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Can we sell Organic Marshmallows on eBay?

One of the up and coming cash crops in our local farming community is the organically grown Marshmallow.   Below are some pictures of mature "Mallows" (as they are affectionately called) in some local fields.  The secret to successful Marshmallow growing is to provide adequate spacing between the mature Mallows.  Since they are air breathers, similar to Ionantha Guatemala, and obtain their nutrients naturally through the air the more space and fresh air they have the better they produce.   When a Mallow gets to be this size it will spawn smaller ones that can be collected, packaged and sold in stores. 






Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 1 of 164
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163 REPLIES 163

Re: Can we sell Organic Marshmallows on eBay?

It is post 113 on this thread.  I was replying to it in my post.  

....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 136 of 164
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Re: Can we sell Organic Marshmallows on eBay?

@katzrul15 wrote:

It is post 113 on this thread.  I was replying to it in my post.  

Okay now I am so confused. LOL


I thought Old Coin was talking about where itsjustapsrian's name came from..

I'm lost.. 

People in life that are the happiest don't have the most,, they make the most of what they have...

Message 137 of 164
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Re: Can we sell Organic Marshmallows on eBay?

No idea - he replied to me to ask where I got the "tidy" home for Mr lincoln.  It is from post 113 - I replied to it.


Mr Lincoln's home has to be tidy - otherwise, storing his "mallows" would really be a problem.  AS AC pointed out (great catch, btw), the tidy home mantras now include "adoration".  So, am guessing Mr Lincoln's would be one of great envy!  lol

....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 138 of 164
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Re: Can we sell Organic Marshmallows on eBay?

@oldcoin007 wrote:

Hi - If you don't mind me asking, did your ebay name come from Monty Python? Thanks. 

I am a huge fan of Monty Python - the Dead Parrot sketch is funny and I think everyone should be required by law to watch 'The Argument Bureau' at least once - but my Ebay name came from Dave Barry. He wrote a book on how guys can go into total denial over injuries where everything is just a sprain - even if an important limb is threatening to fall off.


I found a quote from that chapter in a Google search just now so see if this link below will work.

Message 139 of 164
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Re: Can we sell Organic Marshmallows on eBay?

@katzrul15 wrote:

No idea - he replied to me to ask where I got the "tidy" home for Mr lincoln.  It is from post 113 - I replied to it.


Mr Lincoln's home has to be tidy - otherwise, storing his "mallows" would really be a problem.  AS AC pointed out (great catch, btw), the tidy home mantras now include "adoration".  So, am guessing Mr Lincoln's would be one of great envy!  lol

@katzrul15  Well, aside from all the rain and not being able to cut the Tidy grass I ran out back quick and took these tidy pics ... this is our Tidy shed where our Tidy garden tractor stays ...



And here is our Tidy fence at the bottom of the Tidy yard ... notice the Tidy bird houses that I built in my Tidy garage ... the birds are Tidy too because their House's are Tidy!  




And here is our Tidy cut, split and stacked Firewood that we burn in the winter in our Tidy Wood Stove in our Tidy basement ...



I would  share more but it is time to Tidy up around here ...

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 140 of 164
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Re: Can we sell Organic Marshmallows on eBay?

Thanks Pika! 

Message 141 of 164
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Re: Can we sell Organic Marshmallows on eBay?

Ah, the mystery cleared up. Cool name btw. Thanks, lane

Message 142 of 164
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Re: Can we sell Organic Marshmallows on eBay?

@mr_lincoln wrote:

@katzrul15 wrote:

No idea - he replied to me to ask where I got the "tidy" home for Mr lincoln.  It is from post 113 - I replied to it.


Mr Lincoln's home has to be tidy - otherwise, storing his "mallows" would really be a problem.  AS AC pointed out (great catch, btw), the tidy home mantras now include "adoration".  So, am guessing Mr Lincoln's would be one of great envy!  lol

@katzrul15  Well, aside from all the rain and not being able to cut the Tidy grass I ran out back quick and took these tidy pics ... this is our Tidy shed where our Tidy garden tractor stays ...



And here is our Tidy fence at the bottom of the Tidy yard ... notice the Tidy bird houses that I built in my Tidy garage ... the birds are Tidy too because their House's are Tidy!  




And here is our Tidy cut, split and stacked Firewood that we burn in the winter in our Tidy Wood Stove in our Tidy basement ...



I would  share more but it is time to Tidy up around here ...

It's so...tidy.  It makes me ashamed of my untidy existence...everything in chez Chapeau-Noir is awry.  Perhaps someday, one of these non-sequitur bots may tell me  "I envy your awry house."


I wait in hopeful anticipation.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 143 of 164
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Re: Can we sell Organic Marshmallows on eBay?


My mom who is only 73 wont even make her own bed or dish up her own dinner.

She CAN do it, she just wont.."


I am only 4 years younger.  Yikes.  She sounds depressed.  Have you thought of getting her into counseling, or suggesting a new interest or hobby?  Reading that scares me because during this whole pandemic being ripped away from the music I have felt myself slipping into the whole 'what for' thing.  DON'T WANT TO GO THERE YET!!!!


Oh my...I will add your mother to my blessings.

Message 144 of 164
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Re: Can we sell Organic Marshmallows on eBay?

"I like listening to Beethoven's 1st piano concerto."


Personally I adore Moonlight Sonata...though it gets boring to play on the keyboard, all those dang bass notes.

Message 145 of 164
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Re: Can we sell Organic Marshmallows on eBay?

" but my Ebay name came from Dave Barry. "


Dave Barry!  One of the funniest writers fave is the Death Flu where at the end he says something like "and when they find me I will have no ears."  His dog licked them off, and his wife is a cocoon in the bed, and unresponsive.  Having gone through that same Flu about 30 years ago and lost 30 pounds I could relate.


Had that flu twice and called it the Alien Death Flu...nothing tasted right so just didn't eat.  It's a great diet though.  LOL.

Message 146 of 164
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Re: Can we sell Organic Marshmallows on eBay?

"I would  share more but it is time to Tidy up around here ..."


I'm not sure what to ask first.  Your address or can I move in with you and yours?

Message 147 of 164
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Re: Can we sell Organic Marshmallows on eBay?


It's so...tidy.  It makes me ashamed of my untidy existence...everything in chez Chapeau-Noir is awry.  Perhaps someday, one of these non-sequitur bots may tell me  "I envy your awry house."


I would so love an awry house...mine is an a-wreck house.    To paraphrase someone here, I don't need a broom I need a bulldozer.  And that's just for the books...

Message 148 of 164
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Re: Can we sell Organic Marshmallows on eBay?

@chapeau-noir   "I envy your awry house."



Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 149 of 164
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Re: Can we sell Organic Marshmallows on eBay?

Individually or by the bag?

"Those who enter the arena unarmed or unprepared are quickly dispatched."
Message 150 of 164
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