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Beware of buyers. What a nightmare, went out of my way for this woman, never again.

This buyer purchased a brand new unworn wig from me. She contacted me at least three times getting the price down, telling me she was exhausting her savings. Then she paid with a card and it bounced, then she said it was because there was fraud on her card. Then she asked if I could hold the wig until her husband could help her pay for it. I lowered price three times for her. I told her all about the wig and explained very clearly that there is a no return policy. I did this because I sensed she was a problem, that feeling we all develop as sellers is always right. Sure enough…..I get this rude wild message in the middle of the night “ Your wig stinks”. How rude people are when you are going out of your way to be nice, it’s unreal.

No I have sold many many of these wigs and they don’t stink, what a liar. She has had it a long time , hasn’t returned, probably going to wear it right up into the last day. Stupid liar saying when I took photos my  house perfume got on it. What the h** , you have to take things out of the box. But wait, no amount of logic matters because she has cancer. She also has a hefty income per an internet search. But my husband had cancer and we wouldn’t act like this using it to scam. I will never resell it after her germs are on it, so thanks EBay for the loss.

Message 1 of 53
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Re: Beware of buyers. What a nightmare, went out of my way for this woman, never again.

Wow, just wow. 

I'm sorry that you had a go with someone difficult,  but to use a heading "beware of cancer byers" is just not okay.  

Maybe I should of not said anything but it hits hard.

I wish for you only good things.


Message 2 of 53
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Re: Beware of buyers. What a nightmare, went out of my way for this woman, never again.



No matter the circumstances this post is not going to be a good look for you or eBay. It's not going to age well and now its going to be on the internet forever.


Best of luck to you in all of your future endeavors.

Message 3 of 53
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Re: Beware of buyers. What a nightmare, went out of my way for this woman, never again.


Anyone who sells on ebay long enough will eventually run into a difficult buyer. But your title is totally inappropriate and someone who claims to have gone "out of your way" for her this buyer would not (or should not) have titled a thread as you did. 


Your rant does not make me sympathetic about your complaint. 


EDIT: Oh my gosh OP! Your reply to the feedback you received makes you look really bad. 


And if your buyer reports the feedback you left for her, it'll be removed and you'll get a feedback violation on your record. Sellers are NOT allowed to leave negative comments for buyers. 

Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 4 of 53
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Re: Beware of buyers. What a nightmare, went out of my way for this woman, never again.

If I were you I'd have this thread yanked. It's not making you look very good.

“The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.” - Henry Kissinger

"Do not obey in advance." Timothy Snyder "On Tyranny"
Message 5 of 53
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Re: Beware of buyers. What a nightmare, went out of my way for this woman, never again.

What do you mean her payment with her card bounced? If it did, how did you get the green light to ship the wig to her?


Also by “the wig stinks”, do you mean it has a foul odor or it sucks? I can see it being either one for a complaining buyer.

Message 6 of 53
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Re: Beware of buyers. What a nightmare, went out of my way for this woman, never again.

Lessons to be learned.

Never dicker on price. Use Best Offer but set your automatic Accept/Reject parameters and you will not get into any discussions.

Any whining about how poor  and sick they are should lead to the Blocked Buyer List.

The only discussion of condition should be "I regret you are unhappy with your purchase. Please return it for refund."

If the customer wants a partial refund : "I regret you are unhappy with your purchase. Please return it for refund."

If the customer wants to return the purchase? "I regret you are unhappy with your purchase. Please return it for refund."

If the customer opens a Claim, you can demand return, even if you have a No Returns* policy. "I regret you are unhappy with your purchase. Please return it for refund."



You might ask the eBay employees assigned to social media (not the phone clerks) if you can modify your Response to read: "I regret you are unhappy with your purchase. Please return it for refund." It can't be worse than what you did leave while upset.





*The only good reason for a No Returns policy is hygiene. But you can still demand it, even if your plan is to destroy the unwanted item.
You are probably going to have to pay for return shipping, however.

Message 7 of 53
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Re: Beware of buyers. What a nightmare, went out of my way for this woman, never again.

I am really sorry you have had to endure dealing with a couple of very problematic buyers.  But glad to hear you haven't had to battle cancer before, because if you had, you would have never worded your title that way.  As a two time Cancer survivor I can guarantee you that dealing with these types of buyers you had are a walk in the park compared to what someone battling cancer goes through.


While it is highly likely this buyer was just trying to get you to lower the price [which you voluntarily did 3x] and is now trying to bully you into offering a partial refund, make no mistake there is a thing called Chemo Brain that absolutely happens to those going through Chemo therapy, but I'm guessing you don't know that.


Chemo brain or cancer-related cognitive impairment, is a term used to describe thinking and memory problems that can occur during or after cancer treatment, often involving difficulty concentrating, remembering things, and making decisions.   Now I don't know if this buyer is experiencing this or not.  But neither do you.


As to your return policy.  You might want to check the Ebay rules on that again.  With a no return policy, if your buyer files an INAD, you are REQUIRED to process it.  Either accept it and issue the return label or refund it and let the buyer keep the item.  


Unless your buyer shared the info with you that their payment bounced, there is no way for an Ebay seller to know that.  Ebay pings a buyer's payment choice, if the funding source does not approve it, then Ebay never tells the seller that the item was paid for because it wasn't.  Ebay then contacts the buyer to tell them to try something else.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 8 of 53
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Re: Beware of buyers. What a nightmare, went out of my way for this woman, never again.

Dealing with the general public can be one of the tougher jobs we face as sellers. Sorry you had this trying encounter. 

As sellers, it is up to us to maintain a professional demeanor and to set the tone of a transaction. This is especially important when dealing with an upset buyer and/or a poor feedback rating.  It is tempting to slide into angry responses and defensiveness, but a cool head will always stand one in good stead.


In fact, the follow-up response in feedback is the most valuable real estate on eBay. It is a prime opportunity to connect with future buyers and impact sales. Where a seller’s well-worded response can utterly diffuse a negative rating.


Prospective buyers don’t care about a random neg. They are there to see how a seller responds to that buyer’s issue. A professional comment showing concern highlights one’s customer service skills and builds buyer confidence. Most buyers are savvy enough to know that getting a poor review is inevitable the longer one sells.


So it is not the negative feedback that can do the real damage—it is the seller’s handling of it that sets the stage. But just as a well-worded follow-up comment can diffuse the neg, conversely, an ill-advised statement can make the seller look worse. It can cement in future buyers’ minds that the poor rating was deserved. 

So it is imperative to avoid angry or blaming retorts, defensiveness, and name-calling. Prospective shoppers are the audience that matters—not the current buyer, not as an avenue for warning fellow sellers. Those readers will have no effect on future sales.


Also keep in mind, that once a seller drops the veil of professionalism, all hope is lost to work with the current buyer to iron out his/her dissatisfaction, and hopefully get their ultimate cooperation in a feedback revision. Never burn your bridges down for the sake of a fleeting moment of  **bleep**-for-tat.


@blesseddivas wrote:
will never resell it after her germs are on it, so thanks EBay for the loss.”


How is eBay the cause of this loss?



Message 9 of 53
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Re: Beware of buyers. What a nightmare, went out of my way for this woman, never again.

Buyers that ask a lot of questions before purchasing are historically problematic. This isn't always the case and it could depend on the sorts of items you're selling, but yes lots of questions and haggling should be a red flag for you. In the future, just block people that act like this.  We're fortunate on this platform where that is even an option because you can't do that elsewhere. 


With that being said, the way you responded to feedback doesn't shine the best light on your. When responding to feedback, don't look at it like you're directly responding to the person who left it. Instead look at is as a way to show other potential future buyers how you handle a bad issue. If the buyer is unhinged it shows in their feedback. If you respond in a calculated and controlled way, it will get you much further when it comes to damage control. 


Message 10 of 53
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Re: Beware of buyers. What a nightmare, went out of my way for this woman, never again.

 I did this because I sensed she was a problem, that feeling we all develop as sellers is always right ... so thanks EBay for the loss.


I would blame this loss on the fact that you ignored multiple red flags - and lowered your price three times - in order to chase a sale from a buyer you sensed was a problem. 




Message 11 of 53
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Re: Beware of buyers. What a nightmare, went out of my way for this woman, never again.


she paid with a card and it bounced

How do you know this?


I lowered price three times for her

That's on you.  You said you were trying to be nice but it's your merchandise and you didn't have to lower the price three times.


I told her all about the wig and explained very clearly that there is a no return policy.

eBay's Money Back Guarantee overrides your no return policy.  If she had filed a Not as Described claim, you would have had to either issue her a return label and upon the return of the wig, issue a refund OR just issue her a refund without the return of the item.  If you do not do this and eBay has to step in, they will force you to refund and let her keep the item.


How rude people are when you are going out of your way to be nice, it’s unreal.

You thought she was rude but she may have thought you were rude.  We weren't there so we don't know.


what a liar. She has had it a long time , hasn’t returned, probably going to wear it right up into the last day. Stupid liar saying when I took photos my  house perfume got on it. What the h** , you have to take things out of the box. But wait, no amount of logic matters because she has cancer...

But my husband had cancer and we wouldn’t act like this using it to scam.

Calling her a liar twice and calling her stupid because she says she has cancer?  And you say your husband has cancer; how do we know that is true?


She also has a hefty income per an internet search.

You have no idea what is going on with a person's finances.  And frankly, it is none of your business.


I will never resell it after her germs are on it, so thanks EBay for the loss.

You indicated above that she has not returned it so how are you going to resell it?  And if she does return it, you could clean it and resell it as pre-owned.  Your choice.



Message 12 of 53
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Re: Beware of buyers. What a nightmare, went out of my way for this woman, never again.

"hefty income per an internet search. But my husband had cancer and we wouldn’t act like this using it to scam. I will never resell it after her germs are on it, so thanks EBay for the loss."


Idk why you are blaming Ebay. It was your job as a seller to block this troublemaker right from the beginning.Why are you calling her a 'narc'? Is she an undercover narcotics officer? Weird.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 13 of 53
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Re: Beware of buyers. What a nightmare, went out of my way for this woman, never again.

The only person that was being difficult was you. IMO 


Message 14 of 53
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Re: Beware of buyers. What a nightmare, went out of my way for this woman, never again.

You never should have left feedback like that, That makes you look like a nasty vindictive person!

Message 15 of 53
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