03-18-2024 11:03 AM - edited 03-18-2024 11:23 AM
NOT trying to sell anything here.
I just listed some twinkle light covers and included the history of how they disappeared for years then reappeared as a gift on my front porch last Christmas eve. (True story). Now I'm wondering whether to remove that info from the listing. I've never written this type of listing description.
Do buyers even care about that kind of background? Do you include info on your personal use of an item in a listing description?
03-18-2024 11:05 AM
I doubt most buyers care. In rare cases it might be relevant, but I would not expect buyers to care about that particular type of detail except to think that maybe you don't take good care of your stuff (not saying that's the case, just how it might come across).
03-18-2024 11:09 AM
It can't hurt to add it. There might be that one buyer that reads it and must have it.
03-18-2024 11:11 AM
I wouldn't add that information. I only put in what I think the buyer cares about and I doubt they care about something that disappeared and then reappeared (from a thief who got a conscience?).
03-18-2024 11:16 AM - edited 03-18-2024 11:17 AM
I like reading personal stories/histories about items - it sometimes might give me that last bit of encouragement to purchase. However, I'm a 50-year old female that's been told I am "boomer-like" and old-fashioned 😉
03-18-2024 11:19 AM
I do it too. I think it's charming. It probably won't make or break a sale, but I think it's giving a little something extra that might be amusing to people, maybe make someone smile.
03-18-2024 11:21 AM
Back in the olden golden days of ebay when most items were vintage and being recovered from attics etc maybe, now, not so much.
03-18-2024 11:29 AM
Some people won't care. Others will enjoy the story and appreciate that you took the time to tell it. Personally, I'd leave it in.
03-18-2024 12:10 PM
Yes, it always helps to mention that what you're selling is something you got for free last Christmas.
03-18-2024 01:12 PM
I don't include any personal history on my items, just don't think that buyer's would be that interested. Maybe if it was a very unique item. I believe most buyers read the header and decide then, if they are going to buy, Hard enough to get them to read any descriptions of the items.
03-18-2024 01:17 PM
03-18-2024 01:23 PM
I do sometimes, particularly if it's a vintage item where how it was obtained in the first place may matter to someone (for example, an autographed item, a program personally obtained from a play or such, or a very rare item). On the other side of the coin, I have had quite a few people ask the history of items after they've purchased, or tell me why they purchased it (grandpa had one just like it, glad to replace a lost item, it was my favorite toy when I was a kid, etc.)
03-18-2024 02:00 PM
I love hearing feedback from the buyer if they have a personal connection with the item.
03-18-2024 02:00 PM
I sell mainly new items so no. But it can be interesting looking at a story about an item on a listing as long as it is on the listing below all of the necessary information. I hate having to scroll past stuff that isn't useful to me in order to get to the required information.
03-18-2024 02:07 PM
"Do buyers even care about that kind of background? Do you include info on your personal use of an item in a listing description?"
A lot depends on the Thing I'm trying to sell.
I still have in my possession a red coat made by my grandmother for my mother at age three. There are photos of my mom in the coat. Mom would now be 103 years old -- meaning the coat is 100 years old.
Likewise two mid-century modern hanging lamps that my parents had in their bedroom.
On February 9, 1971, the whole family was woken up at 6:00 a.m. by the Sylmar Earthquake. Even without his glasses, my dad could see that both lamps were bouncing up and down like yo-yos. We're all lucky they didn't hit the ceiling and shatter.
But a (true) story about how I purchased some baking dishes on QVC and put them away for safe storage, promptly forgot about them and never used them, so now after 12 years I'm trying to sell them -- yeeeeeaah, no.