...not even close.  One of the factors in this, I believe, is that many specialty buyers are going to specialty buy/sell groups on Facebook and the main reasons they give is that they have been screwed over too many times by unscrupulous eBay sellers.  Of course, there are also none of the questionable "protections" eBay provides either.   Sellers, however, love that they can sell of FB with none of the outrageous fees and ever more hostile rules that eBay imposes on its sellers.  And now eBay wants us to pay to "promote" our listings.  Isn't that what they are supposed to be doing anyway?  We all need a better alternative.

Message 23 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

i tried looking for my card from someone else computer and i couldnt find it, i put in the exact title of the item letter for letter, couldnt do it and went to another computer.  so i think ur theroy is right on spot. i think i will stop using ebay after the first of the year.  just dont have the patince anymore

Message 24 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

i agree with the comments on why this is happening.....i too noticed a droped in sales but...i have a job that pays the bills soooo..but as far as whats going on some of it might just might be from the stock market drop..every one is being a little tight with the money right now! that has to be at least a little bit of a factor. i just wished for more free listing ive got $50,000  sitting in unsold and another 50k+ i could list that im  not relisting till i get FREE listings im not paying $100's in insertion fees for stuff that doesnt sell...MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL!!!

Message 25 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

You said you wanted some answers and direction. The answer is in the search algorithms. The direction is to sell multiples of one item. If you sell one of a kind items, due to an algorithm in the search engine which goes on how many sales that item has made you will lose visibility because you will be unable to make more than one sale on that item. Also, if you do not offer free shipping, and returns (as well as other requirements that ebay wants you to do) that is also in the search algorithms your visibility will go down.
In other words, ebay is pushing new, multiple item listings and that is the directions they are going.
This is what I have found in the past year and a half, and why I no longer sell on ebay.
Message 26 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

Can we all say Chinesebay. Managed payments is design for overseas buyers not the US Consumer. Take a look at all of the fake concert and sport t shirts on ebay. No way have they paid copyrights to manufacture them. But ebay allows them to be sold here. Don't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Ebay needs true Americans running the company.

Message 27 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

Provide as many perks to your customers like free shipping free returns generous return policies to get in the best match.  Do a sell similar relist on your items from time to time. I am not sure why this works but I thibk it partly due to google putting your listings low on search when they have been sitting too long, and I believe this re sets your ebay listings as well for better search. Add new items every day as well to get into better search ranks.

Message 28 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

That sounds about right. I guess if you sell antiques and vintage items that puts you behind the eight ball. I will try a little longer because ebay still is bringing more in than other venues for me but I cannot afford the free shipping and returns so that is where I draw the line.

Message 29 of 134
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Re: Ebay must invent something quickly. The sales are going down and down and we will crash everybod

do you think it is because they have the sponser thing going so your item is up front so more people see it,but of course it cost you a %

Message 30 of 134
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