12-24-2024 07:25 PM
Buyer says she ordered a pattern from me but I don't show any purchases from her. I did check sold items and see another seller sold that pattern in the last 2 days. I can't contact ebay because the pattern
doesn't show up on my contact list.
12-24-2024 07:36 PM
You should advise that person that you never got an order from them. Perhaps, they tried to make a purchase and never completed the transaction.
12-24-2024 08:12 PM
This buyer may be contacting you based on search results showing you selling the identical item. Advise the buyer to check their Purchase History page. If they don't see the item, they never purchased from anyone. If they do see the item, they purchased from someone other than you.
12-24-2024 09:46 PM
By chance, did your buyer place the order using a guest account? The guest account ebay ID will not match the regular ebay ID. 🎅🙏✌️
12-24-2024 11:31 PM
Tell the seller what you have told us.
Then Block them.
Life is too short to deal with stupid people.
12-24-2024 11:36 PM
They are already looking to you for their item after only two days from purchasing and on Christmas Eve?
I'm sure you have told the buyer that you don't show the sale. Suggest that your buyer looks at their Items Purchased. That should tell them the whole story. Did they purchase it from someone else or did they just never purchase it. They should be able to resolve their own question by just looking at their Purchases.
12-25-2024 05:30 AM
I entered the pattern number into the search bar, clicked on sold items. There was a sale of the same pattern, same size sold on December 23. I asked her in an email if it was possible she bought from them. She did state Ebay mailed her notice that the seller shipped the pattern. Pretty sure it was the same person I found on sold items. She has a feedback of 2. I find the lower the feedback is, the less they know how e-bay works so I try being polite and as helpful as possible.
12-25-2024 05:35 AM
I looked for sold items for the pattern she says she ordered. Another seller showed the purchase of the same pattern. I asked her if it was possible she bought from them. She has a feedback of 2. I try to be as helpful
and polite as possible even tho I know she can't leave any feedback for me.
12-25-2024 05:54 AM
It sounds like this could be similar to a thread I saw yesterday where ebay redirects links to ended items and shows a similar active listing instead. This regularly happens from ended search results, but apparently it will also happen from buyers history.. I would guess that the item they get redirected to is yours and they don't see the very small link at the top to show the original listing.
12-25-2024 09:51 AM
Guest accounts need to stop. Every buyer needs to be registered, and financial payment account verified.
Is this not the same rule for seller?
12-25-2024 11:15 AM
Once you've kindly informed the buyer that she bought from someone else, why would you give this situation another thought?
12-25-2024 12:05 PM
@sextons-sweet-deals wrote:Guest accounts need to stop. Every buyer needs to be registered, and financial payment account verified.
Is this not the same rule for seller?
Almost everywhere I shop online I am offered the choice of buying as a guest or registering. It's a pretty standard thing in ecommerce.
Doing away with guest accounts would be a very bad thing in my opinion, new buyers who come to eBay may be hesitant to register and would be lost buyers.
12-25-2024 01:58 PM
"I can't contact ebay because the pattern doesn't show up on my contact list."
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
12-25-2024 02:29 PM
@hyasnthgrl wrote:Buyer says she ordered a pattern from me but I don't show any purchases from her. I did check sold items and see another seller sold that pattern in the last 2 days. I can't contact ebay because the pattern
doesn't show up on my contact list.
You don't need to contact eBay - just tell this person that you have never had a transaction with her and she may have her sellers confused.
12-30-2024 07:22 PM
@hyasnthgrl wrote:I entered the pattern number into the search bar, clicked on sold items. There was a sale of the same pattern, same size sold on December 23. I asked her in an email if it was possible she bought from them. She did state Ebay mailed her notice that the seller shipped the pattern. Pretty sure it was the same person I found on sold items. She has a feedback of 2. I find the lower the feedback is, the less they know how e-bay works so I try being polite and as helpful as possible.
I've had similar situations @hyasnthgrl . In short, buyer sends me a message asking where their item is. I have no record of a sale for that item and that buyer ID.
If I did sell that item recently to someone else (I sell multi-quantity), I'll ask if they used a different ID to please message me from that ID. And if not, I suggest they may have purchased the item from another seller and they should go through their purchase history page and use the contact seller link on the order details page if they need further assistance.
What typically happens is the buyer did purchase from a different seller, and because that other seller stole my photos, title, description, whole entire listing - the buyer confuses me with them. In addition, the buyer will often let me know instead of going to purchase history they just went to eBay and searched for the item and saw my listing and contacted me that way.
It's surprisingly common. Like you, I tend to be polite and steer the buyer in the right direction to get the help they're looking for. Once in a while the buyer will even come back and buy from me because their seller flaked and never shipped.