04-11-2024 09:59 AM
Hi All,
A buyer who circumvented a block I had on their main account used a secondary account to purchase the cheapest item on my store very clearly with the intent to leave negative feedback. I talked with an ebay representative on the phone and they confirmed it was the same user (same address and last name on their account), and told me it would be okay to cancel the sale and that the buyer would not be able to leave a negative review.
However, the "buyer" ended up leaving a negative review and when I requested feedback removal, I was denied even though the buyer very clearly broke Ebay ToS by circumventing the block on their main account. In fact, even after providing more details to ebay I lost my appeal to have this feedback removed again, with them claiming the buyers experience is legitimate...
It is very wrong to me that ebay will just let any person looking for revenge to leave negative feedback even if they go out of their way to break ToS to do so. I am also bothered that they won't even consider the fact that a customer service rep advised me that it's okay to simply cancel the order, and that there is this previous solved community post stating it's okay to cancel an order with "issue with buyer's address" when you're certain they are circumventing a block.
Has anyone ever had any luck getting negative feedback in this situation removed? I am really shocked that ebay is siding with the "buyer" in my situation... would appreciate any advice if possible and especially if an ebay employee could explain my situation is different from the one linked above : /
04-16-2024 01:11 PM
@mam98031 wrote:
Just me again as I'm puzzled by your response. The OP was very clear that they contacted Ebay about this issue, it was the Ebay CSR that agreed it was the same buyer circumventing the block on their original account. So how exactly is that not enough info to determine that the buyer made a conscience decision to blow off the block, purchase with another account of theirs, then leave a negative FB because the seller had the nerve to try and stop them from circumventing the rule.
Talk about rewarding a buyer for bad behavior.
Clearly circumventing the BBL is allowed as this buyer was able to pull it off.
Sorry, I'm not trying to be difficult here. It appears the OP did EVERYTHING they should have done and even under the guidance of an Ebay CSR and still they leave this seller with no resolution.
Hopefully you will look this conversation up and have the CSR updated on the policy of Cancellations and when a buyer can leave negative FB, as they certainly messed that up which in turn caused the end result that Ebay is just making the OP live with.
This process regarding this specific type of problem is woefully inadequate for sellers. Very Sad!
Can you tell me how many times we've told people that the reps have just told them what they wanted to hear.
That doesn't equate to having enough information to actually link the accounts during a real review.
Just because someone is able to pull something off doesn't mean it's allowed. How many people have been able to pull off policy violations? Does that mean those violations are allowed? That's an extremely poor statement. People pull off speeding all the time, does that mean speeding isn't illegal?
04-16-2024 03:56 PM
Ebay needs to change (if they haven't already) the earlier written policies citing when feedbacks would be automatically removed. Have they also changed the protection on faulty returns where feedback was automatically removed if the return was handled by the seller? I've seen that buyer requested cancellations and circumventing blocks are no longer protected.
04-16-2024 04:11 PM
@fern*wood wrote:Ebay needs to change (if they haven't already) the earlier written policies citing when feedbacks would be automatically removed. Have they also changed the protection on faulty returns where feedback was automatically removed if the return was handled by the seller? I've seen that buyer requested cancellations and circumventing blocks are no longer protected.
I had a situation of a return and they told me (many months or even a few years ago) that feedback is not removed if you accept and process the return.
So I think that's been gone to the wayside for a long time.
I think if the buyer breaks the rules (and it can be proven, like in the OP's case), FB should be removable.
04-16-2024 05:47 PM
Oh I am definitely hoping this seller can get that feedback removed. And I do not like seeing that this seller did what they were told to do with the promise of this feedback being removed. Ebay not following their own darn policy on this as far as I can see. So, if I get a situation like this I sure hope I can get that feedback removed. If not, I will tell my audience looking at my items what transpired on my reply.
04-16-2024 05:59 PM
Have you tried contacting eBay for Business on facebook? I had a similar experience a couple years ago, they looked and saw it was the same buyer using another ID and they took care of it.
04-16-2024 06:02 PM
Ok. I get that. Blocking with a buyer same one coming back different account and cancelling that order is a NO NO. SORRY you cancelled their order they can leave a neg for that. Contributes to customer getting upset over item getting cancelled whether they were blocked or not.
04-16-2024 06:12 PM
Yup, it's like they think you'll offer to refund and let them keep the item, if they leave negative feedback... It's bad right now for sure.
04-16-2024 06:13 PM
Maybe I'm misunderstanding but are you saying they would have a right to be upset about that? Do you seriously think they bought the cheapest thing from this seller because they really wanted it? Did you not read their other replies in the thread, talking about the background information with this person?
04-16-2024 06:14 PM
I believe I too, am a victim of this, but they refused to remove it as well. Something needs to be done.
04-16-2024 06:23 PM
Well then here's what I would love to know: Have they also "streamlined the experience" for buyers who've had sellers leave comments under the guise of a "positive" where they describe what bad behaviors the buyer did?
04-16-2024 10:47 PM
Well that one is in direct conflict with the written and published policy. If the seller canceled the transaction with the reason the buyer requested it, the buyer is not suppose to be allowed to leave feedback of any kind.
04-16-2024 10:50 PM
Can you tell me how many times we've told people that the reps have just told them what they wanted to hear.
No stats available that I'm aware of.
That doesn't equate to having enough information to actually link the accounts during a real review.
I'm not sure what this means. Are you saying if an Ebay CSR tells you the accounts are linked together that isn't enough to believe they are linked together?
Just because someone is able to pull something off doesn't mean it's allowed. How many people have been able to pull off policy violations? Does that mean those violations are allowed? That's an extremely poor statement. People pull off speeding all the time, does that mean speeding isn't illegal?
OK, but that doesn't change anything I've said on the subject.
04-16-2024 10:51 PM
@sin-n-dex wrote:
@fern*wood wrote:Ebay needs to change (if they haven't already) the earlier written policies citing when feedbacks would be automatically removed. Have they also changed the protection on faulty returns where feedback was automatically removed if the return was handled by the seller? I've seen that buyer requested cancellations and circumventing blocks are no longer protected.
I had a situation of a return and they told me (many months or even a few years ago) that feedback is not removed if you accept and process the return.
So I think that's been gone to the wayside for a long time.
I think if the buyer breaks the rules (and it can be proven, like in the OP's case), FB should be removable.
Well that is true except when the FB the buyer left breaches some rule. With that said, the subject of this thread doesn't have anything to do with FB that was left after a return happened.
04-16-2024 10:54 PM
@vintagecraze50 wrote:Ok. I get that. Blocking with a buyer same one coming back different account and cancelling that order is a NO NO. SORRY you cancelled their order they can leave a neg for that. Contributes to customer getting upset over item getting cancelled whether they were blocked or not.
What? So you think it is OK for a blocked buyer to use a different account and purchase from the seller that blocked them? So it is OK for the buyer to break the rules and have the right to damage the seller's account when the seller did nothing wrong. Broke no rule. The buyer broke the rule, not the seller. But the seller doesn't get protected????
04-17-2024 02:18 AM
I went assuming that from what that post I responded to said is that for some reason maybe ebay has some new rule not explicitly stated of their own about not removing feedback if it was a cancelled sale regardless of the rules the buyer broke. I have no idea why they staunchly refused to remove this feedback