09-01-2023 02:20 PM
A customer ordered and immediately paid for four dinner plates. When they received them, they never contacted me, but filed a SNAD claiming "they received the wrong item". In their notes, they admitted they ordered the wrong item and I shipped exactly what they ordered. They demanded I contact them to work out how I could exchange their dinner plates for B&B plates (which I don't have). I responded to the SNAD explaining the auction was clear that this was an "as is" sale, and that I don't accept returns. I then explained that I don't have the plates they want and there was nothing I could do. I reported the buyer for abuse of the buyer's protection policy, but haven't heard anything from eBay. But, the SNAD is still open.
What are my chances? Since they filed a clearly bogus claim and I reported them, will eBay find in my favor? They don't even give the seller the option to request a decision anymore. The only option I have is to refund or accept the return and pay postage both ways (about $15 shipping each way for an item that sold for $25).
The only other thing I can think of is to explain to them that my total profit on this deal was about $10. Then offer them a $10 credit if they'll let it drop. I'm not happy with that idea, but it would at least protect my account from the damage they could do.
09-01-2023 02:46 PM
Sorry, but as an experienced seller, Im sure you know there is no such thing as 'as is' or 'no returns' on Ebay..not when a snad is filed. Hopefully your buyer will accept your partial refund, you wont get your fvf's back with that tho. If not, and you want the dishes back, provide a return label, and refund after return..but since you refused the return, the buyer will probably ask Ebay to step in, they will refund her without returning the plates, and give you a defect to boot, for being an unresponsive seller.good luck.
09-01-2023 02:54 PM
I sell hundreds of plates, if the total of item sold is $25, I would refund, they can keep the plates or trash/donate them, consider it a loss.
09-01-2023 02:57 PM
That's unfortunate you don't accept returns because if you did have at least buyer pays returns and you are top rated seller then eBay would credit you $6 for the false INAD towards the return shipping. You would also be able to deduct up to 50% off the refund if the plates happened to come back damaged at all. There really is no reason for sellers to have no returns. If you would have had buyer pays returns they may have even been honest in the reason for returning and then they would have had to pay the return shipping. But when they can't even open a return without lying about the reason then they'll just lie then you end up having to eat that cost.
EBay will say it's the cost of doing business and you need to write off the loss on your taxes. I don't know if they will accept your $10 offer but that is definitely the best case scenario for you. If they don't then you have a choice whether you want to pay $15 to get back a $25 item.
09-01-2023 03:01 PM
If the return reason is something that falls under the eBay MBG (Non buyer remorse reason) then the seller can't make a decision other than refund or accept and send a return label.
Sellers can only make decisions if it's buyer remorse, and even then if a seller violates their return policy, it can be turned into an eBay MBG case.
I would offer a 50% partial refund. If they deny it then I would just refund them full.
09-01-2023 03:12 PM
I've had very few complaints, and have just refunded in the past. But, this one was particularly upsetting due to how they handled it, filing a bogus claim without contacting me first, then demanding something that isn't possible.
With shipping, it was about $40, plus the roughly $10 I paid for them, I'd be out $50 when they admitted I did nothing wrong. Since getting laid off on 3/20/2020, eBay along with a couple local antique shops is how I pay my mortgage and feed my family. The way I have to look at it is that they're stealing about a half a weeks groceries with their dishonesty. It won't break me, but sometimes you have to take a stand. I know to pick my battles. If I can't win, I'll cave. My question is when the SNAD is obviously bogus, and I proactively filed against them, what's the chance eBay will find for the seller?
Over the past 20 years, I've fought three SNADs. I won one.
09-01-2023 03:15 PM
See this similar post from yesterday.
09-01-2023 03:15 PM
I would say your chance of winning this is nil..sorry..I understand your aggravation.
09-01-2023 03:44 PM
@kuriouskeepsakes wrote:I've had very few complaints, and have just refunded in the past. But, this one was particularly upsetting due to how they handled it, filing a bogus claim without contacting me first, then demanding something that isn't possible.
With shipping, it was about $40, plus the roughly $10 I paid for them, I'd be out $50 when they admitted I did nothing wrong. Since getting laid off on 3/20/2020, eBay along with a couple local antique shops is how I pay my mortgage and feed my family. The way I have to look at it is that they're stealing about a half a weeks groceries with their dishonesty. It won't break me, but sometimes you have to take a stand. I know to pick my battles. If I can't win, I'll cave. My question is when the SNAD is obviously bogus, and I proactively filed against them, what's the chance eBay will find for the seller?
Over the past 20 years, I've fought three SNADs. I won one.
If you've kept all the messages, I would contact eBay for Business on Facebook and state your case there (don't include personal details, just the flow of conversation) - they may give your bogus buyer a courtesy refund.
Normally I don't refer to eBay Facebook as I think it's done so much as to be abused, but this case really calls for a CS agent who knows what they're doing.
09-01-2023 04:12 PM
OK, I sent my $10 offer with an explanation and advised they resell the plates to recoup their expense. But, that brings up another question. What if they don't respond at all. With my offer on the table, what will eBay do?
09-01-2023 04:18 PM
If they dont respond, on the fourth day they can ask Ebay to step in, and they will be refunded and keep the plates.
09-01-2023 04:24 PM
What if they don't do anything? If they don't respond to my offer, and they don't ask eBay to close the case.
If I'm correct, if I hadn't made an offer, eBay would step in after the deadline whether asked to not. But, if I have an offer on the table, what then?
09-01-2023 04:28 PM
If they dont accept the offer,Ebay could step in, or the case will time out. Then she'll probably go to her cc, and you'll pay an extra $20 for that chargeback.
09-01-2023 04:32 PM
If you submit an offer thru the return case, it puts the return case on hold until the buyer responds or the return case times out.
If the buyer waits until after the initial 3 days for the seller to accept the return, the buyer can refuse the partial refund and turn around and ask eBay to step in and the automated system will refund in full and provide a seller defect for your account.
09-01-2023 04:53 PM - edited 09-01-2023 04:53 PM
Don't let it time out like that because then you'll get a serious defect on your account. If you don't hear back from them in a couple days make your decision about whether to send a label or to fully refund without getting it back.
You should spend more time reading the eBay community so you would be aware of how little protection sellers have against INAD claims and you could protect yourself by at least having buyer pays returns.
Don't sell anything ob ebay that you can't afford to lose to a scammer because of how easily they get away with it.