11-20-2017 03:39 PM
I am an artist and I sell artwork.I recently sold a graphite pencil drawing of a Chanel no 5 bottle. The picture I uploaded is of my artwork and the description clearly states it's artwork and the type of material used and of course dimension.The buyer receives the package and messages me that she didn't recieve what she had ordered.I assume she expected to receive a real bottle of Chanel???This has never happened to me.It's beyond weird.How can anybody be that confused?I expect she will want a refund.I don't accept returns because if the artwork is torn or stained it becomes useless.I am not sure how to handle this.
11-20-2017 03:43 PM
There are times when I really wish we could get the buyer and seller both on one of these threads.
11-20-2017 04:04 PM
11-20-2017 04:06 PM
Guess I'm not going to get Marilyn Monroe if I buy the pencil drawing?
* which is stated in the title - no need to even read the descrption.
11-20-2017 04:07 PM - edited 11-20-2017 04:07 PM
Tomorrow - around 10 am Pacific Time call Ebay and speak to a CS. Have them look at the listing and at the title and description which clearly states it is a graphite drawing. This is a buyer's remorse return nd should be closed in your favor - stay on the phone until they close it and make a note in the case - get the rep's name and decision number.
I had a similar SNAD request last week and was pleasantly surprised at how quickly they closed it - and folks - I had a foreign rep.
11-20-2017 04:25 PM
You get a bump in search for using "Chanel No. 5" as your first 3 words in the title. Also, your drawing will, annoyingly, come up in any search using those words.
You're selling a pencil drawing so may consider changing the order of your title:
Original Graphite Drawing of Chanel No. 5 Classic Perfume Bottle
Are people allowed to reproduce (iconic) imagines of copyrighted/patented/trademarked material?
11-20-2017 04:40 PM
You get a bump in search for using "Chanel No. 5" as your first 3 words in the title. Also, your drawing will, annoyingly, come up in any search using those words.
Back when the site had Categories that were actual categories, and you could access the categories, and search within the categories, it was easier to separate the perfume from the drawings...
11-20-2017 04:47 PM
People do NOT read descriptions. Obviously, this person did not bother to check the category in which you had your artwork listed.
I once sold a lot of 6 pair of new shorts, and the customer was pleasantly puzzled about why she received so many, instead of the "one" pair she thought she had bought.
Now, I had pictures of all 6 pairs, with descriptions, measurements, etc., so I never did figure out how she thought she had only bought one!
Also had a lady give me a negative because I would not refund her on the 3 dresses she had purchased for $30. This, of course, being back in the good ol' days when we were not FORCED to accept returns.
Problem is, the woman had typed in a search for LILY PULITZER size 16, and my auction came up. Unfortunately, this woman, who wanted a LADIES size 16 dress, just jumped on the bid wagon without noticing that these 3 dresses were CHILDREN'S size 16.
They were listed in the children's category---did not look like an adult's clothes---measurements were given for each dress, and YET, it was MY fault.
As a teacher, if this idiot had been one of my students, and had not learned to read during her time with me, then I would have taken some responsibility for her illiteracy and lack of judgment. However, as I was not........
11-20-2017 04:48 PM - edited 11-20-2017 04:51 PM
@*eponymous* wrote:You get a bump in search for using "Chanel No. 5" as your first 3 words in the title. Also, your drawing will, annoyingly, come up in any search using those words.
You're selling a pencil drawing so may consider changing the order of your title:
Original Graphite Drawing of Chanel No. 5 Classic Perfume Bottle
Are people allowed to reproduce (iconic) imagines of copyrighted/patented/trademarked material?
Seems kind of nit picky to me considering the millions of listings that actually do manipulate the browse and search functions. So now we're going to critique the order of words that are legitimately used?
11-20-2017 05:01 PM
It's sad that People are rarely punished for their stupidity
11-20-2017 05:15 PM - edited 11-20-2017 05:16 PM
"Are people allowed to reproduce (iconic) imagines of copyrighted/patented/trademarked material?"
Pretty sure that it is allowed. Many of Andy Warhol’s most famous "iconic" paintings included a Campbell’s soup cans, Marilyn Monroe, Brillo Boxes, Coca –Cola bottles, General Electric etc.
11-20-2017 07:07 PM
OP is selling drawings of many famous people, Marilyn Monroe, Lucille Ball, Carrie Fisher, etc. Don't you need permission from these people or their families to profit off their images?
11-21-2017 12:26 AM
@atikovi wrote:OP is selling drawings of many famous people, Marilyn Monroe, Lucille Ball, Carrie Fisher, etc. Don't you need permission from these people or their families to profit off their images?
Actually, I don't believe so since they already have notoriety. Of course, I'm not an attorney so I made be wrong. I'm assuming that the OP is talking about original works and not copies of images created by others.
11-21-2017 12:53 AM
Beautiful Artwork!
11-21-2017 01:01 AM
You are on ebay as an artist earning money, you are not on ebay as unpaid educator of the confused.
Hope you will not attract more ebay confused
Good Luck