11-05-2017 12:51 PM
No views, no questions, nada. Oh well....gave me time to add another 10 listings. At least there's something. More for no one to see....lol.
12-23-2017 07:12 PM
Trying to make lemonade out of that lemon of a work schedule.. I find the sweetness of much extra $$$ in the paycheck from holiday time pay. Hope that is something that you get.
12-23-2017 07:17 PM
12-23-2017 07:42 PM
No views, no questions, nada. Oh well....gave me time to add another 10 listings. At least there's something. More for no one to see....lol. oddities
Not dead yet , but I can hear the death rattle . Two weeks ago I had great sales ,, better than ever before . This past week ,, three big fat sales ! almost 4 though . A customer wanted me to remove all of the charms inside another locket I have listed for sale and put them in the locket she was interested in . This happened last Thursday ,, plus she wanted me to get it to her by today Dec . 23rd . I told her I can't dismantle jewelry that I have already listed and I couldn't get a order to her in that short of time either. Oh well ,, hopefully sales will pick up .
12-24-2017 01:28 PM
This weekend is going better than expected for a holiday. So far, 3 eBay sales totalling $57.84, and a pair of Etsy sales with a total of $15.90. Amusingly, one of those Etsy sales was a McDonalds Littlest Pet Shop figure from 1996; and it just went up a few days ago. 35 cents at Salvation Army turned into a $7.95 plus shipping minus fees sale. 😄
Now I need to get dressed soon and make a trip next door to deliver a bottle of Kraken to my neighbor as thanks for the 1/5 ounce of his home grown weed to help tide me over until my next plant is ready (last 2 ended up being male).